Pastor Matt Hagee – "The Crisis of Faith"

The government is trying to tell us what we can and cannot believe, what we can and cannot do. The foundation of the United States was built by soldiers who selflessly gave their lives for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Currently, our freedoms are under attack. Are you putting your faith in God or the government?


25 thoughts on “Pastor Matt Hagee – "The Crisis of Faith"”

  1. Praise God, hallelujah the god of Israel the god of Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life for millions of generations to come. Other paths will only lead to self-destruction for man in the end time. Jesus has warned us again and again in the biblical scriptures: repent of man's sins, turn to God and believe in him as believe in prophet Jonah. Otherwise man will face a terrible end time of self-destruction.


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