Phil Defends His Sister at a Bar & Jase Once Upset an Entire Bible Class | Ep 624

Phil’s sister Jan brought a preacher to a bar to try to save him before he was ready to listen – and it didn’t go well! Jase once made an ill-conceived illustration while teaching that left everyone in the room reeling! The guys delve deep into the word of God and posit that we must all be broken, like Phil was, before we can be remade as God sees us. Guest Larry Bowles ventures a guess as to why the Israelites were made to wander the desert for 40 years when the journey could actually have been much shorter.

In this episode: In this episode: 1 Peter 1, verse 22 – 1 Peter 2, verse 3

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🦆 About Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson:

Duck Commander #PhilRobertson and his sons are unashamed of their Christian faith and want to share the Gospel with everyone, from new believers to longtime followers of Jesus. Phil, Al, Jase, and their special guests go beyond the four walls of the church to share God’s Word and study the Bible with you. So pour a glass of tea, and experience fun and inspiring stories of faith and family, straight from West Monroe, Louisiana.

Missing Duck Dynasty? Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Al Robertson, and more are here to share hilarious stories, laughs, and real talk about Jesus, the Gospel, and the Bible.


44 thoughts on “Phil Defends His Sister at a Bar & Jase Once Upset an Entire Bible Class | Ep 624”

  1. 22:06 no they didn't pick up the mana n ate it like he described. they had to place the mana on a concave stone(square-foot in size or so) while using another roundish rock to grind it into grain, only then could they consume it.

    these concave rocks(mini grinding stones) were found in the real mount sinai in saudi arabia. they were placed in group-like setting, untouched since the days of moses. they're a few feet apart from one another, there were multiple dozens of them in one particular spot.

    basically after they gathered up the mana every morning, the israelites would sit in groups & grind this together. maybe talking about how they can't wait to get to the promise land & salivate about the thought of the land of milk n honey.

  2. Please pray for the missing duck hunter off the coast of North Carolina. This boy has a pregnant wife at home that is desperately needing him home. This is heavy on my heart right now.

  3. Hab 2:6
    Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!

    1 Cor 4:8
    You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us—and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you!

    Matt 19:24
    And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

    Luke 6:24
    But woe unto you that are rich (in spirit)! for ye have received your consolation.

    Matt 5:3
    Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    Mark 2:17
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

  4. Lets talk about Jesus posittion & why he was needed. You know it is written our God is a spiteful , jealous, & vengeful God correct. He absolutely is when it comes to us because when he created us it was for his pleasure. He was amongst us like in spirit & communicated with man one on one. Unfortunately the more he came to know us he saw we were an evil bunch. God no longer could contain his anger. Inter the end of the world. After it was said & done he felt agonizing pain for what he had done. That's because he is almighty & powerful. That is his grip tonite that keeps him from interacting with us. It is written to see him is to die. Our brains couldn't possibly take in all the Glory that is GOD! He NIW because God still loved us so very much.he needed to get closer to us knowing he wouldn't be so angry & destroy earth again. Inter Jesus. Threw Jesus he could feel our pain & withhold from anger because now his Son Jesus walked among at. How many times dis Jesus go to bat for man. Being Gods son and man was hesitant , afraid of his wrath. Jesus was the middle man.its is threw him our Father God has kept his word never to death the world again. Why else did Jesus dying in the cross tell God forbid them they know not what they do. Because he understood the flesh G all its desires. Because of Jesus we still remains

  5. Make no mistake I don't care how holier than thought someone portray by appearing to be living a Godly life, NO ONE IS FREE FROM SIN. Fact! It how we move forward. I had a man in my life for ten years. No matter what I dis knowing it didn't Please God I did anyway. Regardless I have never stopped lovin and askiing his forgiveness. Just as A parent does when a child ask for forgiveness, feeling bad for what he did you wouldn't like, HR immediately forgives that child because that his flesh & blood. The love is deeply felt. Well imagine that love times a million has for us. In fact before we even open our mouths he for gives us that much quicker. He knows everything we say & do before we do. The point is spending that quality time with our father. Just like a new friend. The more we begin to hang out he becomes our BEST FRIEND. This way after dying he won't turn us away saying He doesn't know us. That's our ticket in. Now as for The good people seem to also go through it sometimes feeling more so than the msn who doesn't seek God. Again what is written about the easy road versus the hard rod.

  6. Paul Wasn’t exactly a murderer because he was following the old testament that anyone that preached any other God was to be put to death that’s why he says I did it ignorantly he didn’t go out and try to commit murder in the Old Testament when you committed murder and you did it on purpose you were taken over by the avenger and put to death yourself but if you did it accidentally you fled to a city where you could have a shelter until the death of the high priest

  7. Phil or Jase… Will you please come to our church and be our John the Baptist in our vacation bible school? I will pay for your flights and stay. Can’t think of a better representation of what JTB would look like😊

  8. This episode was extremely good and extremely informative I will be watching it several times over to learn about everything they talked about. And I love the part about Jesus saying I am the true manna Jesus you had yesterday is worms and maggots today it's so true and is powerful

  9. When I was younger I was a alcoholic and didn't believe in God.I was sent to AA to get counseling and saying the serenity prayer I started to believe in God and a friend asked me to go to a church.I asked if the preacher could exorcise me.He asked me if I wanted to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior.I said if he's real I pray he shows me and I felt all the anger come through my body and I tried to fight it and fell down like I got electrocuted but a numbing calming feeling.I will never forget that day and will never stop studying God's word.Strongs concordance bible dictionary in Greek and Hebrew and Smiths Bible dictionary helps to answer many questions in King James Bible.Calender for daily reading of scriptures in the white cover King James Bible by De'vore and son's Inc, Wycliffe is in front of the book and the laws of the Bible are in the back of the Bible that the constitution was taken from.Some are following what was on Georgia guide stones and those 10 commandments wasn't the same as God's 10 commandments in Exodus 20 in King James Bible.2/3/23 has Exodus 31,32,33& Matthew 22:1-22.Check out Eagle wings ministries and The shepherds chapel to help many come out of babel-confusion in Jesus Yeshuas Holy precious name Amen!

  10. Love your podcasts. Really enjoy hearing Larry. I have a question regarding the 40 years in the desert. Wasn’t that because they didn’t believe that they were well able to defeat the enemy’s to get into the promised land as Joshua and Caleb had reported. They listened to the 10 other men who said they were like grasshoppers amongst the Giants. So God Didn’t let any of them enter for40 years while and they all died in the desert except Joshua and Caleb

  11. The man talking about drugs I’m going through this with my son he’s disappeared he’s really skinny so sick with addiction to the point go seizure s malnutrition he’s been legally dead twice he’s even told me a afterlife experience where he realized he was dead and started saying ‘no no no please God I’m not ready to die “, I’ll never forget this story he told me one night before he went missing he’s caught cancer he was given 2 weeks to live stage 4 TCell ALL leukaemia he caught it went through torture all the spinal and bone taps he’s gone through and because of all the heavy dosages af radiation and chemo and steroids for his otgan failure from treatments in turn stopped blood flow to his bones now he’s in severe pain from dead bones feet hips legs he’s had 1 hip replacement currently awaiting his other but drs have him in highest doses of opiates pill form which he’s taken and crushed them up and started intravenously self administering to himself alongside recently started smoking crack with a pipe and I had to kick him out with police escort and he with fists started hitting the walls and screMing at me he HATES ME blames me fir everything anyways now I haven’t heard from him since before Christmas he’s gone missing I’m so worried he’s so sick he knows Godbut his addiction took over him which drs are giving him the opiates for his unbearable pain PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM his name is
    Michael Joseph 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕😔

  12. Can y’all please be more specific as far as the books ur talking abt as I try to follow .. u give the chapters but no books .. I would appreciate it.. love y’all so much and ur Bible teachings … from Louisiana

  13. 🙌 EXCELLENT!!! For REAL programs you ALL are doing!!! We WATCH and LISTEN all the time to your wonderful teachings and join right in with you all. Your ministry is "outstanding" and a true "JESUS MOVEMENT" for THIS GENERATION!!! Keep on keeping on as the HOLY SPIRIT leads you ALL! 🙏 🎯 👏 👍 IN HIS HIS LOVE Redge & Mary

  14. Toooo much of that Larry guy and NOT enough Phil. Holy heck, I'm about to stop watching this podcast. I ONLY watch because of Phil's wisdom, not for all of these establishment folks.

  15. Christians love everyone but we have laws we obey like when a person from another country comes to the United States they have laws to obey to become a citizen of our country. I don't think it is right to open our borders letting everyone come to America with out obeying the laws of our Country. God even has laws we have to follow to enter Heaven. Heavens doors are not open to sinners, people the lie, kill and cheat etc. This is where Biden is wrong, he even thinks he can control the weather with money. However he can't according to Gods word. Yes , we do lover everyone but they must obey the laws of our Country to become a citizen of the United States of America. Like I have said," God even has laws we have to follow to get to Heaven or we want get there.


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