Pentagon officials testify on UFOs in rare House hearing | full video

Congress on Tuesday held its first public hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years. Pentagon officials testified before a House Intelligence Committee subcommittee about how the Defense Department is organizing reports of these mysterious objects.

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50 thoughts on “Pentagon officials testify on UFOs in rare House hearing | full video”

  1. Finally some spotlight on this! The ariel phenonomen back in 1994 in Zimbabwe is still something I think about often. The Malmstrom nuclear, roswell and many others. This is unexplainable. What a time to be alive!!!

  2. The overlords are attempting to normalise their advanced transport.

    So now we have
    5G everywhere.
    Quantum computing,
    Freely volunteered digital identities,
    A.I. and robotics in rapid development,
    advanced aircraft,

    Anybody see Skynet forming?

    “This Is The World Now. Logged On, Plugged In, All The Time.”
    John Connor

  3. 17:38 – First sighting report caught on camera.
    19:04 – Second
    59:15 (onward) – No communication sent from the UFO's, neither has communication been sent out to them. No wreckage found. No discharge of weaponry against these objects. Submerged UFO detection intel not disclosed in open session.
    1:01:40 – The speaker asserts that most of these crafts are physical objects, and not optical phenomena.
    1:03:50 – No comment in open session pertaining to if encounters with the UFO's have impacted offensive or defensive capabilities (as. militarily).
    1:12:06 – the nation has developed capabilities to essentially detect what may be a threat and what may not be.
    Final Points (1:13:00 to end) – Is this a case of the U.S detecting Flying Objects deployed by the U.S? Is the military/government actively communicating with space force(s) on their operations? Etc.

  4. isn't it typical that you small minded morons would see these obviously peaceful gentle loving beings as a threat! They've been around for ever. If they wanted to hurt us they would have done so by now . And they are so much more advanced, millions, even billions of years ahead of us, you have no defense against them so humble yourselves and treat them with kindness and curiosity? They only want to help us help ourselves stop killing Mother Earth and us in the process! We're the violent ones not them! Why not try being friendly and see how far we can go with our alien neighbors

  5. Just in our galaxy alone there is an estimated ONE TRILLION planets. Surely, way more likely than not, there is intelligent life other than the far flung mote of dust floating at the tail end of the galactic spiral called earth. The galaxy must be TEAMING with life.

  6. A BS dog & pony show by the military. What about all the civilian reports and sightings?? They said they have over 400 sighting reports, and they chose to bring a crappy video clip to the hearing where you can't see anything and another one with a green blinking triangle that was explained away as light refraction? It's just another "official" US govt group to get a budget to study UAPs — Unidentified Aeriel Phenomena (UFOs). The truth, of course, is that the Pentagon, NASA, and a wide array of government agencies and contractors have already been doing this for over 75 years and keeping the bulk of the witnesses, evidence, and data hidden from the public and top secret. This new office isn't going to change that.

  7. This is rubbish,slap a new name on it and off you go,just like the "monkey pox again a new name for small pox,go figure 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️.
    They are telling us thing's that we already know so nothing new here. The tec that they have makes us look like we are living in the middle ages.
    What infuriates me is that they keep hiding behind is that these "anomalies "are a threat to are well being. I call 🏐💩,if this is the case why haven't interfered with us so far?why would they now. I can't help thinking that the only threat for these guy's is them being exposed off how they have been treating us and our beautiful world. They have been stealing money from us(tax) to put in their space programme project ,when none off us will benefit from this it will be for the private citizens, the aristocracy, the elite while we will be left behind to burn. This is a joke.and it's on us. 😡🤬😡
    And this is when their long line off lies continue, such as Roswell and what about the case back in 1850 ish,when a old western town came apon a alien and his ship. They said that they knew that it was not from our world. They tried to nurse him but it died ,they prayed for it giving him a decent berirule, this gives me hope in humanity, but not this lot ,they imprison them experiment on them and so on. I believe the photo of a curtain President and a alien ,also there is the film footage of him walking past a door accompanied by two of the same aliens?

  8. mr. Crawford is not the brightest lightbulb in the chandelier. It seems that most sightings happen close to military installations. In 1966 my mother saw an unidentified flying object over the Nike missile base in Terrell, Texas. She awakened at approximately 2:30 a.m., got out of bed and went to the window. Their window faced the missile base which was across hwy. 205 from our house.

  9. I would be happy to offer my services. I have what I believe to be a unique ability to detect interesting objects in images. I am focusing on Mars currently, but so far for my own interest and want of knowledge. I doubt I have much time left on this Earth so my offer is somewhat time limited. This all depends obviously on the sincerity of your apparent seeking of intelligence. I’m also happy to die with this knowledge without anyone else knowing about it.

    Either way, God Speed…

  10. I have been an ameteur weather watcher for many years and I seen some very strange things. Assumptions can be the mother of mistakes so I take a skeptics stance on this subject until it is proven otherwise. An interesting documentary.

  11. The American Congress on Hearing. Nevertheless, they continue to lie because they do know what it has been for decades. Thumbs up because it is all very well to conceive the facts but thumbs down because they have known for decades that this phenomenon is very real and not ours.

  12. Children being abused and going hungry. The earth and the animals are being destroyed by human actions. There are people going around bullying, harming and destroying the life of others. Yet the existence of aliens are important? This is nothing but escapism from reality.

  13. Two problems: One there are those within the Government who know exactly what the intent of these others is. Two, if these others were a threat, A. that would have been apparent years ago. B. If they are a threat, there isn't a god damn thing we can do about it. This is all about the elites having to give up their hold on power if the true intention of these others were to be made public. A source of energy that is clean and inexhaustible for the planet to share. This technology has been offered to our governments who turned it down due to maintaining the status quo. We would have to unite as a planet to receive this technology. There is also some legitimacy to the governments not revealing the whole truth: Studies have shown that the release of this information could cause a breakdown in society due to political and religious dogma. So, these others are now taking a grassroots level approach to revealing their existence. Slowly acclimating people as to their intent and presence.

  14. These things are absolutely real. There are several types of piloted craft. One in particular is the illuminating, glowing spheres in some sightings or videos you see that look like this 🧿. They appear to be individual observation craft. There is an entity inside each one, operating the craft (looks like a Grey 👽) . I know because I took a picture of one that was in a pilot’s video aired on a documentary series entitled “Unidentified”. He was flying his plane at night and saw a glowing, golden/amber like colored object flying alongside in the distance of his plane. I paused the program, took a picture from my phone, zoomed in, took out the glare and dimmed the glow and after some picture exposure adjusting you can clearly see what looks like a little grey entity, sitting inside. It has some type of apparatus on top of its head and you can definitely see the big eyes and what looks to be a black console with its long fingers on it as if it’s controlling it. It’s sitting in some type of a seat and staring at the plane. I was both amazed and stunned at the same time when I seen it after taking out the glow of the object. Im thinking maybe the bright glow is not only for them to see each other but to sorta blind the human eye from seeing them inside. It’s the same craft as seen during the day, but without the glow. Like a silverish white sphere. If you notice in the center of those you can see a head shape within the sphere. But, I dont know if the powers that be in the govt will reveal what these beings and UFOs are. I hope they do, because this is definitely real and I have my own pictures to convince me that these things are absolutely real. Go to my channel and Subscribe so you can see a few of the analyzed UFO pictures in the community tab. Subscribe, then refresh the page to see the Community tab. I posted them in there👍🏼

  15. They are preparing the public for the fake alien invasion. To take more freedom and usher us into socialism and their great reset NWO agenda. First was plandemic, next will be “climate change” climate control with the aid of DARPA weather manipulation capabilities. Third phase will be the threat of aliens. That’s why they keep putting emphasis on them being a threat to national security. Even though they’ve been here since recorded history and pose no threat


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