Pharaoh's Quest: The Adventurers Reboot We Forgot About

Today we take a look at LEGO Pharaoh’s Quest from 2011 – the Adventurer’s reboot we all forgot about!

The Curse of Amset-Ra: LEGO Pharaoh’s Quest Documentary:

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29 thoughts on “Pharaoh's Quest: The Adventurers Reboot We Forgot About”

  1. The desert line of the Adventurers was by far my favorite theme to date, despite not owning a whole lot of sets with it.

    I remember getting so hyped when Pharaohs quest was announced, and I managed to acquire almost every set in the line, besides the biplane and the tiny scarab…. I was super saddened when the line ended.

  2. I actually got the Cobra statue set for my 9th birthday and dismantled it for parts within a week, 10 years later, and I still want to slap younger me for dismantling every lego set I'd get, especially the Indiana Jones ones.

  3. Cheesey! I know this isnt a minecraft video, and you got rules to stay on topic, BUT you gotta see this. I found a channel that makes minecraft related content, and it is AWESOME (kinda like the content you make) anyways, the channel is called KamiCH

  4. My friend and I had a lot of these sets growing up, and whatever story we were playing the Scorpion Pyramid was always the designated “bad guy lair” with all its traps and features, and always guarded by the elite Anubis. The stickers definitely peeled quite a bit though, even back then.

  5. I think I ended up buying ALMOST all the sets in this series. I don't recall if I had the one with the staff but I do know I didn't get the sphinx (or the Mummy pack). Did get 2 beetle attack! Helena should have been included in the Sphinx set…

  6. The current Great Pyramid of Giza set is great. But I yearn for another line of sets like this. Part of me wishes for a Lego Icons set for Lego Adventurers theme and/or Pharoah's Quest… Or even a new line. I'd love to see what could be done with new bricks and building techniques. I love Lego's in-house themes from the 2000 to early 2010's, maybe because I'm getting old, but the originality and and fun factor just made sets like these so great.

  7. As a kid, the Lego Pharaoh's Quest flash game was my absolute favorite!
    R.I.P Flash I'd love to get the chance to play it again. If anyone knows a way to access the game, I'm all ears!

    …Is what I was saying until I found a way how a few hours later! A way to play (As far as I can tell) Pretty much all the Lego flash games, as well as numerous other old flash games!
    It's a program called "Flashpoint", by Bluemaxima. They have amassed an abundant catalog it seems! You can pretty much just search up any flash game, and chances are they probably have it available to play right away!

    I got to play LEGO Pharoah's Quest: Curse Of The Pharoah again since I was a kid, and I'm estatic to go down memory lane revisiting my childhood of Lego flash games.

    Just commenting this to spread awareness that this program exists.

  8. As you can probably guess from my name, this was a really fun set for me at the time. When it first came out I just ended up getting most of the sets for my birthday/Christmas because everyone saw the name, knew I liked Lego, and realised it was the perfect gift

  9. Hello, I just watched a lot of your videos about Lego series and sets between 2000 and 2010. You really have some very nice treasures, congratulations! Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to future videos! Best regards, Martin from Dresden (Germany) 🙋🏻‍♂️


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