Persian Gulf’s Joint Navy with China! US Hegemony Coming to End??

Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Oman, in coordination with China, will form a joint navy to protect security in the Persian Gulf. The joint navy’s formation reflects the new geopolitical landscape in the Middle East in which the US’s hegemony is eroding faster than anyone anticipated.

One thing is sure: China is certainly looks to fill the vacuum left by the US’s exist from the region!!

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43 thoughts on “Persian Gulf’s Joint Navy with China! US Hegemony Coming to End??”

  1. More important than the Persian Gulf's joint navy with China, the arrival of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to Beijing to seek support from China after the Chinese leadership expressed readiness to help facilitate Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. This took place on June 13, on the heel of the Chinese-brokered restoration of diplomatic ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran only 3 months ago in March 2023.

    Another event that overshadowed the Persian Gulf's joint navy with China is the proposal by Iran and Saudi Arabia to establish a joint navy alliance with the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Iraq as well as Pakistan and India to patrol both the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea — with the intention to isolate the U.S. influence in the region, even with its Fifth Fleet of aircraft carrier battle group.

    Upon news of Algeria's purchase of 6 Chinese 7,500-ton Type 052D destroyers with 64 vertical launch cells, the de-facto leader of OPEC+ Saudi Arabia immediately announced its plan to buy a dozen of Chinese 052D destroyers to upgrade its navy, including the complete weapon system for the warship that encompasses YJ-100 cruise missiles with a range of 1,000km range as well as an air defense network comprising of HQ-16, HHQ-9, HHQ-10 and DK-10A surface to air missiles and possibly the most lethal YJ-21 anti-ship hypersonic ballistic missiles.

    These recent developments simply point to a rapid and irreversible decline of U.S. domination in the Middle East. Perhaps, the U.S. should prepare itself for the day when Israel signs a peace deal with the Arab world.

  2. David Question: Is Philippine playing an dangerous game by allowing US building so many military bases in Philippines? . Are the US using Philippines as the next proxy war against China?

  3. I’m so happy that the countries in the region finally saw h the big picture that they’re being used! They’ve been divided and exploited by the US for half a century!
    Resolve your differences and kick the foreign powers out and protect your national interests and sovereignty!

  4. America only think of themselves and never others, u see taiwan, if theres an invasion by china, first what they will do is, bomb the microchip factory, they only think of their tech not about taiwan… Now they are quietly evacuating americans citizen from taiwan, they will nuke taiwan and blame china…

    U can see america goes from country to country openly talking bad about china… Telling others not to be friends with china… Why is this? Because china is gaining in technology… On this planet only america is allowed to have such technology, only america can go killing billions of people and get away with it

    China goes from country to country only tapk about business and ventures…

    U say china is bad because harrasing neighbours, china harras only the one that let america use their country to make american naval and army bases…

    America is the purest of evil… All america because the american citizen let this happen… U vote for them, u gave them powers, AND proven sins that they have done, none of them being prosecuted… Billion lives lost because or america and british

  5. Growing up on the border of Iraq and experiencing Iran-Iraq war 8 years of my childhood, just to listen to news of Americans invading Iraq when I was a teenager and, ISIS, Syria, Yemen, …
    Middle East has been at war and conflict all my life!
    You can’t imagine how positive I feel knowing that the Middle Eastern people can be friends and visit each other’s countries like South Americans and Europeans do!
    It was unimaginable all my life and it is coming true! I’m so thankful to China for providing the leadership and wisdom to help lay the foundations of a lasting peace! Inshallah! ☮️❤ 🤝

  6. The end of US Hegemony is good for ordinary peace-loving Americans but will be fatal for Washington Deep State Global Capitalists as they will no longer be able to dominate the rest of the world of 77 years

  7. The gulf states know the American regime is a declining empire. They’re now emboldened with the rise of China and Russia. They can also see how impotent the USA backed NATO is.

  8. This is very bad optics for US. I am not surprised if US allies will soon drop off one by one. Japan is already slowly isolating thru selling off US bonds & buying Russia oil. France is looking & knocking on BRICS door to join. Turkey & Egypt is abt to get loose too. Mexico is joining BRICS. Not looking good US

  9. Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Oman, in coordination with China all Asian countries, will form a joint navy to protect security in the Persian Gulf.
    And the Eng-lia an Asian country is betraying Asia and having military coordination with the western country United Snake. This traitor cannot be trusted as Asian country. All Asian countries should boycott this Asian traitor.

  10. Hi Dr David
    I read in the news from the Iranian National Guard, about
    Oil Theft , they cought pirates stealing oil from one tanker transfer ing the oil to an American tanker. The American pirates fled
    When the Iranian guards came… USA piracy

  11. Hello India ! where are u !? the next superpower to take over China according to all the western country , it's time to pick a side or openly " stay neutral " , but either way India needs to removed themself from the QUAD membership .

  12. What does this mean to the existing US naval bases (and maybe other US military bases) in the Gulf? and what does this mean to the security of Israel? will Israel have to accept the changes?

  13. The truth of the matter is that politicians in the West and the US including Australia (Australia which is psychologically totally confused and suffering from an identity crisis as it thinks it is "west" when the reality is that it is geographically part of Asia!!!), are still stuck in their mental capacity and attitude in the glory days of "empire" 5-6 centuries ago.
    They may have learned to wear Gucci suits nowadays but nothing else seem to have evolved in their psyche and consciousness from their barbarian days. Instead of recognising their sordid past and history , they celebrate their delusions like "Thanksgiving Day" which the Native American Indians rightly and clearly remember and commemorate as their "Day of Mourning" being the beginning of the murdering, genociding, plundering, stealing, raping and ultimately, OCCUPATION , of their land uninvited, without any due compensation even till today.
    But these thieves and robbers take a lot of pride in the stories they tell themselves and sell to the world how great their "founding" was!!! Same stories with the "Empire" where the sun never sets. Australia with the Aborigines. New Zealand with their Maoris. The African continent with all those Europeans……… goes on and on. This is the 21st Century , for chrissakes! Grow up and come out of that sick and primitive mentality of never ending desire to dominate, control and subjugate.
    The zillions of dollars spent on wars and "defence" and the other zillions being hoarded by the 1% is more than sufficient to provide every human being on the planet a very decent and never anything wanting life on this planet with the healthiest and cleanest environment. And we pride ourselves as being the only creature on earth with the intelligence, consciousness and capacity of free will and choice. And these sick politicians choose never ending squabbles, tensions and wars!!! Go figure.

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    From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than two million tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing missions—equal to a planeload of bombs every 8 minutes, 24-hours a day, for 9 years – making Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in history. The bombings were part of the U.S. Secret War in Laos to support the Royal Lao Government against the Pathet Lao and to interdict traffic along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The bombings destroyed many villages and displaced hundreds of thousands of Lao civilians during the nine-year period.
    Five years ago, the US forces, using the fake intelligence of a staged video by “White Helmets” as evidence, conducted the so-called “most precise air strikes in history” in Syria, killing more than 1,600 innocent civilians. In recent years, the international community has been calling for investigations into the killing of civilians in the US’ overseas military operations. On Syria alone, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic pointed out several times in its reports in September 2019 and February 2021 that the US failed to distinguish military targets from civilians in its air strikes in Syria, which gravely violates international humanitarian law and may constitute war crimes. However, the US government has been turning a deaf ear to all this. 
    According to reports, over the past nearly two decades, the US conducted over 90,000 air strikes in countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, which may have killed up to 48,000 civilians. But the US military time and again covered up the facts and refused to apologize, admit its crimes or hold the perpetrators accountable. It did everything possible to evade its responsibilities.
    On the drone strike of civilians in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesperson said openly in December 2021 that no US soldiers will face disciplinary action over it. The US media also disclosed at the end of last year that from 2014 to 2019, the US military turned its guns on farmers in the middle of harvest, children playing in the streets, families fleeing the fighting and villagers taking shelter in buildings. These disastrous crimes were deliberately concealed and whitewashed. US media revealed last year that according to the US military’s own confidential assessments of more than 1,300 reports of civilian casualties, civilian casualties in US air strikes have been “significantly undercounted”. Larry Lewis, a Director at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) of the US said that on average at least one incident of civilian harm has happened every week since 9/11.
    There has been an overall pattern of negligence with regard to the US government on the issue of civilian harm. The US has also obstructed the International Criminal Court’s investigations into its war crimes in Afghanistan.  Every human life, regardless of nationality, race, religion or values, is equal and precious. The US should earnestly respond to the strong call of the international community, conduct a credible, independent and impartial investigation into civilian casualties caused by US air strikes, and hold the people concerned accountable.

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  14. I try to explain these things to the people around me, but nobody believes it. They think that, somehow, the US will be the world's superpower forever; as if we are invincible. I've become so exhausted that I have stopped trying to explain it. All I do is say "Well, you'll see."

  15. It's exceptionally clear. Not that the US is down and out indefinitely. Rather that the US no longer holds a monopoly on the world's hegemony. It's likely now as the World's No. 2, and it does look like slipping down to No. 3 not too far in the future. The Ukraine war has shown the country's tipping point.

  16. China is doomed. Don't you stay up with current affairs in that country? China is deeply in debt and all capital has left. Millions are unemployed. Besides they can't make an aircraft carrier that works. On the other hand, such a Navy should be created because the US is done protecting the rest of the world. We are going home. We are oil independent, and can grow all the food we need. and lead in sophisticated tech development. Mexico will do the heavy manufacturing, Canada will help with Oil and food, and US will continue to develop AI and tech products. Besides we can wipe out any and all Navies in about a week. You should find another job.

  17. Question is what is the main purpose of the US navy in the Gulf region. How does it threatens YS National Security when they were thousands of kilometers away from there. If there are dangers to US commercial vessels, it is not too late to fly her fighter aircrafts stationed in the Gulf region. Their bullshit of ensuring free navigation is the biggest joke at all times. It is more like stationing gangsters at that area to intimidate commercial vessels of countries they target example Iranian oil tankers.

  18. Confucious had daid " What u do onto other will boomerang onto yourself" As Sun Tzu had tsught us " Buy time, Do not show your strength initially, when time is right , give them hell " Buddha will go " Tuck, Tuck, ehy u no listten u stupide bratt, u NY. As the western Murphy's Law indicate " Thongs eill happen ehen u least expect it to happen


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