Paranormal and Supernatural Open line -86- 05-27-2023

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23 thoughts on “Paranormal and Supernatural Open line -86- 05-27-2023”

  1. Hi Jeff, Mara and everyone! I do 432 Hz quartz crystal singing bowls sound baths if you’re ever interested in me doing one for your meditation portions of your Saturday night live show? And I was curious if anyone else has had a profound experience with sound healing? My very first sound bath I had a life-changing spiritual healing and was shocked and blown away by how it felt. I had no idea this could happen at the time but it’s pretty common. I thought this subject would interest your audience possibly?Hope you all have a great holiday weekend! Namaste, Jess Griffin

  2. Love your channel Jeff ❤️ your live is in the middle of the night for me 😴As I’m in the UK. I listen while at work and you are keeping me sane! Much love xx

  3. Hi Jeff ~from Australia 👋
    I'm really enjoying your channel••• You cover a lot of the topic's that I enjoy watching to inform myself of all the possibilities in & with our consciousness.

  4. Well Jeff, I finally saw the show! I've been busy working day jobs, and I'm a nightowl, so I'm not enjoying, falling behind in your shows, so I'm hoping you read my comments on all your shows. I've been watching the ones you post on Saturdays but I'm way behind as I said. I got a newer version of my phone now, so I can't figure out my emojis like I always leave you at the end of my comments, but I will when I find time. I liked your instrument. It's cool! Chloe, is the pretty lady , that looks like Nicole Kidman, I think. I knew who she was, right away. Good show!! ❤


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