Plagiarism and You(Tube)

What is plagiarism? Where did plagiarism come from? Who made plagiarism? Where am I, plagiarism? Can you help me?

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ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE THANKS to Rose (@modernmodron) who made the pixel art for the animated sequence near the end. and who I realised right after uploading I forgot to put in the credits. Iโ€™m ashamed. Please check her out HERE:

Second channel:
Your New Favourite YouTubers:

0:00:00 Intro
0:05:09 Filip
0:27:57 Cinemassacre
0:42:59 Iilluminaughtii
1:04:06 YouTube Content Mills
1:11:41 The LegalEagle Debacle
1:25:34 Cave Story
1:49:59 The Twist You Expected
2:15:11 The Celluloid Closet
2:21:57 It Got Worse
2:41:49 Shouldnโ€™t Need To Do This
2:50:31 Attack on Attack on Titan
2:58:15 Does He Know?
3:04:45 He Started A Film Studio
3:09:14 The Nightmare
3:17:00 Turnabout Summertime
3:20:01 The Cost
3:29:47 Conclusion

Useful Links:

Chris Scullionโ€™s response to Filipโ€™s plagiarism denial:


28 thoughts on “Plagiarism and You(Tube)”

  1. Its always chilling to me when someone you know isnt telling the truth lies to your face. Its like he realizes what hes doing is wrong, but does it anyway. I feel bad for his community/audience for how much hes manipulated them.

  2. I have gotten incredibly unlucky in terms of video "essayists" I've been a fan of. I stopped watching Blaire after what I felt to be an incredibly sloppy apology for a bunch of the drama stuff, but I didn't even sufficiently investigate the plagiarism accusations there. I also was still subscribed to James Somerton, even though I didn't really watch his stuff anymore. One of his videos really helped me to feel better (though I can't for the life of me remember which one), but it was most likely stolen. Stolen sentimentality that helped a young lesbian feel a bit less alone. That feeling is now poisoned by his dishonesty, and the sentences that ultimately produced that feeling may never be tracked to the source. Also I got a lot of Grammarly ads on this video, which I think is hilarious given their recent foray into digital plagiarism-I mean "A.I."

  3. James's treatment of Nick is probably much worse than it appears in this video. James wasn't just Nick's boss. Nick and James described each other as close, long-term friends on their Podreon podcast (which unfortunately, I had access to because I was a patron for 9 months). If what they said on the podcast was true, then those two have known each other since way before James's YouTube channel became popular. ๐™๐™๐™š๐™ฎ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š๐™™ ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™œ๐™š๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ง ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™ฌ๐™ค ๐™ฎ๐™š๐™–๐™ง๐™จ! They were discussing Nick moving back in with James in a different location earlier this year, so they might be living together again now. This isn't just a career betrayal for Nick; it's a deeply personal one that might be impacting their housing security. I hope people show compassion to Nick. If they really didn't know James was a fraud, then they've likely been on the receiving end of narcissistic exploitation for the better part of a decade.

  4. When I see the run time on a new vid from this gem I get so happy because I know the TWIST is gonna come and I get to hang out with their amazing voice and top notch, insightful, WELL RESEARCHED content

  5. I wouldn't even know about Somerton if Youtube hadn't recommended me some of his videos. I was gonna watch them but I kept putting them off for later since I was busy with something else at the time. Now I'm glad I never watched any of his videos..

  6. 1:55:16 Iโ€™d argue it could also be highly linked to the purity standard or quality double standards. Marginalized folk are criticized harsher by their peers and people outside of the community than those of the majority. The pressure to be perfect. I love Somerton so fuckimg much and jusy the IDEA of his plagiarizing is incredibly heartbreaking for me. But if this is the case I can understand the logic of 1) homophobes using something, true or not, as a form of harassment 2) community members and Allieโ€™s alike seeing a bad thing and going after someone even harsher than they would if that person wasnโ€™t marginalized
    But again if you fuck up, you fuck up, you should own it and fix it

  7. I swear, if theifs and cheats put as much effort into creating as they did into what they do wrong, they'd probably be top of the bar

    But no, let's just act like school kids and copy the answers

  8. Good video! Regarding your closing statements when you encourage creators to be honest, etc, I thought you ought to have had a word or two to those of us not interested in an entertainment career. You could have added "…and don't forget that it's possible to have a fulfilling life being useful in obscurity too!" Don't forget the actually useful! They need encouragement too!

  9. I've watched some of James's videos in the past but always got hung up on how sad and beaten he looks into the camera, but I thought thats just because he's a video essayist but man he just is the whiniest little shyte isn't he? (I'm only at 2:24:00, maybe it gets even worse)

  10. One of my favourite youtube creator basically left the platform because of plagiarism. I won't name and shame, because they have a much smaller following than the person who took their content, and when they tried to point it out, they essentially got piled on on twitter by that person's followers.

  11. I want to say that I'm happy about the ending part of the video, clarifying that there is a difference between inspiration and plagiarism. As a creative person, I appreciate that.

  12. Interesting that there is no sign of this video on the YouTube trending page โ€ฆโ€ฆdespite it having significantly more views than 90% of the list.
    Canโ€™t imagine why they wouldnโ€™t want to highlight this kind of behaviour ๐Ÿ’ธ


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