Pardon the Interruption | Can Nick Saban bring about chance in college football??? – Michael Wilbon

Pardon the Interruption | Can Nick Saban bring about chance in college football??? – Michael Wilbon


6 thoughts on “Pardon the Interruption | Can Nick Saban bring about chance in college football??? – Michael Wilbon”

  1. so i was in the usn in 2001, serving on an intelligence frigate, part of an Indian Ocean AC battle group. This was late December…and America was fully in war thanks to 9/11. We, on ship, recieved US entertainment every month via videotape. TV shows, movies, no news, period. PTI was a new show at the time and we got 2 months of daily episodes and this was a MUST WATCH for everyone on barod…….been a fan ever since!


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