Persona 3 Portable – Part 5 – Shadow Priestess

Hello everyone and welcome to my English walkthrough/ let’s play of Persona 3 Portable for the PlayStation 5 and today, the full moon has arrived and with it comes a gigantic shadow and its up to SEES to exterminate it
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38 thoughts on “Persona 3 Portable – Part 5 – Shadow Priestess”

  1. 12:15 I always cut Junpei slack here. It’s a ladder. Only an idiot climbs up a ladder without paying attention to the direction they’re going, especially if someone is climbing ahead of them. Plus Yukari just gets there and immediately starts climbing knowing she’s wearing a skirt lol

  2. Awesome battle you did against a boss Shadow Aranca type. Hey….Does Priestess look a bit off? lol Anyways, for Kotone to still live a good daily lives as well. Other things to look forward to next.

  3. So quick question, i haven't started the video yet and have been wondering for a little while now: Are all the shadows some variation of blue mask blobs? I ask this because it feels strange being five episodes in and not having seen a single iconic atlus demon design as an enemy. Also Junpei being all "But she's a girl!" feels fitting since he's of the magician arcana and they seem to always be mild womanizers on top of being the laughing stock, Yosuke is like Junpei but way worse and morgana can't stop simping after Ann. Still out of those three, i think Junpei is the most likable.

  4. And here I thought we had a bond going Junpei what is up dude? Its hard to read Junpei, but I am sure he'll get better as the game goes forward. I hope at least cause not fond of him right now. On the other hand Mitsuru riding a motorcycle I suppose I should've expected it as she does seem like a badass type of character. But some reason I was not expecting it. But definitely like her even more knowing she does ride a motorcycle!

  5. Okay do the weapons they have do anything? It seems that all the attack animations look like they just shot themselves in the head and their personas do the main attacking.

  6. Does anything happen during a new moon? Also if a full Moon means things get extra crazy then a blue Moon would be fun. One more thing February can not a blue Moon.

  7. the way junpei acts early game makes my eyes roll far back, but he definitely grows and become better both in the story and in his social link in kotone's route and i enjoy the progression 🙂 also johne losing his mind about rio potentially having a crush on kenji had me reeling 😄

  8. I think they're usually referred to literally as the Major Arcanas(since they're just called that, but specifically as Shadows- represent the reversed), the wiki has some really good interpretation of their symbolism. Though I guess people also likes to call them Full Moon Shadows or Major Shadows

  9. {Day 365&109} of been impressed by P5R and waiting for P6.
    Wasn't it Reversed Priestess? The prefix "Shadow" only became a thing P4 onwards.
    15:17 This was the Hot blooded and wanting to prove himself arc.
    45:31 The secret tapes yeah, these are funny.


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