Parasites Eat At A Woman's Liver Causing Agonizing Pain | Monsters Inside Me | Animal Planet

A woman is hospitalized after having bad stomach pains; but when doctors look inside, they find a parasite is the cause.
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Itā€™s a life or death battle between modern medicine and evolution as patients fight off the stealthy, cunning parasitic creatures that have taken up residence inside their unsuspecting bodies.

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Parasites Eat At A Womanā€™s Liver Causing Agonizing Pain | Monsters Inside Me | Animal Planet


43 thoughts on “Parasites Eat At A Woman's Liver Causing Agonizing Pain | Monsters Inside Me | Animal Planet”

  1. My step father's first wife died from liver parasites at the age of 21, leaving behind a little boy, who later had become my step brother when my step father married my mother, who also lost my father when I was 10 months old. I am now 65 with grown up grandchildren, but we never had cats as a result. Supposedly she got the parasites from constantly kissing her cats, and in those times in the late 50s the medicine was not so advanced in Eastern Europe where I was born in Transylvania. Left my birth country 33 years ago, after the Romanian Revolution. We have dogs, and we love them to bits, but I am very hygienic when it comes to animals, every time I caress them or hug them I wash my hands….I also wash every vegetable I purchase, even the prewashed salads…my English husband who used to be a physicist has different views about cleanness" a bit of dirt will not kill you"….well, I might have OCD šŸ¤£šŸ‘….but my house is sparkling clean and I watch what we consume. Happy to hear that the lady finally got cured. She must have suffered tremendously. šŸ’žX

  2. I used to enjoy your series as I enjoy learning about a lot of things. But a few weeks ago you started to only show the BEGINNING of an issue but never the resolution. Not watching them anymore.

  3. All of my ER doctor experiences were the same severe 10/10 abdominal pains couldn't find anything wrong with me and on both visits eventually found out from another hospital I had appendicitis and then a Hiatal hernia

  4. I was diagnosed with sibo shortly before I fell Pregnant 5 months ago. Nothing was working. Being a nurse knowing it could be a parasitic infection docā€™s were missing, I started taking ivermectin to see if any improvement would occur. It saved me and my unborn daughters life. To this day I still am not sure what I was infected with but since ivermectin made all the difference it was obviously parasitic. I plan to have it looked into deeper after delivery in late July /early August. Parasites are so often not diagnosed itā€™s criminal.

  5. I've watched several episodes and in most I just feel like there are several incompetent doctors who deserve to lose their license.
    For all the brilliant doctors out there, there are equal number of idiots who have no skill but consider themselves as kings.

  6. Mark Barton Sandy hook promise comes across very insincere. . crappy paid crisis actor. Sorry , I do empathize with any victims/ loved ones of murder. He appears a phony to me

  7. Doctors are sometimes incompetent. Years ago, I contracted the h. pylori bacteria and was given 3 different antibiotics. I was only able to make it through the 2nd day as my body didnā€™t tolerate it. I was hospitalized for 9 days as I was malnourished, dehydrated and underweight. After I was released from the hospital, I would wake up everyday nauseated and vomiting. The simple smell of food made me sick. I was diagnosed with the same bacteria 3 times over the span of 3 years. I was put through so many tests and procedures with no diagnosis. When I was diagnosed a 4th time, I opted to get a 2nd opinion. Upon reviewing my medical history, he ordered an endoscopy as he thought I was misdiagnosed. The results revealed that I didnā€™t have the bacteria after all. He reached the conclusion that the results of the previous exams were false positives. I was over medicated for almost 4 years. It took me years to recover from the nausea. I was forced to drop out of high school during junior year as it was too much.

  8. I can't believe that the medical establishment doesn't consider parasite as number one possibility. Those are the most common infections, 100% people have parasites, they cause the most damage to the organs over years and you can get them absolutely everywhere. I can't believe that deworming is not a standard protocol for GP's and everybody get a free deworm min twice a year.

  9. Same thing happened to me I was just recently diagnosed with Ascaris parasite and for years the doctors did nothing about it and said it was psoriasis thank god I have a good doctor nowadays

  10. Isnā€™t globalization a peachā€¦ā€¦globalized food distribution, southern boarder millions undocumented a year from all over, and you hear dr say shit like ā€œthats not in the usā€ šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜¢ we have lost the ability to think logically


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