Palworld Has NO In Engine Footage? | ARE YOU SURE?

Spoiler Alert: It does lol.

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29 thoughts on “Palworld Has NO In Engine Footage? | ARE YOU SURE?”

  1. I have and play Craftopia and it is okay I guess. It looks good and everything functions and by everything I mean it is a single player RPG with a skill system, base building, automated factory, monster catching game with magic. They also have a tech progression system. If you are thinking holy crap that sounds like a lot for one game to do by itself you are correct, it does all of them but is only okay for me rather than as awesome as it sounds.
    It needs to be said everything does work and they are still working on it. It is fun but silly because there isn't a whole lot of balancing going on. It was worth the $25 USD for me as I play it every month for a few hours.

  2. I really want Palworld to be amazing, because Game Freak and the Pokemon Company seriously need a good kick up the backside, they can keep realising unfinished games because they've got no competition to worry about, I really hope Palworld is the game that pushes them to make better and polished Pokemon games again.

  3. Craftopia is dope, it was my most played game in 2022.
    I liked the monster catching elements, although trying to catch the large monsters solo was a hassle.
    But, flying around on a griffon firing seeking air missiles, of having the big plant queen shotgun enemies with poison bombs, made it worth it.

  4. Lucario is based on a jackal, Lucario was also given an Anubis styled outfit in Pokemon Unite quite a while before the Anubis/Jackal Pal was first shown off.
    It's possible Palworld were already working on that Pal before Unite released that outfit, but I have no way to say for sure.
    As a result of the Pokemon Unite outfit, it made the Pal look even less original- however I can understand that Pokemon Unite isn't directly made by Gamefreak-, and for me that Pal still leaves a uncomfortable taste in my mouth.

  5. I've played Craftopia and while it's not the best game out there it's decent enough to put some hours into. Palworld looks like a serious upgrade to Craftopia though.

  6. I don’t think it’s that there’s no in engine footage, it’s more like, each short they post feels like they are using dev tools to just drop random assets on the floor. Enemy ai seems wonky, and nothing shows they can handle a story board. It’s almost like craftopia with Pokémon


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