Parachutists recreate D-Day jumps in Normandy to mark 80th anniversary

Parachutists jumping from World War II-era planes on Sunday hurled themselves into now peaceful Normandy skies where war once raged. (AP video shot by Nicolas Garriga; Production by Jeffrey Schaeffer) Read more here: #worldwar2 #worldwarii #anniversary

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17 thoughts on “Parachutists recreate D-Day jumps in Normandy to mark 80th anniversary”

  1. The 80th anniversary of when hate dominated humanity. What a beautiful thing. And the hates building back inside all of us, who will light the fuse? And how many hundreds of millions will die? Im betting the over so, id say at least 250 to 300 million will die, unless nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are used, then its between 2 and 3 billion. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜˜

  2. And what is the result? Rampant communism, apostasy, and corruption across the world… Druggies in the gutters and πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ at your libraries and schoolhouses β€œteaching” your children…

  3. Reminds me of the need to defend the US against domestic terrorist enemies of the state such as Trump supporters attacking our country Jan 6th. A date that will live in infamy. The Jan 6th attack mostly copied Hitlers 1923 march on the German government.


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