Persona 5 Royal Max Confidants: 6/12 and 6/13 – Busted!

Stalk, I mean, stake-out a target long enough, and they’re bound to slip up…

#persona5royalletsplay #persona5royal #makotonijima


49 thoughts on “Persona 5 Royal Max Confidants: 6/12 and 6/13 – Busted!”

  1. Call me stupid but in my playthrough, I thought the mock exam site was a hospital.
    That Yusuke scene with Sojiro is so good and it is probably one of the reasons why I really like Yusuke.
    That billiards stuff is expensive but very worth it.
    Mika is a very interesting part of Ann's Confidant.
    Crocodile's Tear should have been buffed but I am not sure how considering that unlike SMT, the shadows don't really request items in order to recruit them.
    It was really fun to learn about Sakai in my playthrough and it was also cool to hear the plot twist to his trading.
    Matsushita career change reminded me of former Argentine F1 driver Carlos Reutermann who became a politcian after his F1 career.
    I think acid rain is in Mega Man X6 in one of the levels but it was not a well liked mechanic especially combined with the other things that can happen on that level.
    Makoto got us all figured out which is not a good thing.
    The big question is whether we should listen to her or not.
    It is really fun to learn about Akechi in his confidant like the fact he is left handed.
    I do like Akechi quite a bit but my brother kind of hates him despite seeing what he is like in Royal.
    Next up, we will see what Makoto is up to with her kind of blackmailing.

  2. 1:08 Persona 4 moment.

    4:28 Sojiro the tsundere :3
    Wholesome scene that though, I always thought.

    15:34 Yeah, I'm the same. Better safe than sorry. Also, f Mika, hate her personality despite how nice her design is.

    21:14 Shame she was never a Mementos target actually.


    48:00 Love pool and always try to play some when I go socialising with friends tbh. I'm decent at best, but yeah.

    50:09 Which explains why he shook hands during the trip with his left hand.

  3. I'd never actually heard that saying about "eliminating the impossible whatever remains must be the truth" (I know I f'd it up. Eh) until I started playing Genshin Impact a few weeks ago. ^-^'

    My mom was in the hospital last year for a little over a week, and the food they gave her was THE WORST. She had recently been diagnosed as a diabetic, and they gave her bread (high in carbs), pudding (sugar incarnate), and a banana (something she's VERY allergic to) for one of her meals. My grandfather had to sneak her in a salad so that she'd actually have something to eat.

    Ahhhh…  The start of Mika showing up in Ann's confidants…. Gosh, everytime I see her, I just want to punch her in the face. She's so annoying…..

    I… had no idea this trading dude existed. ^-^'

    I always take advantage of dodging train fairs via confidant invites when I can. I'm a cheapskate when it comes to video games, what can I say? ^-^'

    Oh my gosh…. You were distracted, so you missed Morgana's line of "I'm tired of coming up with witty comments." I'm so sad. That's one of Mona's best lines after a class question.

    Kawakami asking you to go to the student council room is actually newly voiced in Royal, I believe.

    Makoto, you and I have very different definitions to the phrase "perfect timing".

  4. 13:17 Soon enough, even Ren will start saying "For real?"
    19:10 Yeah, I personally really don't like swearing in real life nor on the internet (like in the comments on the videos) and and on video sharing sites (like YouTube or Twitch) we can hear much worse words than that, but, yeah…I will make exception this one time and say that this Mika chick right now was a bitch.
    25:56 What kind of response is that "No, and I don't care".
    38:17 I can hear Kagato The Final Boss right now screaming "RYUGI, YOU IDIOT!!! I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU TO KEEP IT DOWN! ARRGGHHHH!!!"
    To not qoute him further, (so I don't clough up the space here) his reaction about this moment was freaking hilarious.
    43:20 Props to Ann for actually apologizing about it. Like, she knew what was up and she apologized so good on her.
    44:06 That's not really "I am sorry", Ryugi, but that will do.

  5. Something that happens a lot during this part of the game is that many of the people who Makoto interacts with question her competency, morals and the like. And hence she is put through the ringer emotionally.

    When it comes to fridging, I often tend to be more annoyed if a long running character is treated like that, since we’ve actively seen them have storylines and a lot of presence in the story, which what happens to them and can make it feel like the long amount of time in the narrative that was spent on them was wasted.

    And talking about that, an issue I’ve sometimes seen with comic book fans is them getting annoyed when character are killed in events unrelated to their own comics just to have a death toll during the event, since a fair amount of them aren’t heavily involved in the story, this often consists of barely used C listers who don’t really get a chance to flourish. To the point that it’s actively surprising that the relatively recent Dark Knight Metals from DC actually has no casualties on the heroes side despite a lot of the characters in it being put in peril a lot.

    Talking a bit more about fridging, , a very well liked new direction for a character was actually the result of that kind of situation, Barbara Gordon is shot and paralysed during the Killing Joke to torture Commissioner Gordon and Batman, with the Joker using the pictures of what happened to Barbara to try and break the Commissioner. However the result later led to Barbara becoming Oracle, a master hacker and information source and a somewhat rare case of a major character confined to a wheelchair, to the point where Barbara during the New 52 Reboot getting surgery and physical rehab therapy and becoming Batgirl again was incredibly controversial during that time .

    I really don’t like Mika, I don’t really know how to properly explain it but her methods of manipulating, slandering somebody by lying about their character. How she’s incredibly two faced alongside other aspects just anger me.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger being the president in the Simpsons movie, or somebody named after him at least was likely a reference to Arnold having become the Governor of California from 2003 to 2011. Although the characters look and voice is heavily based on the series own Arnold expy Rainer Wolfcastle, hence surprising me that they just didn’t use Wolfcastle. Since I was a massive fan of the Simpsons when it originally came out.

    You know I often forget that Akechi is actually a third year since he’s not at Shujin and his exact age or school year barely comes up.

    I don’t think that Persona 5 ever says that Akechi is left handed directly, although it’s not the only uncommon thing about him because his blood type from what I’ve heard is quite rare in Japan.

  6. 1:17 Now you sound like Naoto

    3:07 I can't help but think of the coffee bean from Regular Show when I hear the word coffee or caffeine

    6:34 Speaking of plagiarized painting, I read an article online that "Sayuri" was used for NFTs; Very ironic

    13:45 I feel really bad for Ann

    15:53 Me- I smell death on you

    16:46 XD That's Ann

    17:25 Run roh


    19:27 She'd make a good Mementos target, that Malty's new name. "City full of perverts and assholes" indeed.

    24:29 What?! Eww! I don't want that nasty stuff; if I want pig milk, I'd have a cute orc girlfriend

    31:10 Many of the P4 links felt like letdowns to me, especially both sun links

    38:02 Me- The what?

    38:28 Oh no bro

    39:03 Me- Yeah, nothing

    39:28 Press X to doubt

    39:49 It was at this moment that he knew he effed up

  7. 2:55 Although I do drink coffee sometimes, that is my reasoning for never drinking anything alcoholic. I have no clue of how my tolerance would be and I personally don’t really get drinking culture, it’s just not for me. I prefer just non-alcoholic versions and regular drinks just fine.
    39:54 Oh Ryuji. You just had to. Also I love the delivery on “That idiot!” Morgana sounds so annoyed but also disappointed, probably mirroring how the player must feel at this scene.

  8. 2:59 I personally don't drink coffee because it does just not taste good. But my mom replaces breakfast with coffee I think.
    8:24 Nozomi? Nothing good comes out of that name in this franchise.
    19:55 Joker now knows how to highly lower the special defence of his enemies!
    30:50 I ended up completely missing that one when I first played P3.
    34:28 It was in Pokemon generation 4, as much of an unintended glitch that is!
    40:15 Thanks to Sae and her spoilers we know that this is not how it ends.
    47:49 Good morning. Did you sleep well? I heard that a girl was killed last night. The noise of the arcade was bad, but can you buy some coffee in the police cars? Thanks. I can't even safely walk around… I can safely withdraw cash now. Have you heard? Good morning. Don't be out dangerously late, okay? Relax and don't let your guard down.
    49:05 Aren't you supposed to put down the black ball last?

  9. I know that the P5 anime doesn't have the best reputation, but there are still some moments from it that are really good, one of which being the part where Yusuke leaves Sayuri at Leblanc. The scene itself is mostly unchanged but that episode replaced the usual ED with a song titled "Found A Light" which is probably one of LYN's most underrated songs. It's one of my personal favorites and I encourage that more people give it a listen if they haven't.

  10. The pro wrestler turned politician line during Yoshidsa's Confidant is most likely a reference to Japanese pro wrestler Antonio Inoki. He went into Japanese politics after pro wrestling, or Jesse Ventura who became Governor of the US State of Minnesota after wrestling

  11. That Trader in this version.. I see.. & he looks… Aww.
    Makoto? … Uh Oh. Yikes. (Ann & Ryuji.. Oof.) Well.. trust, respect, honesty, & understanding can be important so.. just give her in their shoes.. No choice since she witness & overheard them using the evidence.. (I can tell she's being reasonable in a good way.)
    Akechi.. In this version… Very Interesting…

  12. I feel just like Ren during this Ann rank up.
    Ryuuuuuji, damn youuuuu ruining everything. I excuse Ann's slip-up because it was a direct follow up to Ryuji's and if Ryuji hadn't said anything she wouldn't have either.
    Admittedly, Akechi's Confidant in Royal is so much better but I still hate that guy with a passion.

  13. You mean The Political Machine? All I know about that game is that Vargskelethor won against Trump in the 2016 version whilst having…little idea what he was doing. His "message" can best be summed up as "save the bees and get high". No, I will not give more context.

  14. 14:16 Her attempted suicide wasn't really done offscreen, and using OSP's test the story doesn't make that much since if you replaced her with a pack of Pokemon cards, so it definitely isn't fridging.

    28:23 He was Governor, so he may not have been a President it sure is something.

    33:37 I'm pretty sure in the US there wasn't a holiday in June up until last year.

    34:37 IIRC the fangame Pokemon Reborn has it along with a myriade of other field effects.

    39:57 Okay, that was a great edit.

  15. 6:40 And the cat also wants to take someone out, himself.

    13:20 I mean, that's how it does go IRL. People's phrasing and word choice tends to rub off on their friends.

    14:50 Yeah, Shiho maintains some relevance to Ann but does feel mostly like a plot tool. I do wish that she ended up a confidant, though.

    27:34 Yep, wrestler turned mayor. And Cody has followed in his footsteps as of SFV, becoming mayor after being a convict.

    28:25 He was the governor of California, so it's not as huge of a stretch as you may think.

    38:15 This is why them always meeting in public places is stupid.

    48:20 My main experience with it is in Wii Play, and that was already tedious enough for me.

  16. 2:16 that was just about the last thing she needed to hear right now. This guy…
    2:58 I don't drink coffee either for the same reasons you don't.
    18:57 so…why are the only choices here straight up siding with that snake of a model? It's a very cutthroat industry, but as I've said before, it doesn't excuse the actions of those who kick others down.
    25:42 ahahaha, screw the fares, we have friendship!
    30:44 meanwhile, the Moon is the opposite. P3 Moon was trash (at least P3P Moon was cool), P4 Moon was great, and P5 Moon seems to be a bit mediocre.
    39:55 ok, I normally dislike meme edits, but that one got me to burst out laughing. That meme will never get old to me.
    46:37 a much more heartwarming example of someone moonlighting.
    51:43 sometimes, all it takes is to show and not to tell to change everything.

  17. 3:06 Some of my high-schooler coworkers keep going on about how they need coffee, energy drinks and 5-HOUR ENERGIES just to stay active for another hour.

    9:20 Ryuji's Swear Jar: $395

    18:21 I know she's a huge tool and all, but I can't bring myself to hate her.

    19:27 DEMONIT-

    21:21 Ryuji's Swear Jar: $396

    27:32 There's a MANGAKA who recently got into Japanese politics so I mean…

    32:32 I'm interested to see if my opinion on THAT will improve, at least.
    Maybe. Or maybe not.

    35:42 "Genius detective, glitter glitter. The Phantom Thieves are pieces of s**t"
    …So says my rough translations.


    39:55 At this point, to my surprise my friends were not only not mad about Ryuji being a moron here, they were LOSING IT with laughter.
    Which, I mean… this IS a really good way to present a character flaw that doubles as actually kinda funny.

    40:33 Ryuji's Swear Jar: $397

    42:02 Imagine having incriminating evidence on someone and in response they verbally massacre you.

    43:13 Yusuke's REALLY quick to get upset when Thief stuff start going awry like this.

    44:44 Ryuji's Swear Jar: $398

    47:35 "Do you have no friends?" JEEZ! Joker's out for blood!

    48:59 …I can see why that was the right option.

    51:35 It's certainly an improvement.
    edit: Okay yeah I rewatched Rank 8, THAT one's pretty great.

  18. Shiho went from being so filled with despair that she tried to end her life, to now being so inspired to keep going that she's starting physical therapy ahead of schedule. Even if this development was just in one sentence by Ann, I did feel pretty happy upon seeing that.

  19. 2:18 In what way does he mean that?

    2:56 Maybe.

    3:48 He definitely would. I never considered that Yusuke was this out-there because of how Madarame raised him. I thought he was just weird like Yu.

    4:41 I wouldn't call it stupid.

    12:55 Where is it? Is it in Japanese?

    14:14 I am unfamiliar with that term.

    16:55 It's better that people don't obsess over their figures. Ann's got the right idea. You've either got the metabolism for it or you don't, and trying to change the unchangable will only make people miserable. It's like personal aptitude for models: if you don't have the requirements, you'd probably be happier (or at least less stressed) in another profession. That being said, I can't blame people for following their passions, even when they might be better off directing their energy towards something else. It's… very difficult to admit that you don't have the skills to be what you want to be. In a way, that's probably how Madarame ended up the way he did, and he serves as a precautionary tale of being overzealous, that is willing to sacrifice anything (even other people), to follow your passion. He's scum. He deserves the jail sentence he's getting, but I still pity him.

    17:53 Another faker… Typical.

    18:21 I was right. I didn't want to be, but I was.

    18:57 No, you did nothing wrong. If Mika did have a voice actor, I'd pay money to hear her sing "The Asshole Song" in that smug tone of voice.

    20:32 That's probably why nobody caught that.

    26:11 Me too.

    27:17 That seems fair. Arnold Schwarzenegger went from a bodybuilder to the governor of California.

    28:09 It's good to know that he still has some friends.

    35:16 I don't think I could stomach that.

    35:37 Akechi?

    38:12 Dammit Skull! …that was evil. She took a picture to make it look like she wasn't recording and just arrived.

    39:53 I love this. Where did you find it?

    41:29 This is funny considering she said earlier, "Why am I expected to be able to do the police's job when they can't?"

    42:21 How would she convince them without blackmail at this point?

    50:26 Akechi was joking, but he's right.

  20. 2:02– Be careful saying that since something bad always happens when someone says this.
    2:10– Would the PT's talents count as natural-born? Yes the Personas were a natural part of them, but they only manifested when in a world that amplifies and allows for those abilities to be real.
    3:05– Besides that, for me, I don't drink coffee since I want all of my energy to be "natural." Sure it means I'll be tired as hell often, but I find some comfort about knowing the natural limits of my energy.
    6:08– Though I very much respect Yusuke's decision, I was kind of curious to see him as a roommate would be like.
    8:58– Good thing I was looking away/ not paying as much attention since all I heard was spoilers for Day Breakers. After that I immediately paused the video without looking as much, opened a new tab for Day Breakers, and watched it before coming back here. I REALLY need to stop cutting it so close to the last second. But yeah, the Day Breakers animation was quite cool.
    11:38– Again, hopefully not being desynched with the guide for those drinks won't screw us up too badly.
    13:25– And one day, it'll become a cultural phenomenon that's in everyone's vocabulary. Xp
    17:00– I feel like I owe Yusuke an apology for thinking he'd be the more oblivious one/"in their own world" person of the team.
    18:15– And for this installment of "Life with a Persona," Ame-No-Uzume really despises Mika for her being a b^^^h here, so she silently snarks to Ren and Ann that she wished she knew a dance that would chase her away and have Mika keep herself hold up in a cave.
    18:23– Oh I already know which voice I can hear her as. That damn smirk and side pose makes me think she would totally have the same voice that Erika from Triangle Strategy has. Mika is totally giving off that same hatable and punchable energy Erika gave off as well. Probably not a completely awful excuse of a human being like her, but Mika is most certainly a b^^^h and a prick.
    18:32– Okay, now I hate her a lot more now since she reminds me of that one damn yellow prick from that Episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends who caused a bunch of problems and used crocodile tears to avoid trouble and pin all of the likable characters for their misdeeds. Hopefully unlike that episode, this prick gets what she deserves later on.
    Also yeah, Mika gets a spot on the jerk NPC list as well (need to be more vocal about named NPCs being on the list since I technically never placed Kamoshida, Madarame, and Tweedle Three/La on it, though they are all givens and are on it without me even needing to say so.)
    19:28– Damn you YT! Let Klingy say b^^^h damnit (and also us given how I censor myself to evade them deleting stuff)! I know of the "Let Ryuji say F^^^" groups, don't make me start one up for Klingy to be allowed to swear. Xp
    20:38– Well that sucks. This ability should have been what it says on the tin. Hell, it even sounds like the Relax Spray App from SJR so I don't see why Royal could have made it like it.
    23:38– Stupid thought, but now I'm imaging that guy asking "REALLY?!" and stars begging Ren to let him see it so he can do his business more effectively. Xp
    24:08– Oh I'd thought we would be giving it to the kid, not this shady guy.
    25:53– And for more dumb thoughts, now I'm imagining whichever person handles the train fare telling Ren the only way he's getting out is by them, but then Ren just looks at his phone for the invite and instant transmissions away. Xp
    26:24– Oh I think I remember that game. Remember watching someone play that a couple years back. They had fun just making goofy candidates and just having fun in that regard for their elections in that game.
    28:26– Which funnily isn't too much of stretch considering Arnold was a governor for California at one point. And there's also the fact that Ronald Reagan also had a long time as an actor before he became president many years after that was done.
    30:35– Matsushita was an interesting NPC. Thought he'd be a jerk at first, but he made a good impression for the most part. Hope we see more of him in this confidant.
    30:37– And for the "Why No Persona" installment this time around, Suzaku FINALLY returns after chatting with the other elementals since the last rank up, going "Hey guys, what did I miss," to only see that Ren and Yoshida are gone (hence why they're not needed for points).
    32:00– Assuming the "A" on his suit case stands for "Akechi," I'm heavily being reminded of the brief case Kabia would carry around with him a lot in the earlier portions of Yugioh. And now I'm imaging Akechi as a duelist detective. Xp
    34:12– Oh hey, I actually knew that one. Figured I would since copper becoming green is the reason why the Statue of Liberty is green. It was originally a cooper/bronze look, but over the years it became the iconic green color we know Lady Liberty as today.
    38:13– … … … I didn't think it could happen. Someone actually outdid or at least matched the Yosuke Weapon Incident in P4G in terms of completely stupidity. And so now…. 
    38:14– Ryuji.
    38:15– You.
    38:16– Bloody.
    38:17– FOOL!
    38:36– Okay, Ann you weren't being as loud about it, but because you talked openly about it, you only get "you fool!"
    39:55– Thank you for using this clip Klingy; Summarizes my thought process at Ryuji perfectly here.
    43:12– Thank you Yusuke.
    46:42– Oh. I wasn't paying attention to what the father looked earlier, but now seeing him, not I see that twist. Aw, that's honestly a cute twist. He's just getting stuff his son would love. What a good dad.
    48:33– Thankfully for kid me, the times I messed around with a pool table I was allowed to since it was my dad's aunt's (? It was some older lady on his side of the family) at her place the two or three times we visited there. Of course being a kid I'd suck at it hard it. Kind of want to try pool one day properly.
    49:00/ 49:12– And for this installment of "Life with a Persona," for Ren's pool fail here, I'd like to imagine Angel tries to gentle ease Ren into not feeling bad about such a fail. And then later on when Akechi wins that game, Angel congratulates him to help be a good sport (meanwhile Akechi is just looking at Angel and considering arresting her for public indecency).
    50:50– Also since someone mentioned it yesterday in the comments, but now I REALLY wished Akechi's ability here worked like Cyrus's ability from Octopath Traveler where it's a guaranteed chance to see a foe's weakness at the start of a fight. Made him such a great pick to have, especially since it made it really easy to figure out enemy weaknesses as after a few random encounters, you can know all of an enemy's weakness. (Also helps even if you only get one, since weaknesses are always listed in a certain order, Cyrus's ability just one time can let you guess your way into knowing an enemy's other weaknesses as well).
    51:10– Quick, we must escape before the Kanto pandering starts again! lol
    52:20– Thanks a lot Ryuji…
    In other news, the Petty Project is about to come into full fruition soon at the time of posting this. Just need to create the perfect moment to strike and it'll be complete. Will share the results tomorrow and explain what the hell it even is.
    Also been getting back into XC3 now said project is over. Been having mostly a fun time. Getting readjusted to it and getting stronger to handle some optional stuff I want to look into, but despite it not seeming like much, I'm enjoying myself. Although I'd probably encountered the most tragic thing and probably one of the most unique fails I've ever had in a game. I wrote that wrong in like five, ten minutes, but the fact it even happened to me is utterly stupid and would happen to me knowing my luck. Not Fiend Luck, but pretty damn close to it. Xp

  21. 2:00 Well when we take the tarot deck into account, this is true.

    26:11 Honestly same. Awhile back I rewatched parts of this confidant and I was surprised just how much of what he says resonated with me and can apply to what's going on in today's world. Yoshida's voice actor tweets politics a lot and I don't know if he's read all of Yoshida's dialogue but he would definitely agree with a lot of it, too.

    27:28 This is probably an allusion to Antonio Inoki, who did exactly that, but there are definitely many more from around the world.

    34:51 It is the same thing. If it weren't then that might be even more distressing.

    39:53 This whole scene is great and it reminds me of this video on social media where a Makoto cosplayer recorded a Ryuji cosplayer walking up to an Ann cosplayer with a megaphone and shouting "HEY ANN! ARE YOU READY FOR THE PHANTOM THIEVES MEETING?" before she smacks it out of his hand. The caption was something like "How has Kobayakawa not realized this?"

  22. 2:09 Technically speaking, being able to summon a Persona isn't a "natural-born talent".

    2:21 Bruh.

    4:06 Except when they aren't, since this place isn't open 24/7.

    6:10 You do remember that Persona 3 exists, right? Then again, that's more dormmates than roommates.

    6:15 Huh, it doesn't. Never noticed until now.

    6:21 Did… did Sojiro just hit on Yusuke's dead mom?

    10:21 In some ways, that kind of reminds me of Ring of Judgment, a Trails manga that was meant to be read before playing Trails from Zero.

    13:06 Morgana is A Simp Count: 92

    15:52 Oh damn! Meeting someone for the first time and asking them not to use honorifics? That's certainly interesting.

    17:18 Or somewhat more precisely, it seems that Ann has won the genetic lottery in terms of looks.

    18:21 Mika, you sly b*tch (and I don't use that word lightly).

    19:26 So, a b*tch.

    21:19 I don't know, just because Mika's not a good person doesn't necessarily mean she has distorted desires.

    25:48 I don't know, it could add up over time.

    27:16 Huh. Not exactly the career change most people would expect, but that is pretty cool.

    27:38 Yep.

    28:26 Well, in real life, Schwarzenegger was the Governor of California from 2003 to 2011, so The Simpsons was probably referencing that.

    34:31 Yeah, it really should. You know, I have this idea for a video game (a turn-based RPG, to be precise), and one of the party members in this idea can use what is essentially water magic… I'll have to keep this in mind.

    35:28 Lol, Akechi is on the blackboard! And he has bishie sparkles!

    38:00 We plead the 5th!

    38:16 DAMN IT, RYUJI!!!

    39:54 Ryuji: "I have an Intelligence of 6, I know what I'm doing!"

    39:57 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Nice!

    42:25 So, blackmail.

    47:30 Yeah, because saying all that TOTALLY isn't suspicious or anything!

    47:54 That's pretty cool. It's always nice when games remix songs from previous games.

    48:32 My only experience of pool was playing miniature pool at a friend's birthday party. It was fun.

    50:07 Heh, "gauche", which also happens to be the French word for "left".


    52:06 Huh, that Phan-site comment is in Spanish (I hope its meaning is obvious enough that I don't need to translate it). I wonder what that was in the Japanese version.

  23. 2:56 That's true, but it's not quite that harsh. You'd need to drink a lot of coffee in a very regular basis to become truly addicted. It's not different from anything else that you consume too much of, really.

    3:44 I think this a nice milestone of Yusuke's development, but I would have liked for him to spend a least a little more time in Leblanc (maybe a month or so). It would have been nice to have a roommate besides the cat. It could also serve as good representation that Joker isn't alone like he was at the beginning anymore.

    4:33 Our first major hint that Sojiro isn't the hardass he portrays himself to be.

    6:59 It's too personal to sell. I doubt Yusuke would be happy just giving it away to anyone.

    16:50 Yeah so, while the stereotype that she's a blonde idiot isn't true, what is is that Ann, while not being a complete dunce, can be a gigantic airhead, blindly stumbling over social cues and annoying everyone in the process. Kinda like Yusuke, in a sense.

    18:50 Maybe, but it's pretty clear that she did it out of annoyance more than malice. I'd be annoyed too if someone said that about something I take really seriously.

    27:22 I've heard about stuff like this before. A really popular wrestler went into politics in Japan a while back. I also know he eventually lost the reelection due to alleged ties to Yakuza groups. I learned about this in Kento Bento. If you're interested in weird Japanese stories, it's the best place to go.

    28:23 He did try to become governor of California though. Not sure if he succeeded.

    35:38 AKECHI-KUUUUN!!! swoon

    42:25 Yeah, most of these start as blackmail on some level. Fitting for a band of thieves, I suppose.

  24. I imagine Ren walks up to the rest of the phantom thieves, Makoto not too far behind him. His face read with rage. And after everyone else says there lines of dialogue, before Makoto says her piece, he says, let’s discuss the consequences of our actions shall we?

  25. And here it is. This is why my feelings about Makoto are complicated. She blackmails us, While acting all high and mighty. She's a threat to our characters, Especially Ren.
    It always happens to me. I always end up bonding with the protagonist, Even if they're silent. As such, I'm always angry when they get insulted or hurt.

  26. I guess I'll just be over here with drama sun being my favorite character in P4. Though more seriously I know not everyone is going to have the highest opinion of her.

    Also, ways Makoto is a complete idiot. First off, a recording of someone saying they were doing something as the phantom thieves would more likely imply a copycat group or a fan group and if it were submitted as decisive evidence she would be laugh off by at minimum the courts and more likely the police as well. Second off, suspecting the group due to their connection to Kamoshida is a pretty bad argument considering I'm sure Kamoshida had been committing abuses for years and it would be more likely that one of the past victims would strike back at him once they're adults rather than a few current students, including someone who literally just came to town. Lastly, even after suspecting them as a criminal organization, she follows the leader to an undisclosed location which is assumed to be their hideout without any sort of major backup? I understand she's overconfident but walking right into a criminal den is just asking to end up as a missing person.

  27. 0:11 I just saw that Makoto's eyes are the same as those of the Lenny face and now I can't unsee it.

    5:07 This is off topic, but I noticed that the baby Yusuke in the painting has black hair.

    I avoided talking about this, but it's time to start getting into the many reasons I don't like Makoto. To broadly sum it up, remember how in Three Houses you said that She Who Shall Not Be Named was someone whose every aspect about her just did not sit well with you… Makoto is that to me. For the sake of my blood pressure, I'll try not to get too ranty, though I can't make promises.

    37:53 Reason 1: This entire exchange. It's like: "Won't you be so kind and open up to me about everything? It's not as though I'm holding something that could ruin your entire life over your head." And with her insufferably smug and condescending tone of voice, she absolutely does NOT come across as someone who's being forced to do something they don't want to do. I know every party member has to have that moment where they start out antagonistic, but her reasons and methods are the by far least justified.

    47:58 And here is the image which became a fountain of memes, for… a certain big reason.

  28. 3:07 as someone who's been through caffeine withdrawals a lot I can say that they are hell, I had an easier time quitting smoking (which wasn't easy either) and I think the only reason I haven't completely cut out caffeine from my system is because soda and coffee cost less than smokes, also yeah you can get caffeine withdrawals from soda which is probably worse since you're also cutting out a huge chuck of sugar from your system(I know people add sugar and dairy to coffee but at least they can decide how much to put in unlike soda) and sugar withdrawals are just as bad. It's pretty common among those doing the keto diet as well, so much so that sugar withdrawals are also known as the keto flu

  29. 34:39 only instance of Acid Rain being used in video games I can remember off the top of my head is in Mega Man X6 in Rainy Turtloid's stage, Inami Temple, a Japanese-styled ancient temple that, despite its name, is geographically situated around the Galápagos Islands.
    The stage is occasionally subject to Nightmare Rain, a dangerous acid rain that slowly drains health. In these sections, one must find the four machines powering the shield of the main machine at the end of the section, which both stops the rain and opens the way to the rest of the level. This occurs four times throughout the stage…which doesn't sound like a lot but X6 is a poorly programmed mess and has a gimmick called the Nightmare Phenomenon where depending on what stage you were in last will effect the next one you go into and for Inami Temple that can either be Nightmare Dark which greatly reduces visibility or Nightmare Mirror where random copies of X or Zero will appear and try to dash into you and Inami Temple has a lot of bottomless pits so getting hit by one midjump can be a disaster and this is combined with the aforementioned Nightmare Rain since it always happens in the stage

  30. 2:15 Ouch. Trust Robbie's characters to casually throw out harsh truths.
    3:48 Isn't that what Ren does most of the time, though?
    7:41 Hold on, blackmail by the leader, this feels familiar.
    10:50 Suuuuuuure…
    15:42 Wait a minute, a portrait? That's not meant to happen, this isn't a story scene!
    16:14 A name too? Nonono, who is this girl and why does she get all this treatment.
    16:25 Multiple portraits?!
    17:23 Oh, and now she's mad.I'm expecting something like this: "I put so much effort, you don't, and yet you're better than me?!"
    18:21 Ah, so she was evil. Should have suspected it earlier.
    24:48 Could it be the dad of the boy who wanted Imported Protein back on the first Makoto stalking us episode?
    25:28 By the power of friendship, train fares are free.
    26:30 What's with Confidants today and people barging in during them. At least this one doesn't have a portrait.
    31:51 Also, Yusuke is in the background, and can probably hear us- oh, we thought of the same thing.
    32:57 Wait, does that mean this student has to spend 400 yen each day to go to school?
    35:33 Also, Akechi is now on the board. Whoever might this talented board artist be, always drawing the events of rumour…
    38:15 DARN IT RYUJI! (Also Makoto caught stalking us counter: 5?)
    43:15 Because you are the one who says Phantom Thieves all the time? Ann alone would have been suspicious, but not incriminating.
    49:22 Huh, flashbacks in a Confidant.
    52:15 Next day, we try to prevent Makoto from causing us a non-standard and permanent Game Over.

  31. I've heard about Ann's confidant and it being bad primarily because of one thing. Now that I think I've seen what it is…yep, another person to get irritated at. But this is totally just a one-time part of this confidant and we don't have to think about this person again because it'd side track the entire confidant right! …right?

    I didn't know about that train trivia. I know of a train trivia where if you NEED to use the train and don't have money Morgana…somehow has cash on hand to pay for you, but didn't know about that. Likely is just an oversight but who knows, maybe some coder at Atlus was feeling generous.

    Totally random but lots of people blame Ryuji for the Makoto situation. I mean…yes he started it, but mainly talking about the part during the interrogation. There is one of two options, the unlikely one of Ryuji being so loud that even not being on speaker he can be heard…or for some reason Ren sets his phone to speaker in which WHY DO YOU DO THAT? …it's still primarily Ryuji's fault but Ren what the hell? And this is why not just their names need code names.

    There is an odd hilarity to the fact that the day the group gets outed by someone and is put into a position where they're under her thumb is the day Ren decides to hang out with the group's OTHER local pain in the ass.

    3:16 – Honestly, same. Along with a lot of the stuff you mentioned and the one experience I had with coffee felt like a nightmare. Partly because of my own poor choices but still, being on caffeine on a 3-4 hour car drive was horrible.

    5:24 – Thinking about it…did…they ever explain to Sojiro anything about this Sayuri? Or did he just accept the person he was watching over and his three friends have from what he would understand, a counterfeit with a detail the original didn't have. (6:29 edit – NOPE, GUESS NOT. Good luck Ren!)

    20:58 – What, did they just forget? I suppose in-universe Ann already basically got closure with Ren for the day and is doing something else now that she probably wouldn't have a need to call him for. That's probably why, if they didn't forget, they purposefully chose not to include.

    27:44 – So someone who was easily elected and wasn't a politician. Yeah uh…unfortunate model they chose to use for this guy. That or this was totally on purpose.

    28:24 – Also on another note with this line, I was expecting this guy to be more of a jerk like some of the other confidants who have issues with their public image. Kind of a nice change of pace, even if he is a little blunt with "do what he says, not what he does."

    32:59 – I checked a few no commentary playthroughs to see and yes, it is different. The dialogue changes to Morgana saying "Did they say Kichijoji…? Did we ever see someone like that?", "It just sounds like a rumor though, so who knows how much you can believe…", "What do you think, ___?" with the options "I'm curious.", "He might be dangerous.", and "I don't want to get involved." Morgana responds to the option but I'm not going to try and find this situation and see if people select all 3 different choices to see what pops up.

    38:15 – So she was recording in the previous episode…and used the flash. You know with the conversation that was had afterwards, maybe she didn't MIND being caught but still, remember to turn your flash off when you're spying on someone.

    39:16 – Plus if it's JUST the audio and not any footage (though it probably is judging by her position last episode), it can be believed it was audio manipulation. No sure if that's the "correct" term, but it's something like that.

    43:17 – In a way that only sounded suspicious when put in relation to the other clip.

    50:18 – I'm sort of like Akechi. While I am primarily right-handed, there are a few things I can do well with my left hand. Not everything, drawing for instance is a struggle, but there's a couple activities I can achieve with both.

  32. I have a feeling we are about to get a new party member.

    Because Makoto has an unique portrait which means either

    1. Teacher
    2. Confidant
    3. Target
    4. party members which are also confidants
    4. story important character that isn't any of the above

  33. 1:49 I love how she's not even bothering to hide how much Akechi's already on her nerves. Cherami Leigh is amazing, as if Mae wasn't enough proof of that.


    5:56 Ahhh, so this guy IS me. Except I sleep past noon on weekdays too.

    12:59 Hah! Ohh, I still love the DK rap. My only problem with the Yooka-Laylee wrap is how long the ending repeat goes on for. DK rap ended with only one or two full repetitions, while the Yooka-Laylee one… goes on for at least 20 seconds. I need to actually play Yooka-Laylee, I bought the first game a while back…

    13:15 That's kinda how it goes. Spend enough time with someone and you start to talk like them, and aside from Yusuke every current Phantom Thief has spent a lot more time with Ryuji than they otherwise might've. Honestly, I'm surprised Ren and Morgana don't say it more often.

    15:16 Shiho is more of a "I Let Gwen Stacy Die" sorta deal, just without the death. Spidey's first love and the effects of losing her were never forgotten in the comics that came after that infamous "snap".

    16:59 I love how Ren keeps sweatdropping at Ann's answers.

    17:53 More blatant manipulation… it ticks me off every time.

    19:24 Man, that Mika's a real witch.

    22:56 "TRAITOR!"

    35:48 I wish you'd gone with "who is Nijima" just so I could steal the "who's Morales" joke from Spider-Verse again.

    51:24 After Case 1 of GAA, I feel a little weird seeing "powers of observation" in just normal white text.

    ~How could this happen to meeeee…..

  34. This Lovers rank up is pretty funny. From Ren repeatedly sweat dropping at the trainwreck in progress to Ann being genuinely impressed at Mika's underhanded bishiness… That said, I disagree with Ann's assessment of the perfect fake crying technique. I find that my own technique, which consists mainly of scrunching up my face, hitching my breath, and making an awful wheezing sound, fairly consistently leads to actual tears running down my face within a minute or so. Which is to say, my favoured technique for fake crying is to actually make myself cry. I'm a method actor.


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