Plane or Shinkansen for Speed to Okayama? | Traveling Japan from Tokyo

Okayama Momotaro Airport is a regional airport in Okayama Prefecture but is it better to fly or ride in via Shinkansen?

Tokyo to Okayama Station by Shinkansen: 3 hr 13 min + 10 min boarding
Tokyo to Okayama Airport by Plane: 1 hr 20 min + 45 min check in before flight

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John Daub has been a reporter for NHK World TV since 2008 and YouTube creator & producer of the ONLY in JAPAN ® series building a community of over 1.6M. Thanks for watching!
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33 thoughts on “Plane or Shinkansen for Speed to Okayama? | Traveling Japan from Tokyo”

  1. missed live got message it'd be live 10:00am est was over I'll watch replay love the trains my grandfather was one of the first workers on the Boston Subway system in 1898 was just 18 after returning home from Spanish American war. when he retired he was 72 over 50+ years on the job n now I'm retired from Boston transit system buses and train and I turn 72 on March 14th.

  2. Hi John. This airport is cool! Love how small and quaint it is. And omg! Haven't heard the name Momotaro in decades. I read that story when I was in elementary school. Very nostalgic for me. Always love when you're visiting cool new places. Thank you for sharing this. Me personally, I'd still probably take the Shinkansen because I really enjoy riding on them. 😀

  3. I remember that book about the Peach boy. My American mother read that to me when I was little. I was adopted and still remember that book. I hope to go visit the City once I do come back to Japan John. Stay Safe over there in Japan

  4. Hi John, the best way to make a comparison between airline and train travel to a destination is to calculate from your door to your destination. I doubt when you add all the time from your home to your destination wouldn't be much different in this case especially if you include traveling from the airport to downtown Okayama.

  5. When my family flew back from Kurashiki we took the bus (IIRC it was 250 yen) to Okayama Airport, which then flew to Haneda, then to Osaka Kansai before finally to LAX. Okayama claims that Momotaro was born there that's why there's Momotaro everywhere. When we left Tokyo to Okayama we took the shinkansen because we were staying at the ANA hotel next to the hotel. Plus we had the rail pass so we used that.

  6. they say high speed railways like the Shinkansen are best suited for routes which are "too long to drive and too short to fly"…..these routes are those which takes less than two hours by flying and at least five hours by driving….I think the Tokyo-Okayama route falls in this category… for me it's better to take the Shinkansen on this route.


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