Pastor Matt Hagee – "Heaven's Prescription for an Abundant Life"

If the secret to an abundant life came through a prescription, would you want one? Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction. The Word is from God, and it is all good. It does not return void. There isn’t one problem you can bring to God that He can’t solve.


25 thoughts on “Pastor Matt Hagee – "Heaven's Prescription for an Abundant Life"”

  1. HEALED: of a person or treatment cause to become sound or HEALTHY AGAIN.

    When a person visits his or her doctor to seek medical treatment to be HEALED from a (deadly) illness, he or she does so in HOPES of being made whole AGAIN. The doctor’s goal would be to prevent the person from dying from their chronic illness. In some cases it may require that the patient undergo a discomforting treatment plan in order for them to be made healthy again. I am quite sure that the patient would not mind being inconvenienced in any way, if he or she had a strong desire to continue living. The dilemma is that all treatments are NOT a 100% cure for certain illnesses. That INFORMATION is something that the patient does NOT really care to know about. You see?……Christ did NOT come down from Heaven to suffer and die so that He would be able to RESTORE our sin sick lives with a treatment plan. He had voluntarily sacrificed His life to make us 100% whole again. When He had cried out to His Father in Heaven, saying β€œit is FINISHED” our SIN SICK SOULS were given the GLORIOUS opportunity to receive an ETERNALLY HEALING. It is called SALVATION!!

    πŸ“– Isaiah 53:5 πŸ“–
    But He (Christ) was pierced for (our) (offenses) transgressions, he was crushed for (our) (immoral behavior) iniquities; the punishment that brought us PEACE (with the Father) was (placed) on Him, and by His wounds we (are) HEALED.

    This my friend is the (Gospel) Good News that every (former) sinner LOVE talking about, as well as SHARING the information with other people who have not yet been given the opportunity to personally know Him as their Savior and HEALER of the soul. The Apostle Paul and the disciple Jude were two Godly servants who delighted in sharing the gospel news with ANYONE who was willing to receive it. 😁 (Romans 1:16)

    πŸ“– 1 Corinthians 2:2 πŸ“–
    For I (Paul) resolved to know (nothing) while I was with you EXCEPT Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

    πŸ“– Jude 1:3 πŸ“–
    Dear friends, although I was (very) eager to write to you about the SALVATION we share,

    Please Seek and Pray for the biblical TRUTH, that you also may be ETERNALLY HEALED!

    Love you all β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•Š

  2. I believe the Christ was talking to his people the Israelites to loves one another he wasn't talking to the world πŸ˜‚ but it's the Israelites people job to introduce God anybody else wants to believe in Christ

  3. Hypothetically speaking.

    There was a very noble man who had inherited his grandfather’s ten bedroom mansion overlooking the beach. He was very thankful for the home that had provided him and his family with a place to live. One summer evening after hosting a large party for his friends, it had been discovered that one of his guest had accidentally started a huge fire by not properly extinguishing their cigarette. The cigarette had caused a huge five alarm fire that had totally destroyed everything. When he was asked about how he felt about losing everything, he said he is just EXTREMELY GRATEFUL that he and his entire family were able to make it out of the destructive fire ALIVE.

    There was a very wealthy man who lived in a huge mansion nested in the rolling hills of California. He took great pride in his sprawling estate in the beautiful hills. One summer evening while he was out of town on a business venture, a powerful fire storm had unexpectedly swept through his property and destroyed absolutely everything that he had owned. Unfortunately, not only did the fire destroyed his property, but it had also claimed the lives of his ENTIRE family. When he was asked about how he had felt about his painful losses, he said with tearful eyes, β€œ I am really gonna miss my EXPENSIVE home.”

    Can you see just how EVIL human behavior can become when we are bent on pursuing and attaining earthly riches over pursuing an ongoing LOVING relationship with Christ?

    πŸ“– 1 Timothy 6:5-10 πŸ“–
    5 and constant friction between people of (corrupt) minds, who have been ROBBED of the TRUTH and who (think) that godliness is a means to FINANCIAL GAIN.
    6Β But GODLINESS with (contentment) is GREAT GAIN. 7Β For we (Christians) brought (nothing) into the world, and we can take (nothing) out of it. 8Β But if we (Christians) have food and clothing, we (will) be content with that. 9Β Those (professing Christians) who want to get RICH fall into temptation and a TRAP and into (many) FOOLISH and HARMFUL desires that plunge people into RUIN and DESTRUCTION. 10Β For the love of moneyis a root of (all kinds) of EVIL. Some (Christian) people, eager for MONEY, have wandered (from the FAITH) and pierced THEMSELVES with (many GRIEFS.

    The PROSPERITY gospel is extremely DANGEROUS to say the least!!!…..I did not say it, Jesus did!!!

    Sent with much LOVE take care and God bless you all β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎ

  4. Pastor matt my 3 sisters just kept letting the devil.depress them. Im the last born daughter in my family but i am the type of Christian that i have a strong determination that no matter what comes my way my faith is Strong . I know what my Jesus can do. I am determined to have a sound mind in Jesus name. God bless you for letting God use you to bless my soul. Tell you dad to give you a big hug from me.

  5. Great Video Pastor Matt!! but Glory to God Almighty ❀️.So much happiness,$47k weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD I now have a house and can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement

  6. Think about this for a moment.

    We live in a fallen world, because this world has been cursed by God. Christ had told His disciples that SATAN is the god of this world. He also had forewarned them to NOT LOVE this fallen world and the corruptible THINGS that are in this world, because if they did, they would not have the LOVE of Christ dwelling within them. To put it in perspective, this WORLD is God's ENEMY!!

    Knowing that, why would a preacher tell his congregation that God's desire is to offer His children the WORLD? 😁………and why would they foolishly BELIEVE it?

    Answer; they have been subconsciously indoctrinated into satanic belief. It is Satan who offers professing Christians this world, not Christ!

    πŸ“– Matthew 4:9 πŸ“–
    β€œAll this I (Satan) will give you,” he said "if you will bow down and worship me.”

    πŸ“– James 4:4 πŸ“–
    You (adulterous) people, don’t you know that friendship with the WORLD means enmity against God? Therefore, ANYONE who (chooses) to be a (friend) of the WORLD becomes an ENEMY of God.

    Even though some desperate people may (try) to love both their spouse and their side chick at the same time, it is unnatural to think that it CAN (truly) be possible to LOVE them both equally. If NO ONE is willing to put up with an adulterous relationship with their spouse, then why would we think that God would be willing to put up with one with us and this WORLD? He DOES NOT share!!

    Love you all β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ•ŠπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈ

  7. Being a Woman and wanting to run for Presidents comes with many fiery darts. Im very sure that Privacy was of the past but a persons phone is monitored also people get these Stalking guardians thats what it said on the net! Everything is on the Internet. When a person speaks out they drive behind a person trying to use bully tactics in every facit . Everyday many many people get the traffic problem and the racing that is so dangerous in the USA.pray with me that all people stay safe.


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