Phillip Schofield’s Sexuality Wasn’t The Issue

Good heavens


21 thoughts on “Phillip Schofield’s Sexuality Wasn’t The Issue”

  1. Well, how positively cuddly and wonderful. Whilst people are falling over themselves supporting the gay community, the same support is seriously lacking for Transwomen, where we have been called and accused of everything under the sun, there is ZERO sympathy for us. I am NOT saying the support for the gay folks is misplaced, but how about a modicum of support for us too.

  2. Pip has never been proud of his sexuality, he used his wife and kids as a human shield against the rumours for decades!.

    I'm 43 so I grew up watching the kids shows he hosted and with know connection to the world of "showbiz" I knew he was gay as a kid, same goes for Andi Peters. Both coincidently have the same links to CBBC and YMU Management.

    He's using homophobia as a distraction from his clear noncery and his work with his pimp Simon Schofield who is knee deep in the $hit! The fact that its Pride Month is a perfect backdrop. (I'm part of the LGB community)

  3. I personally think there is way more to this Phillip Schofield story and that's why this morning including Holly all want to suddenly distance themselves entirely from Philip something somewhere isn't quite right!

  4. Yes but I just watched a film by Inglewood Police Department and Inglewood Education Department from 1961 which warns of predatory homosexuals targeting school age boys. Befriending them by playing hoops and then taking them for ice-cream or going fishing. And inevitably, after a few encounters, getting down to business. Luckily nothing bad happened but the police were called and the homosexual was arrested and sent for therapy to cure his mental illness.

  5. Disagree. All morally decent people ought to reject degeneracy and poor lifestyle choices which negatively affects all of society including our children.

  6. Still no proof of actual grooming. It's an assumptions. I say once more Prince Charles met Diana when 15 on Royal Train. If evidence shows he groomed let the police do their job. Until then, yes, one can speculate and put forward reasons why you think he did. But there are other reasons why Willoughby wanted him gone. 1st was him telling her there wasn't any more to the umours when he came out. Then the brother thing. To also discover he had lied to her and rest of the crew. Its obvious that The media Frenzy would link his actions to his brother. To present a pile of unproven accusations. The lad must 100% been over 16 when he joined the show. It was a job!! A job he got via Schofield. Even if Scoffield thought about having a relationship. To date all we know was the lad was 16. The law states he was of legal age. Your trying to present your beliefs as the truth. If it turns out it can be confirmed by a percentage of 51 or better still 100% and he is tried and found guilty then he isn't.

  7. Completely agree. It was nothing to do with sexuality. They had their reasons to let him go. They've all turned away from him because they know there's more to it. Also another element to all of this was what the hell was Schofield doing engaging in sexual acts in his dressing room – at his workplace???!!!! I don't think any employers would tolerate that. All the privileges afforded to Matthew, the presenting segments, the showreel, the intimate meals, the taxis, the access to special awards, the "mentoring," the sipping of the super-expensive whisky, were all grooming!

  8. NDA that's why I believe nothing was said until now or maybe years of gaslighting and grooming could have meant this poor boy had become convinced not to say anything.
    I know what its like to be with a controlling person and be convinced not to say anything because of the potential fallout and risk to both parties so I don't blame this poor boy at all for not wanting this all dragged through the press hurting innocent family members etc feeling like he was to blame for speaking up. I hope the poor lad has got all the support he needs right now and also the family members surrounding all this at the moment. A great video mate

  9. Totally agree with you…I'm tired of hearing that it was 2 consenting adults. It's not a witch hunt. Also on his interview he said they weren't boyfriends suggesting it was a casual hook up. Apparently the young man came out saying it was love. So even there you can see how they both interpreted the situation very differently. It was definitely abuse of power.

  10. This will be one of them cards people defending him will play though mate(the homophobic card)! He must be paying this young lad a lot of money for keeping quiet about it! But it's definitely grooming,and how are the police not investigating it?😤


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