Plan In Motion

#NFTSteve #NFTAndy #NFTAnnie #Deadheads

The skies turned blood red the day the Zargon fleet descended from the stars. Their warships blocked out the sun, an endless armada primed for conquest. Finally, after lifetimes of preparation, the time had come for the Zargons to expand their galactic empire and seize new territory. Earth, so ripe with natural resources yet defended only by primitive technology, had long been marked for colonization. The Zargons came not in peace, but with a sole mission – efficiently eradicate any resistance and harvest the planet for all it was worth. They unleashed their arsenal on the helpless humans – disintegration rays reducing cities to dust, mines draining oceans dry, terraforming engines poisoning the atmosphere. Countries quickly fell as militaries were vaporized and leaders captured. Pockets of survivors fled to remote areas to form ragtag resistance groups, fighting valiantly but hopelessly against the alien overlords. Each passing day brought more devastation – forests leveled, mountains mined to rubble, the planet stripped of all life-sustaining resources. The era of humans was coming to an end. The Zargons would reshape the planet however they wished, remaking the charred surface in their image. Earth would now serve one purpose – fueling the continual expansion of the Zargon empire across the stars as they consumed without mercy. Only the bravest rebels still fought on, determined to show the galaxy humans would not vanish quietly. But their extinction seemed inevitable against the brutally efficient Zargon war machine spreading its sinister grip over Earth. All they could do was keep fighting for whatever brief time humankind had left before the last lights were extinguished.


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