Pieces: the release in discussing divorce and healing


28 thoughts on “Pieces: the release in discussing divorce and healing”

  1. This was so powerful Thank you so much Quiana for sharing your testimony! This truly blessed me and gave me hope for my personal trials I'm currently facing! Your right, the purpose God has over my life is greater than me, so my trials are great than me! I'm fighting for every woman connect to my purpose!

  2. Literally had to go sit in my car and release after watching this. I'm 25 and never been married, but I have had similar experiences. Thank you for answering the call and being so transparent! God bless ❤

  3. Wowwwww!!!!! This is so powerful. You don’t hear people talk about God with such conviction like this these days. I am a married woman but this release was so refreshing and your conviction to be a wife first touched my spirit. I agree with the God in you and I know that God will reward your faithfulness to him, because He is Goodness. I will be praying your strength on your journey of ministry and I’m excited to continue to see your story unfold. Your mantle and calling is needed for a generation that needs to fall in love with Jesus! God bless you sister 🙏🏾

  4. Truly a God sent testimony!! I feel like I’m watching someone represent me 😭🥺
    I filed for divorce from a very toxic relationship in May 2019. Spent 3 1/2 years of raw healing with the Lord. He revealed a part of me that I had no idea existed. To walk into a new found freedom while shedding an identity I wasn’t meant to carry. Thank you SO much for sharing. You’re such a blessing.

  5. Wow!!! This was such a blessing watching this. Qui, your posture through this has been so graceful. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing and being transparent about your process.


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