Perfectly Balanced – Chinese Campaign Episode 3 – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

Nine forward firing 14 inch guns is completely fair! Why are you running?

Join me for a brand new campaign on 1.3 with all the new features, and no submarines!

This campaign was recorded using Admiralsnackbar’s balance mod which you can find here

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Lieutenants: Armande Christoph
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy
Sergeant: Jackie, Twitchyknees, Alerik Rahl, paga1985s, Haytor
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck.


24 thoughts on “Perfectly Balanced – Chinese Campaign Episode 3 – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts”

  1. Personally, I start in 1890 most often because it has the most territories to conquer without needing to rely too heavily on minor nation RNG, not to mention the peacetime period usually lasts- for me, at least- into the dreadnought era, so I just use the 1890s as a way to jumpstart the nation to be ready in the next decade.

  2. Brandenburg class in 1890s is a real beauty. And same could be said about most pre-dreadnoughts. They look nice. One of my favourites is a 1890s CL at minimum displacement while bolting in a 7 inch turret on it. It looks like a toy ship.

  3. My feelings about starting in 1890 are similar to derweltenbauer's. I also found it interesting that Australia was counted as part of the British Empire and not it's own minor nation at that point. It got me to thinking "Maybe I could try to conquer Australia and get some territory near the Pacific that way." Just generally gives me more ideas on how to play my campaign.

  4. Question for everyone: Has anyone found that Naval Invasions don't seem to work? I tried to invade Malta, which required 68000 tons, with 300 000 tons, twice. In 1.2.9, this would have been a sure thing. No such luck in 1.3. Anyone else get anything like this?

  5. 20:39: Just noticed that the pressure of our campaign on the Soviet Navy in the Pacific has caused so much unrest that the Russian Communist Party has lost power and the Leftist have taken control. The Soviet Union is no more!

  6. So let me get this straight. If you make choices that increase unrest but don't damage your naval prestige you can get rid of un-useful parties like the Communists or Nationalists, and when the Centrists are in power you make choices that decrease unrest even at the expense of your naval prestige? And never ever run over budget ?

  7. Between Heaven and Earth Pao: 24 April 1934

    Canton, Pazhou, Guangdong Province, Republic of China

    Fleet ordered to Formosa

    The available ships of the Chinese Republic Navy have been ordered to cover the liberation of the Island of Formosa.

  8. Between Heaven and Earth Pao: 12 April 1934

    Canton, Pazhou, Guangdong Province, Republic of China

    Peace Offer Desperate Ploy to Save the Sevastopol

    The Russian government has once again asked for a peace conference just as the Pobeda class Battleship Sevastopol is attempted to cross the Sea of Japan. The Xuegong class battleship Zhaohui where a strong escort of the Hunan class heavy cruiser Shandong, the Xinxiang class light cruiser Zunyi, the Yangjiang gun cruiser, and the four Wulidian class destroyers Zhendong, Zhennan, Bijin and Wulidian herself were sent to engaged the Sevastopol.

    The 32 knot Sevastopol could not refuse engagement with the lighter ships of the Chinese task force, and thus focused her fire on them hoping to drive them into retreat so she could break free of the 23 knot battleship Zhaohui. So the Sevastopol kept her broadsides open to pick off the cruisers and destroyers of the Chinese Republic Navy, and in turn drove them off until only the Bijin and Wulidian were left, though each ship was able to put a measure of damage on the Sevastopol.

    All the while the fire of the Zhaohui was falling on the Sevastopol, causing increasing damage. Just as the Wulidian came into range to launch her torpedoes the Sevastopol was beginning to tear apart, and being forced to maneuver to avoid the Wulidian’s launch strained the ship even more as the Bijin came up and launched her torpedoes. These struck home just as the Sevastopol cracked in two. The Kapitan of the Sevastopol, seeing his ship was lost, ordered it abandoned in time to save all by 716 of his 1990 man crew. In total Chinese losses were 110 officers and ratings killed or seriously wounded, the largest amount of these from the Zunyi.

  9. Between Heaven and Earth Pao: 4 April 1934

    Canton, Pazhou, Guangdong Province, Republic of China

    Communist Party of China Rejects Extortion Demands from Empire of Japan

    The Nationalist Government of the Empire of Japan has insisted that as a show of good faith the Republic of China ‘invest’ money from its own Naval Budget in the industrialization of Japan. The Communist Party of China has rejected the demands of the Empire of Japan upon the advice of the It-kip siōng-chiòng.

  10. Between Heaven and Earth Pao: 12 January 1934

    Canton, Pazhou, Guangdong Province, Republic of China

    Will They Put the Country First?

    The Communist Party of China has won the national elections and will take power. Despite their Anti-Soviet rhetoric in the campaign claims are being made they will seek an unadvantageous peace with the Soviet Union. Time will tell.

    Reports of a Peace Offer from the Russia have been confirmed. The Foreign Ministry says they are reviewing the suggested terms offered by the new government in Moscow.

    The Kingdom of Belgium however seems to think the new Communist government will be an excellent trade and defense partner and has signed an alliance with the Republic of China.

    The head of the United States Navy, Admiral Thomas Kalbfus, has just concluded a good will tour with the Republic of China and said in Beijing that “The United States and the Republic of China have natural shared interests in commerce and defense in the Western Pacific.”

    The Nationalist party still retains control in the Empire of Japan.

  11. Between Heaven and Earth Pao: 17 December 1933

    Canton, Pazhou, Guangdong Province, Republic of China

    Sinking the Soviet Union’s Battlecruiser

    The Soviet Navy sent their one battlecruiser, the Krasnodar, a 49584 ton beast armed with ten 13” guns and four 8.8” guns with a secondary of sixty-five 3” guns, to the South China Sea. To counter her the Chinese Republic Navy deployed the battlecruiser Huizhou accompanied by the Yangjiang class gun cruiser Karamay and the Wulidian class destroyer Zhenzhong.

    The Chinese ships formed battle line with the Huizhou leading and sailed a converging course with the Krasnodar where each ship could use its whole broadsides. The Krasnodar hit the Huizhou first but the Huizhou began to make for hits in return. Then the Karamay came into range and her 7” guns began to hit, increasing in accuracy as the range closed until she making six to eight hits per salvo of her twelve gun broadsides.

    The Karamay accounted for one of the Krasnodar’s secondary guns. The Huizhou also took out a secondary gun and later got a massive hit on the 13” B turret that also destroyed the forward 8.8” turret super firing over B turret. As the range closed the 5” guns on the Huizhou came into range, and finally the 5” guns on the Zhenzhong. The Krasnodar achieved less than a dozen hits with her 13” guns, one hit with her 8.8” and a few with her 3” guns against scores of hits from the Karamay and at least thirty hits from Huizhou’s 14” guns.

    The Krasnodar sank from flooding taking 2044 of her 2350 man crew with her just as the Zhenzhong was approaching to fire a salvo of torpedoes into her. The Huizhou took 129 casualties. Neither of the smaller ships were targeted.

  12. Between Heaven and Earth Pao: 14 November 1933

    Canton, Pazhou, Guangdong Province, Republic of China

    Not an Auspicious Debut

    Operating off the coast of Indo-China in an attempt to interdict reinforcements from the Baltic Fleet to the Pacific Area of Operations, the Hunan class heavy cruiser Chaoyong engaged in her first battle alongside the experienced destroyers Wulidian. They encountered the Soviet Navy heavy cruiser Slava Rossi, sent to replace her sister ship Admiral Makarov sunk two months earlier, accompanied by the Albatros class destroyer Amurets.

    Fought at dusk, the battle began with the two heavy cruisers attempting to find the range where their guns would be effect. The eight 9” guns of the Chaoyung were matched against the twelve 8.7” guns of the Slava Rossi. The Chaoyung’s fire control was plagued by technical issues, and the ship was forced to maneuver to avoid torpedoes from the Amurets and the Slava Rossi. These issues allowed the Slava Rossi go gain penetrating hits on the Chaoyung’s fore and aft sections, causing flooding. With his ship now endangerd, the Tiong-hāu ordered the withdrawal from battle. Eventually he was able to break away from the enemy.

    Losses were 90 officers and ratings aboard the Chaoyung with another 24 aboard the Wulidian. Losses on the Soviet ships have been reported to be 25 officers and ratings.

  13. I would love to have a 1905 start, 1900 is too early for dreadnoughts and 1910 you already have second or third generation dreadnoughts.
    So for me I have to use the earlier one to really get the start of the dreadnoughts


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