Pastures are Like Tequila, They Both Need LIME!!

Tick Creek Ranch needed some pasture managment to help with the pasture weeds and create the best plant variety for our cows. We had the soil tested and applied lime to the pastures, check out the difference in the pasture video.

#shorts #farming #grazing #ranching #cattle #animals #regenerativeagriculture #cows #country #homestead #drone


19 thoughts on “Pastures are Like Tequila, They Both Need LIME!!”

  1. Just subscribed from the UK. Nothing better for most crops than the correct PH. We use a mulching topper on our farm to knock the weeds back. I hope to see the progress your grassland makes. We have plenty of legumes and other beneficial herbs thriving in our pastures.

  2. 2000# / acre isn’t much. We usually put at least 6000#/acre unless the soil test shows more is needed. I put 10 ton/acre on my pasture (ore a 2 year period) and the ph went from 5.5 to 6.4-6.7.

  3. 1st thing I would do is get the animals off lime treated property for a couple of days, anyone with common sense knows lime burns their mouth as they forage, 2nd don't lime dust, it blows away, lime crystal as it falls/shakes on into the earth for better soil penetration as moisture gets to it.

  4. That looks like a super big win getting that done! We should check out PH levels! We've only got an acre, so it isn't a field we are going to use for crops of a big herd or anything, but it would be cool to know what we need to do to encourage nicer grass to grow than what we currently get!

  5. some context would be useful about your current pH (including what test did you use) . Was oyur clacium low as well or magnesium (i'm guessing not otherwise yo probably would be spreading dolomite. ost of lime and spreading cost might also be of interest.

  6. I tried browsing the comments first but didn't see it…. what was your initial PH from the soil test? Love seeing what you are doing as I am beginning the same process (just purchased test kits). Great video just subscribed…


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