Planet Rock | Shadow Raiders // War Planets

In the heart of the Cluster lies Planet Rock, it’s people are as resilient and stubborn as their homeworld. And the last best defense against the Beast Planet.

The Templin Institute. Investigating alternate worlds.

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Background music “Day of Victory”. Used under license from

Ending music “Battle Forever” used under license from


27 thoughts on “Planet Rock | Shadow Raiders // War Planets”

  1. It's amazing that this series was made by Mainframe Studios, the same guys that did Reboot. With such incredible world building, it's a real shame this never got past 26 episodes due to disappointing toy sales.

    I'd probably say I'd like to see a continuation, but I'm not holding my breath. The company that made the toys the series was based on went out of business years ago, and I don't have to remind you of what happened to Reboot: The Guardian Ripoff Code.

    I hope you'll do the other world-factions from War Planets: Shadow Raiders soon.

  2. Guys!! Templin Institute!!! Anyone!!! I need you help!!! I'm having visions of an alternate world, very similar to Shadow Raiders, but not exactly it. I'm not sure if I'm suffering an extreme case of the Mandela Effect or is just my imagination. I don't remember most of the details, not even character designs that much or if it was a series or a movie. I think it was a CGI series. But I do remember this scene, of a magma planet (I think) been attacked by a some sort of devouring weapon, with claws. But the planet escapes by the last minute, thanks to the use of World Engines (I think, I do remember that it moved). But the planet took heavy damage, it looks like a husk of it's former self. And is left drifting through space. At the begging I though it was images of the destruction of Fire Planet on Shadow Raiders….but it doesn't fit!!! Fire Planet tried to ram the Beast Planet but was devoured at the end!!! Please help meeeee!!!! I must know the truth!!!

  3. I randomly tough to my self just now, hmmm lets see if there is anything new going on with SdwRds and what a nice coincidence to see that some ona made a vid on it just 2 days ago, its a shame the show was cancelled, it was awsome.

  4. That moment when planet Forest (?) can't activate its world engines and the planetary consciousness (?) realises it will die…holy shit, mate. That's one of the deepest and sorrowest moments ever seen on any kids' show. And Femur taking care of the little plant the planets gives him was also one of the sweetest redemptions to that character.

    Masterful show.

  5. It still makes me sad that the show was cancelled. There was so much potential in it, and the way the series ended was so damn good. And I've re-watched it as an adult, and I still really enjoyed it, it's really well written and all the voice actors gave it their A-Game.
    Part of me doesn't want it to be rebooted, much like Firefly, I'm not sure a modern reboot would do it justice, especially after all this time. But another part of me would LOVE to dive back into that universe.
    Definitely give us more Shadow Raiders content please.

  6. I love this and the video right after about the Inferno fighter from Planet Fire. The style was most likely developed not long after Star Wars Episode 5 the Empire Strikes Back, since it's design is similar to that of Boba Fett's ship – the Slave 1. But designed as a more personalized fighter craft and likely as fast and maneuverable as the X-Wings from Star Wars. Meanwhile the Blade Wing fighters seem to be more reminiscent of the Runabout shuttles from Star Trek DS9, where it's part shuttle and mini ship housing multiple internal functions a general fighter craft like a jet plane wouldn't bother with. Or even relating it more so to the Delta Flyer which seems to have been designed ironically like the runabouts but in a variation more adept to speed as well as versatility. If I was Graveheart then I would've picked that for my personal ship as well. Maybe even modified it a bit to be a little more like the ships from Planet Rock without losing the unique strength and design of Planet Ice's architecture. The Planet Rock fighter crafts seem to be more like conventional helicopters from Earth's history. I can't exactly put my finger on it but the design gives me thoughts of US soldiers being dropped into Vietnam during that war, or something like that. And all of them are reflections of their people which is why they're pretty slow in a dogfight compared to the Infernos and Blade Wings. And talking about all of this now was really making me wish that we had more info on the units from Planet Bone. But they never really went into those deeply in the show and I don't know if there's a comic book series or anything like that as a follow-up. As well as the ground units for Planet Bone who just look like big armored hulky versions of Femur and Pelvis. Maybe their unique bio-organic technology has advantages that the others of the series lack? Idk 🤷🏾‍♂️. At best if there was probably going to be a video about Planet Bone it might be on its political structure, considering that anybody whom is the ruling body aka King can be knocked off and replaced by somebody else at any time by someone else. Essentially Bone probably would've been easier to take over than Planet Rock if the plot had Bloc land there in secret instead. And Femur sure as hell wasn't going to strap on a force field generator and fight Bloc in melee combat like Mantle at least did for his (although that bastard was really about to sacrifice not only some of his few remaining battle moons but also the one carrying the Planet Fire refugees. Once again the plot is the only reason why he didn't, growing a conscience at the last second as Pyrus begged him to save his people).


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