Phantom Brigade – BattleMech Sci Fi Squad Strategy RPG

Phantom Brigade gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Phantom Brigade and check out a game where you’ll build up a lance of mechs …


36 thoughts on “Phantom Brigade – BattleMech Sci Fi Squad Strategy RPG”

  1. you can do a few things the AI can't, mainly shield-ramming and tracking with heavy weapons
    shield-ramming is what it says on the tin. you take a shield, point it at the enemy, and path your mech to intercept them in a collision course. the AI will often try to stay at optimal firing range, and since I haven't really seen any AI that uses melee weapons, this range will never be melee range. in general, crashing is not something the AI really tries to do (crashing incidentally is a stun state generally caused by 2 mechs colliding with each other)
    as for the second thing, heavy weapons don't track very well, its pretty easy to avoid gatling and beam cannons by just moving perpendicular to the enemy mech after it fires cuz the turn speed when firing is shit. but since you the player knows how the enemy will move, you can just make sure your own mech moves parallel to the enemy while firing so the fire is mostly on target

  2. I have played a much earlier build. It jumped at me because as a former video editor I immediately recognized the non-linear editing table. That was ridiculous, comforting and an insta-buy. Never regretted since and will come back later to test all the meat they attached to the bare carcass of an idea.
    As much as I am an old BT fan, I recognize this game as not a direct competitor, but a legitimate tactical game on it's own that doesn't follow in tracks of either Panzer General, 2K XCOM (like 90% do) or whatever staple you might come up with.
    P.S.: the game did become a lot harder pretty fast throwing you on a race of both up-armoring your units (with many balancing options) and learning to stay out of range/LoS, because there would be beam weapons obliterating any amount of HP in 2s time if you don't dodge. A pleasant type of challenge.

  3. They definitely need a replay all at the end of batte. I picked it up the other day and its driving me crazy that the cool cinematic feel is negated by the chopped up 5 second pieces.

  4. Hmmmm…. it's like a poor man's version of Battletech. Simpler mech maintenances system, Smaller combat theater. Forces you to focus your efforts on squad placement and individual unit movement more than weapon loadouts, staying behind cover actually matters here.

  5. This game is awesome having participated in the steam playtests before release. I will say that the mid-game has slower progress, but they really do a great job of player onboarding and reasonable difficulty curves.

  6. Nice game. My impression is that having a shield in the off-hand is a must when dealing with enemies outnumbering you 3×1, specially when the reinforcements arrive because of the escalation mechanic. Since you know when the enemy will shoot, you just need to use your shield to "negate" the damage, then counter. This difficulty probably will be mitigated as the game progresses, but this is specially important in the beginning. The other thing is the dissipation. I thought at first that it would be roughly the same, but it varies a lot even between parts with the same name. I prefer having a high dissipation over anything, since usually shielding is enough for tanking.

  7. Splatt, did you ever play Metal Fatigue. It was a mech game where you could blow off arms, bodies or legs of your enemy. Then take it back to base and research them or put them on an existing mech of yours. It was pretty cool.

  8. cant wait to see what they do. I think a lot of your suggestions would make it much better. Would love the action cam at the end, pilot customizing ect.

  9. Loving what I've played of this so far. The overall feel is both smooth and crunchy, if that makes sense. I really don't mind the lack of depth in the pilots, because the stars of the show are the Mechs and it's a ton of fun building them up and planning strategies to salvage ideal parts/weapons.

  10. This game with ideas looks like the mechcommander but not on the level of mechcommander. In mechcommander you can stop the action and plan the atacks and retreats but it is continous. I bought this game just right now but I think some stuff could be added with further addons even mods if comes to the game. I need to figure out if the game files are hard coded or not because then it helps the modding if not hard coded. The pilots should have been able to get experience, level up and become more skilled and able to do more stuff at once.

    Let's see once they reach their goals they would add stuff to the game.

  11. Game needs better UI like a warning on overheat better displayed
    Better health representation on UI
    maybe display health as u hover on enemies better
    Maybe some sort of mech parts shop
    Pilot with skills would be nice, pilots are a bit boring
    Missiles feel like its a bit too slow

  12. "Big speedy mech bois, running around drifting, while spraying machine guns at reach other" This describtion is dead on 100% accurate haha. I instantly started remembering Gundam, Zoids. 🤣

  13. Looks cool, to expand on the pilot stuff would be great, I agree it doesn't really need hero abilities but having a action cam so to speak during the replay would be real cool seeing as you can set up some real cool flanks/attacks

  14. Good game but it lacks story the game is all bout taking over this region then move on to the next region then the next region I've stop playing after having taken over 5 regions

  15. I'm so glad it came out on steam so that I can view some videos of the game. I got it from epic since day 1 and I really love it. Absolutely original gameplay and awesome music.

  16. Splatt, I am not sure if this is you or not:


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