People Who Out Lived INSANE Prison Sentences

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23 thoughts on “People Who Out Lived INSANE Prison Sentences”

  1. My Uncle may be on here one day. He’s been in for nearly 50 years. Forensic Files did an episode on him. Tom Brown of Clackamas County, Oregon. In for murder and has parole hearings every so often.
    As a kid we would go visit him on the weekends in Salem and he was a pretty cool dude. Was always nice to my brother and I as he was in before I was born. I was too young to know what he did and of course my mom still thinks he’s innocent. Maybe someday he’ll get out and get some fresh air just before passing.

  2. The black guy who recently shot a 8 year old white little girl in the head because he he hated white people. Racism goes both ways. Assholes come in all colors and races.

  3. I cant even grasp the mindset of an inocent man who spent 60 years in prison …. it's very hard to me to understand how he could cope with that. Its mindblowing.
    An Huge and Brave Man he was.
    And not even a compensation…life can be a real Nightmare to some people.
    PS: when i was 22 one night with some friends and the worst Enemy of a man, Alcohol,i did a Stupid thing,nothing serious,no harm to one but enough to spend 32 months in prison.
    Today iam 57, i have a wonderful life,a wonderful familie,but still this day my bedroom's window,during summer,winter,no matter but must be always a little bit open, always.
    When i started dating my wife,she complain abaut the window be open,and i said without a second thought " look you know what happen to me,you say you love me and want to married me,so please try to understand because i cant explain,but if you love me just forget the window". And whe married 33 years ago and still go strong,and the window always a little bit open.
    Some people might understand why.
    And no long after my released,i thought to myself" how on Earth a human being put himself in a situation that can lead you to a place like that…only a very stupid and dumb person". And its the truth.
    It's the worst place where a "man" can spend his own life,the Worst.

  4. Some deserved to be there but unfortunately there r many back in time especially young black people who were forced by cops to admit the crime just to make it easy in cops and get over with the case

  5. They throw people in prison and never go back to re-evaluate the sentence! This is wrong and evil on so many levels! They should lock up the people giving these ridiculous sentences! Look at how many people have been found innocent after spending 30-40 years in prison! Just evil!

  6. Now the court system has gone the other way and now we don't put people in jail for committing crimes. Racism will never go away and don't forget it's not just white people who are racists, every skin color can be racists.


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