Parashat Qorach: The Cost of Holiness

In Parashat Qorach the Torah mentions that Qorah accused Moshe and Aaron of being dictators who denied the holiness of the Jewish nation. Qorah believed that in relation to Kedushat Yisrael, holiness was dependent upon the entire nation being holy. What Qorah failed to understand was that if the community were the only source of holiness, then the individual would be deprived of his creative role, individual initiative, originality, and uniqueness. The individual would not be able to develop into a great leader. Therefore, the Torah teaches, there is a second source of holiness, the holiness that dwells in the inner recesses of the individual. In relation to the Kedushat Yisrael the Torah teaches that the community derives holiness by integrating the numerous kedushah experiences of the individual members of the community. This means, the kedushah of an individual can sanctify the entire community. In relation to the dispute with Qorah, the Torah teaches that Mosheand Aaron are able to sanctify the Jewish people via their holiness. Join Yehezqel Italqi as he explains this concept in The Cost of Holiness.

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