People who know


38 thoughts on “People who know”

  1. So basically El Sibon is a spoiled farm boy who once asked his father to bring him deer meat. When his father didn't return, El Sibon came to look for him. After he found his dad, he stabbed him multiple times with his knife. Later then, he returned home and bring the guts from his father and told his mother to cook it. As soon as the stopped cooking and eating the meat, she asked El Sibon where did he get it from and El Sibon said dad with having blood inside of his hands. It turned out, his mother was a witch and cursed him to be always hungry for the rest of his life, even worse is that his life is un – endable, meaning he'll exist forever and cannot die.

    Moral of the story: Don't be a spoiled bitch

  2. Ok this for people that don’t understand english, el silbon es un ente malo que cuando era adolescente quería carne y su padre no le iso caso entonces el lo mato llevo sus órganos a su madre y le dijo que los cocinara y después le dijo a su madre lo que iso su madre se asustó y llamó a su abuelo el abuelo te pego y lo condeno a silbar y caminar por la eternidad llevando los huesos de su padre en su saco


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