
fsw rs3


37 thoughts on “PKERS WON'T ATTACK YOU ANYMORE! [#5]”

  1. can access zammy area via portal in Wars Retreat (zamorakian undercity). Pretty pog item to have and make every pker question if you have full adren or not in warbands/agility course/divination!. They will think twice before attacking you and having a massive disadvantage versus you. Remember to leave everything to auto-retaliate and don't attack yourself or you will lose all adrenaline.

    If using this box – remember that "dragonbreath" takes off their overhead protection prayers, "Asphyxiate" stuns them and "wild magic" finishes them off. Probs some counterplay to that, but most noobs won't even react before they collapse. hahaha goblin bois.

  2. yeah os has gon' kinda woke with its removal of texts and adding those silly headgears things for pride month or w/e, man just wants to play a game without that rubbish being shoved down our necks XD

  3. I feel like you gotta have an intro that says "Yo I'm playing RS3 Fresh Worlds" otherwise aren't people gonna click the video and be so confused why they're watching random RS3 video from A Friend?

  4. The wilderness update was so much more beautifully updated, the guthix godsword in the wilderness has a much more juicy looking green glow, that is so awesome af, the new monsters are although a bit more worrisome 😂 their looks are just SO MUCH BETTER OMFG?!?! I loved it so so much

  5. Ayyy I saw myself at Rank 110 Agility at 27:38! To answer your question about how some people are so high, there are definitely people botting. I caught FSW Narto (rank 10 currently) botting at the barbarian outpost. I accidentally cut them off at the rope swing so they didn't end up crossing, and they started walking in random directions and then went down the ladder and got stuck walking around in the pit for at least a solid hour. Reported them when that happened probably a week ago and they were only rank 25, but Jagex is all for as many people playing in FSW as possible so they probably won't do anything about it and now there's botters on the top of the leaderboards…


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