Past Countryhumans react to themselves [PART 2/?]

!!READ IT before you react or if you feel confused when you watch the video !!

1.They are from different timeline.(Countries that react at first video,they still from the same timeline )
-Prussia,Russian Empire,France Third Republic and British Empire was from the year of 1865.
-Past Second Reich and past Soviet Union was from the year of 1900.
-Future Second Reich was from the year of 1914 and Future Soviet Union was from the year of 1918.

2.Maybe has some grammer mistake

3.Loud sound warning ,flash warning and trigger warning

4.No ship in this video,nor the cover

5.Hope you guys enjoy~

6.I do look some of the comment and I would try my best to do your request.So don’t worry if your request didn’t show up in this video or my next upload,I’m trying.TQ for everyone who read this description till the end.


21 thoughts on “Past Countryhumans react to themselves [PART 2/?]”

  1. Try not outlining most of everything in black. Perhaps, I recommend u using darker outline colour from the original colour. Like, normal red and the outline is 2 or 3 lower colour blocks from the colour that u choose. Its OK if u don't want to change it. Its ur decision. I'm just suggesting. Have a great day/night 😊👋

  2. The opening is so-
    Not relaxed-
    Oh, come on- Why should there be the scene of the two 'girls' fighting, falling several times? In the opening?! 😭👌🏻
    But, I like the reaction video! Keep the spirit! ❤❤
    Edited : 1:33 Why UK has the heart to make his son faint- •-•

  3. I came up with this idea literally last night. But if what if each of the countries have their own biological children called capital humans?.. like they have someone to represent the capital. And obviously America would have like 53-54 that's it that's if you include the three main capitals in Texas and Puerto Rico's capital. I'm just saying it's like a cool little fiery since there's already planethumans countryhumans and I've just figured this even statehumans for America and stuff but I just figured why not Capital humans…? It's just a fun little idea came up with I just hope someone will do it cuz I don't have time to actually pull through with the plan and I feel bad. I just I love this fandom so much and it's adorable.


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