Paper Mario Reviews + Hellblade 2 Causes Debate Online & A Sudden Shakeup Hits Gaming | News Wave

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With two big games out this week, reviews went live for both with one causing a bunch of debate online. A sudden announcement was dropped yesterday with IGN moving to acquire multiple outlets with more concerns around consolidating continuing.

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00:00 – Start

00:46 – Kingdom Hearts Coming To Steam

2:13 – Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Trailer Drops

3:11 – PlayStation London Studios Posts Goodbye Message

4:17 – Viture XR Pro Sponsor

6:02 – Hellblade 2 Reviews Go Live

10:06 – Paper Mario Reviews

13:21 – IGN Company Acquires Several Other Outlets

15:56 – Snapdragon Elite X Shown Running Games

19:11 – Poll

20:28 – Comment Of The Day

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47 thoughts on “Paper Mario Reviews + Hellblade 2 Causes Debate Online & A Sudden Shakeup Hits Gaming | News Wave”

  1. I thought we've been stressing about consolidation in the gaming undustry since xbox announced they were buying activision blizzard (& redfall debacle & embracer group imploding & etc.)

  2. With the PS5, and PS4 to a lesser extent, I really like when games use the controller speaker. It's used really well in FFVII Rebirth and Stellar Blade. I would use headphones, but it's too cool to see what games use the controller speaker and how they use it. Therefore, I typically play games using my soundbar for audio.

  3. Hellblade II is a solid 8 or 8.5/10 for me. The GameCritic review was just terrible lol that same person gave the original a 90 but gave this one a 45? Sounds very petty to me and that mention of the “Microsoft acquisition” was just odd.

  4. Why wasn't 2.0 and 2.1 speaker set up in your poll? At least have an option for them combined. It isn't just a matter of TV speakers, soundbar or full surround. Before the speakers died, that is what I used for my PC.

  5. IGN moving towards a monopoly is nothing new. Radio stations are owned by large corporations, as are newspapers, etc. We've seen music stagnate because of low-risk management. That's not to say that IGN will behave that way, but developers will create games they know the media likes.

  6. My take on Hellblade 2 is that it did what a game should. Kept it engaging and immersive while telling an amazing story with an awesome message. Video games are an art form and people tend to forget that very often.

  7. WTF I'm honestly shocked surround sound is the LEAST used sound setup.
    I would have thought it was way way way higher up the list.
    Headphones should have been the least, not the most.
    That's wild.

  8. As much as hellblades visuals are great, i still have a problem with them. Too much post processing,its not a clean image at all, too much blur, too much grain, too much chromatic abberation, somewhere under there it looks amazing, but its hard to see.

  9. Finally got my Mig switch bit not the dumper. I ordwred it after they said it wasn't included. Thwy really cheaped out on packaging. So glad $70 got me a tiny box with with alil paper around the main box. I was really goping roday was my BG3 physical copy of the game. Its coming this month they said and when I got a email about a package coming i was really goping for that. I still not sire if ill open it or leave it sealed. This is first game ive ever double dipped on.

  10. It’s crazy to me how a remake of a 20 year old Gamecube game (paper mario) is getting better reviews than a state of the art current gen game (hellblade 2)
    It reminds me how Metroid Prime remake was reviewed better than RE4 remake. Gamecube sure was and still is a beast of a console

  11. Graphics dont make a game spawn. All you do is puzzels and small fights that you can hit any button and win. Plus the game is all walking and its not even 1hr per year they worked on the game. How can it get over 80s? Thats luck and people sucking xbox cock. Its a tech demo thats it. Game has me so excited for indiana Jones. This will be another crappy game. Why couldn't hellblade 2 be simular to GOW Rangnarock? Thats the tyep of game it need to be not a craztly woman just walking.

  12. Hellblade 2 is quite a feat graphically. It's gorgeous! The gameplay… well, if you didn't like the first game, you won't like this one. I think a 75-82 score would be accurate. If it were based on graphics alone, it would be a 100.

  13. I purchased Paper Mario Thousand Year Door 20 years ago on GameCube only to have it on my backlog this whole time. Tomorrow I purchase it again on the Switch but I have vowed to play it and complete it. 😅

  14. Hi I hope you feature this comment.
    Sold my xbox 3 days ago because of their treatment of tango games and… well just people in general. Should have sold it when they fumbled halo infinite.

    Unfazed by hellblade 2s release, congrats to the devs

  15. Digital PCM 2.0 stereo through a receiver and speakers. I hate TV speakers and I think Soundbars are dumb. But in online multiplayer yeah headphones with virtual 7.1 surround for sure.

  16. It sounds like Ninja Theory is the next studio on the chopping block for Microsoft. Taking this long to come out, with this kind of critique on the game. I do hope they will still make a decent profit when the cost and revenue come in. But how do you do that for something that goes to Game Pass on day one?

  17. PlayStation makes a narrative game with booty cheeks gameplay – 10/10 one of the greatest games ever.

    Xbox does the same – 5/10 no game here.

    The Xbox tax is real

  18. I’ve noticed the almost all turn based games coming out within last 20 years are doing rather well with recent games like star ocean and paper Mario being latest ones. It seems that a lot of players are just rather tired of this action game trend already that’s made basically every game kinda feel and run like a hack and slash whatever is in front of you with lil to no strategy require that’s been cheapened even further with micro transactions at the ready to help you basically overcome anything for a small fee. I honestly really think we need to move back to more strategy and turn based combat system in games to bring back that feeling and immersion of having to figure out how to clear areas with puzzles and find enemy weakness that made the gaming experience what it used to be. Now you rarely hear anyone get stuck in a game puzzle or boss and if they do most the time they either drop the game for something else and never go back to it due to poor attention spans or lack of interest or at best look up a YouTube guide. I think this is why hell divers 2 has done so well it does strategy and combat in a way a lot of games really don’t.

  19. I hope IGN doesn’t layoff anyone from Nintendo Life or the sister sites. I love those sites to be honest. Also about these next gen systems, I don’t even care at this point other than what Nintendo has to offer. Both PS5 and Xbox series have been letdowns in my opinion. They haven’t even earned their keep and next gen systems are the big talking point. Make them worth having first, or I think many people will just wait on these systems.


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