Physicists At CERN Turned Up The Large Hadron Collider Then A Crack Opened In Earth's Magnetic Field

Physicists at CERN turned up the Large Hadron Collider then a crack opened in Earthโ€™s magnetic field. The large hadron collider was turned up and then scientists noticed this crack open up in Earthโ€™s magnetic field.

Scientists have just announced that days after CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear Research, turned up the large hadron collider with a new maximum beam of energy, they detected that a crack had opened in the Earthโ€™s magnetic field, and said that it stayed open for 14 hours.

The researchers did say though that while the hole was open it did allow some powerful solar winds to come through.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


35 thoughts on “Physicists At CERN Turned Up The Large Hadron Collider Then A Crack Opened In Earth's Magnetic Field”

  1. I have been stressing for years now, by plotting collisions in reference to cosmos positioning willeliminate collision variables. This is due to the hypothesis of realitive (universe) FULL STOP and further proves I am correct. "Space ought time" exist, that is mass exist without time and closely parallels our universe as our linner time line universe was born INTO it. Now a collider in the U.S. has begun to prove me correct!

  2. I just read that when the Van Allen Belts were discovered, the US military began detonating hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere to see if they could mess up these belts. I could not understand why they would try to harm our world at the same time talking about how our daily activities like farming are destroying our planet.

  3. Messing with our magnetosphere is dangerous to our global well being for all life. Example of low to no magnetosphere, look at Mars. Do we want to be like that planet?

  4. I don't understand the use of rockets. We have the knowledge and use of anti-gravity space vehicles. Is the use of rockets for the benefit the public because we can't let the public know about what is being used out of the public sight? Rockets have a use but they are so antiqued.

  5. It does get a little crazy here on this planet with the HARP, CERN and all the videos that are available to watch on the topic of UFOs but I don't believe they're trying to open a portal for interdimensional beings. All anyone has to do is research the topic of UFOs and you can see they have been here for a long time.

  6. I still donโ€™t understand why scientists are trying to open portals are they trying to run away from their problems? I TALK TO THE HIGHER POWERS THAT ARE & they said WE WILL NEVER HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE UNTIL WE LEARN TO FIX THE DAMAGES THAT HAVE BEEN DONE ON EARTH, WE NEED TO LEARN TO HEAL THIS EARTH FIRST CLEAN UP THE GARBAGE, Protect trees and the oceans. Learn to find better ways thatโ€™s better for the earth and come together. And be more loving offer a helping hand. Stay blessed everyone.

  7. I command the dark matter to โ€œDo No Harmโ€ to the inhabitants of the Earth ,In The Name of Jesus christ Amen.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  8. They turned it on, ffs, THAT still blows my mind. Makes me wonder if they're legit trying to Mandella effect us into a universe more apt and accommodating to forced population control and civilisation micro management?
    (I do enjoy a good "conspiracy" "theory" lol)

  9. They know the planet can't feed the present population, but instead of pandemics and wars family planning would reduce the population much more, if taught in the countries where it's always been needed

  10. Believe this… It is protocol NOT to inform the general public of a catastrophic event if it will potentially cause mass panic or reaction that can cause "civil disobedience" , or if it's deemed that the casualties could be higher if the population is informed , OR if it is even POSSIBLE that disclosure of the information could cause a threat to national security… Basically, no matter what happens they won't tell us until the shit really hits the fan and then they will lie about how much they knew or had to do with it…

  11. All these people laughing about portals but not stopping to consider we're running stuff big enough to mess up the planets magnetic field, which is connected to the rest of the solar system, in particular, the sun. Earthquakes, fires, exploding power plants, oil wells, and nuclear storage facilities. Duh. ๐Ÿ˜•


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