Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door – #21 – Doopliss

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_______▼ CREDITS ▼________

Edited by Carrie Floyd

Thumbnail art by Dan Jones

________▼ MUSIC ▼_________

♫ “Let’s Rawk” by liltommyj

#PlayFrame #PaperMario #Nintendo


43 thoughts on “Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door – #21 – Doopliss”

  1. Fun fact about Vivian,

    In the Japanese version of the game, the character dialogue suggests that Vivian is actually a trans woman, and on at least one occasion, Beldam insulted Vivian by making a transphobic statement about her.

    As you can clearly see, this didn't make the localization cut.

  2. Dan, you mentioned this in another episode, but I think it would be really fun if you did streams where you tackled the Trouble Center troubles and the Pit of 100 Trials. Just for some fun side-questin’ streamin’ 😁

  3. 12:30 Thirteen-Year-Old-Me was completely shook by this question when I encountered it as a kid. 😁

    I do think it kind of speaks to the way this game exists right on the edge of the Mario canon (and perhaps why Nintendo has been reluctant to acknowledge the game in nearly 20 years since) since it's a good vertical slice of how the game is "off" compared to other games in the franchise. Literally every other mario game tends to feature Bowser as a primary antagonist, or his rainbow coalition of kids.

    But here, he's an incompetent comedy relief antagonist and the real villain is a thousand year old demon that once destroyed a civilization and is poised to rise again and do the same! It's such a jarring [in a good way] tone shift from the rest of the canon.

    There's lots of other ways the game exists as a kind of satire on the mario franchise, but this is the big detail I always come back to.

  4. 37:10 I legitimately had no idea you could do that. Yes, there is a method you'll later acquire that lets you destroy the broken column, but I'd always assumed there was no other [glitchless] method of bypassing the column.

  5. Every time Dan goes to see Merlon I hear the wizard from Stardew Valley arguing with Carrie about who foresaw whose arrival first and graft the conversation onto Merlon and Goombella.

  6. For star pieces, a lot of them are hidden in ground-pound panels around the world. The trick is to ground pound to the left or right of them, not directly on top or on the edge above or below.

  7. Fun fact (that someone probably already said):
    From TV Tropes, "The Japanese release and French, Italian, and Spanish localizations depict Vivian as a trans woman who constantly puts up with transphobic bullying from her sisters (the English and German localizations excises references to her being transgender; instead, her sisters bully her for being "ugly")."

  8. Neat tip: Because of how buffs work in this game, it's better to use multi-hit attacks, like jumps, when you're buffed, rather than single hit attacks, like hammers. Since the extra damage is applied on each hit, you do much more damage hitting multiple times. so, for example:

    If you buff your hammer, your damage becomes

    But the same buff applied to a jump becomes

    You do two more damage jumping as opposed to hammering.

    On the other hand, the opposite applies when you've been debuffed or are attacking enemies with high defense.

    Hammering an enemy with two defense (or if your attack is debuffed by two)

    Jumping on that same enemy

    So, you actually do nothing jumping on an enemy with high defense (assuming they can't be flipped over, anyway), but you can still do damage with your hammer.

  9. If you have power plus you should primarily use jump attacks are better than hammer attacks because jumping does 2 extra damage instead of just 1. This is because both hits of jump get the power boost.

  10. I don't know why, but I always liked the little touch that Vivian gave Mario the star, rather than let him take it. Like, she really does trust Mario with the star, and his actions from then on. Just a little thing I appreciated.

    Also, Art Attack! It is almost not worth using in terms of efficiency, but that damage makes it feel so nice.

    Spin jump panels are finicky, as you need to spin jump next to panel, without either Mario or the partner above it.
    Luigi has become a novelist now too, apparently. You can begin buying his book series in stores now!

  11. I used to purposefully extend the Doopliss fight by KOing all the partners before taking out Doopliss himself. Extra flavor text and it also helps make it feel like an actual boss fight imo (Doopliss is kind of a pushover otherwise).

  12. TEC's arc is always sweet.
    "All Princess Peach does is tell me to value life and joy, and stop the resurrection of a demon.
    It is not in my nature to do these things, but what choice do I have but to listen?"

  13. I've only recognized it here, but the fact that TEC is rambling about who to serve right before the quiz, and the contents of said quiz, indicate that they found a loophole in their programming to share classified information with Peach… in the form of a quiz!

    Never picked up on it as a kid, always found it weird that there was a quiz there with really silly answer and one serious one always being present. Which also hints at his goal; the quiz is easy. Context clues bring you always to the correct answer. Its brilliant how they portrait A.I. in this way!

  14. For whatever reason, rewording Merlon to just say "Welcome to the home of Etcetera!" and "Now get out!" really got me. This has been a good playthrough of a good game.


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