Pikmin 4 is Humanity's Greatest Achievement

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Footage from:

00:00 Intro
05:47 Pikmin’s New Groove
12:43 Areas and Types
22:20 Pikmin 3 Tributes
28:14 Pikmin 2 Tributes
35:15 Pikmin 2 Part 2
44:30 Pikmin 1 Tributes
51:21 The Flaws of Pikmin 4
56:03 Cavern for a King
01:06:42 Conclusion

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36 thoughts on “Pikmin 4 is Humanity's Greatest Achievement”

  1. my favorite part of that Emperor Bulblax floor in the last dungeon is that it drops you right in the middle of all three of them. You know as soon as you move you have to fight all three at once, or play in a really tight space. It's so threatening

    on that same note, the Empress Bulblax fight is even better because of how easy the first fight is. The first time you meet the Empress Bulblax, you just got Rock Pikmin, which the Empress cannot kill. It's easily one of the funniest fights in the series just for that reason. The boss cannot kill you. Now in the final dungeon, not only does it exist in a cramped space, but it spawns babies that will eat your Rocks, so the OG strategy no longer works. It's so good

  2. I had a very different experience with the Smoky Progg in the final dungeon being less threatening if you encountered it in Night Mode first. In Night Mode, you have Glow Pikmin, which if you have a big enough group, you can stun the Progg and kill it nearly instantly with no Pikmin loss. For me at least, this became my go to strategy with Proggs. Still dangerous, yes, but you have a simple solution. Now, halfway through this hellhole, you have no Glow Pikmin. The strategy does not work. You have to fight this boss monster with no cheat code. Add the music, and it is still terrifying. It's not fear of the unknown, but fear from knowing exactly how outmatched you are

  3. Man….. you could have made a really good meme about the groovy long legs but you just missed the chance like 2 seconds in this video about it is not satisfying for and I mite come off as annoying but come oooooooon more groovy long legs more groovy long legs more groovy long legs more groovy long legs. And just so you know I think the man at legs is good but not as good as the groovy long legs!

  4. I’m pretty much sure that this game is an alternative universe. Olimar’s crash is his first one. There are lots of hints, like they say that Koppai is having an increase in population and is at risk of facing a food crisis. That clearly predates pikmin 3

  5. 8:42 Yeah, I was really annoyed by this addition. I mean I thought it was satisfying being able to carry more Pikmin, but once my Pikmin roster reached maximum capacity, I just became really mad because I wanted to find an onion, only to find stupid Flarlics. And no, don't get mad at me for saying that, Schaf. I'm just stating my opinion on something in the game.

  6. Thank you for the Pikmin 2 tribute. It’s my favorite amongst the first 3 for the reasons you said. I like that there is no time limit. I like that it’s not linear (unlike 3). It’s more like an adventure game with pikmins and I love it for that.

  7. Theres actually a reason why louie is leafifying castaways.. and very good at dandori battles..
    hes been told on the job from olimar to basically.. "copy what I do usually".

    …in which this lead to Louie copying LEAFLING olimar's actions by observing seen in the voyage logs..since he doesn't know what olimar looks like.. i-i don't understand louie but.. man.. does the voyage log give more insight.

    You did forgot to mention them in your video, but its okay~!
    Theres alot of charm in these aside from the Pikopedia and Treasure Log.

    Kinda wish it was in the video.

    Note.. the reason the pikmin do a slight pause is for access.. so you don't put too many on, but probably in if there IS pikmin ovet the required weight on it.. a quick whistle will call back the extras for themm. Kinda useful if the item is closer to base now or if a Purple pikmin is carrying it.

  8. I really didn't like how they handled the water wraith and smoky progg in Pikmin 4. I think I would've preferred if they weren't brought back at all, but it's even worse that they each appear several times. Not only does it feel too fan-servicey, but it really cheapens the intrigue around them. In the Gamecube games, they were these terrifying and mysterious one-off entities, but in Pikmin 4, they're just another tough enemy for the game to throw at you. I also just don't like how plasticy the smoky progg looks here.

    Great game overall though, and I love hearing your passion for the series.

  9. Why dose no one remember Don Bergman and his crew? All 3 where mentioned in 3 I thought sense it was your favorite you might remember. Don is Charlie's personal hero, Yorke is Alph's brother, and Nelle is related to Brittany as Brittany says one of her relatives loves animals.

  10. 15:55 introducing… Pikmin There Will Come Soft Rains Theory! Similar to the Ray Bradbury short story, the house is being maintained by retrofuturistic machinery despite humanity’s absence! It will continue going about its daily routine until the entropy of nature reclaims it and returns it to the soil!

  11. Pikmin 4 was the catalyst for me.

    (long story coming)

    I was always aware of Pikmin (mostly due to smash), but I never did get interested. Saw my brother play a bit of 1, but because I was never into real time strategy stuff, I just brushed it as "not for me". Years later, I would watch people play the games on the internet, and kinda learn about them from that. After watching a bit of 3, I actually got interested in trying it, so I bought it for my Wii U.
    Unfortunately, I played for a few hours, got through the first area but I really wasn't feeling the game. As much as 3 softened the pressure, it still didn't sit well with me since I don't really like being pressured in games… I in the end I once again did write the series off as not for me. Still respected it and the fans.
    I did followed the whole Pikmin 4 "close to completion" shennenigans and so I know pretty well how much fans suffered through that.
    Anyway jump foward to when the game was finally officially announced… Because my brother himself did enjoy Pikmin even if he didn't play much, he said he was interested in the game. I didn't mind much at the time though. Then when we started seeing more of the game… I don't know what it was but I started getting REALLY caught on the hype for some odd reason, to the point of when the demo was announced, I decided "fuck it, gonna try it"… And for some odd reason… It clicked this time. Maybe it's because I watched so many Pikmin playthroughs on Youtube before so I ended up learnign how to play by osmosis, maybe my tastes just evolve over the years… But I had a LOT of fun in the demo, which made me quite excited for the game.
    So I decided to dust off my Wii and actually try Pikmin 1 for the first time (I couldn't afford the switch version because I was very low on money at the time, and If I were to buy 4 I needed to save as much as I could). And lo-and-behold, I enjoyed my time A LOT. I still felt a bit of jank, like I never got good at the combat in 1 for example, but I still enjoyed it a lot to the point of actually beating it a second time, this time going for a 15-days or less run, and I did it!.
    So yeah I finally "got" Pikmin, and started getting so hyped that by the time my birthday had come (July 11th, a few weeks before 4's released) I decided to use a bit of bday money to buy Pikmin 3 Deluxe (by that point I didn't have a Wii U anymore so I had to buy the game again on switch)… And yeah I absolutely fucking loved it. It was a lot more manageable for me and it's maybe probably still my favorite in the series (Haven't played 2 yet btw).
    By the time 4 rolled around, I was ready. And yeah, I agree with pretty much everything you said in the video. I THINK I still prefer 3 because it's a bit shorter but still, 4 was so much fun and now consider me a fully fledged Pikmin fan. And all thanks to the BIG hype wave fans were making, it was so contagious that made me give the series another shot and it worked wonderfully!


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