Pissing Blood: The Ketamine Time Bomb | High Society

Ketamine has become the generation-defining drug for young Brits.

A report from November 2020, stated one in 30 young people admitted to taking the drug in the past year – the highest number since records began and far more than other countries in Europe. The latest figures also suggest that ketamine is now the fourth drug of choice for young people behind cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine.

There is a certain cognitive dissonance at the heart of Generation K: On the one hand, we see it as a silly, wonky horse tranquilliser. On the other hand, it is literally a horse tranquilliser… A horse tranquilliser that can make you piss blood.

As it has grown in popularity, so have bladder injuries and addictions. In this report, Matt Shea gets deep into the UK’s Generation K, and finds out how a party drug can go too far.

00:00 Intro
01:46 Why do British people love ketamine so much?
06:30 One gram can knock down this horse
09:00 Meeting the “pioneer” of ketamine in Bristol
14:15 Pissing blood
17:43 From addiction to recovery

Special thanks to Providence Project. Click here to find out more about their work: https://providenceproject.org/

High Society

The War on Drugs has been won. By drugs. They’re everywhere.

Many of them are new, and they’re all more potent.

Society is altering chemicals, and chemicals are altering society back, creating new drug scenes – some funny, some bizarre, some terrifying.

Drugs on TV usually means criminals getting busted or addicts in recovery. But this series is about the cultures and people that have grown around the substances.

High Society will show you how drugs are shaping our world.

Watch more from this series:

The Truth About Ecstasy

The Rise and Rise of Psychedelics

The Most Expensive Rehab in the World

The Viagra Epidemic Among Young Men And Its Dangers

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38 thoughts on “Pissing Blood: The Ketamine Time Bomb | High Society”

  1. Wow, I don’t know what to say. The people interviewed, it seems like using drug is so “normal” to them. I just can’t understand this, probably because I’m one of those boring people who’s never done any drugs. So it’s hard for me to understand the casualness and callousness displayed. If I have kids in the future I would definitely be worried about the drug issue especially in college. How are current parents coping with the current reality or stopping their kids from partaking in drugs? Any parents with advices?

  2. comparing a human to a horse is a bad reference. 2 grams of nicotine can kill a horse, but not a human. So stronger animal aren't always comparable when it comes to drug dosages.

  3. Snorting bumps with other people is a lot different than injecting it all at once into a larger single mammal. Still, some of these people are crazy addicted.

  4. Someone should take the cat away from Jack. He’s making his own choices, but at any point he could end up in a K hole and fall unconscious, or leave a pan on the hob and set the place on fire. He can’t be a responsible pet owner when he’s taking that sheer volume of ket on a daily basis.

  5. John C Lily.
    Remote Viewing.
    Set and Setting.
    1212, 1gram line vs 1ml IM for horse
    Very different.
    Detox from K Vs Detox from Heroin.
    Raw rattle from smack- 5 days in hell shitting,puking, full on nervous breakdown sucidal thoughts, , muscle spasms, physical withdrawals aren't fun.
    Raw rattle from K- depression. Minium physical problems.

    Truthful information.
    Video coming.

  6. This dude doing the Ket and cocaine needs to get help. He's going to die quickly. That one gram line was ridiculous and I did thousands of lines back in my addiction…it's way too much man. Hope he is able to break the cycle.

  7. Hate that ket is the ‘main’ choice for this generation because trying to deal with people in k holes is basically like having a group of hypnotised lost souls following you about

  8. I'm terminally sick due to a work injury and part of side effects is pain, i suffer from CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) due to waking up halfway through general anaesthetic on the operating table, so now I'm at a point where normal pain relief doesn't work when I get flare ups it means a hospital stay for the ketamin as it is the only thing that works. I dread a flare-up because I hate the feeling I get from this. It's literally like you are being ripped out of your body. Just before this happens. I get a sound like you hear when a plane takes off. When it starts to wear off I get the same feeling but it's being pushed back into my body. To take this for recreational use, you are off your head.

  9. Can't even finish this cuz you're getting "street" ketomine so not the actual thing. You get pure ketomine it's not that crazy. ICU is where u had to be for ketamine now it's done in the ER…I've also done it on the streets and it's nothing heroin, acid, shrooms, and extacy is more.powerful! Stip the steet bs cuz it's cut with whatever they want to cut it with. Just like Breaking Bad blue meth is bs!


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