Palestinian American Dr. Walks Out of Biden Meeting, Hands Him Letter from 8-Year-Old Orphan in Gaza

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This week the White House canceled a planned Ramadan dinner after many Muslim American leaders refused to attend. Instead, Biden held a scaled-back meeting Tuesday with Muslim American community figures. The curtailed meeting was itself met with protests, including from Palestinian American emergency room physician Dr. Thaer Ahmad, who walked out after handing Biden a letter from an 8-year-old orphaned Palestinian girl named Hadeel that read, “I beg you, President Biden, stop them from entering Rafah.” Ahmad tells Democracy Now! that he also told Biden, “Make no mistake about it. It’s going to be a bloodbath,” before walking out. Ahmad is a board member for MedGlobal who recently spent three weeks in Gaza volunteering at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis. He joins us today to discuss the meeting with Biden, in which Ahmad was told he and other attendees would be the first people who had actually been in Gaza after October 7 to directly brief the president. “This meeting was not going to be impactful,” says Ahmad, who shares how Biden’s continued backing of Israel, even after its attack on the World Central Kitchen convoy left an American citizen dead, indicates that “nobody is safe” in the Gaza Strip.

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38 thoughts on “Palestinian American Dr. Walks Out of Biden Meeting, Hands Him Letter from 8-Year-Old Orphan in Gaza”

  1. This meeting was THE FIRST TIME Biden was informed of the ongoings in Gaza & West Bank⁉️ what information were they feeding this senile man until now? No WONDER he's been backing israel 100%!!!

  2. Dr. Thaer Ahmad talked a lot about the problems faced in Gaza. From the start the war was started by Hamas after killing innocent Israelites on October 7th and taking some hostage. Why isn't any one blaming Hamas for starting the war and refusing to stop the war by returning the hostages? Hamas doesn't feel sad at what problems the Palestinians face. By holding on to the hostages the war goes on. We feel sorry for both sides who ever have lost their near and dear ones all because of what happened on October 7th. Wish it never happened.

  3. Israel we're bringing Ukrainians into the IDF as far back as 2004, perhaps before. They were putting swastikas on walls in the basic training areas. Why Ukrainians? Look deeply into where the Ashkenazis come from…and the Ukrainian have no problem murdering Palestinians…yes the plans set in motion decades in advance on all the craziness….

  4. As long as we believe in democracy, the majority will win.. since we face a right winged 'Benjamin' policy, we won't win any justice😢, it seems to me the Multimedia news is in the hands of the same right wing 'jews' but they belong to a select part of israel.. the jew who claim a maternal bloodline, forget israels 12 tribes of paternal bloodlines.. so it is necessary to gather those 12 tribes of Israel to set things right

    Am a spokesman of the tribe of Joseph, through efraim

  5. Tant que les USA et les européens aideront Israël avec des armes puissantes, les pays musulmans frontaliers ne seront pas en sécurité, à moins que les pays arabes soient Unis, car les occidentaux ont détruit l Irak, la Syrie, la Libye et après ce sera qui, ça suffit

  6. Israël mène l' opération Annibal, c'est flagrant
    Et aucun pays ne riposte.pourquoi que possède Israël comme armes de destruction massive, pourquoi personne n intervient parce que les USA vont riposter envers le pays qui osera donner une leçon à Israël votre petit enfant gâté

  7. Who would systematically kill volunteers assisting to feed the hungry people? What do you have is a situation and it is cold WAR! to say that about Israel is so inhumane and so not true. People need to stop saying what they are not thinking about and start thinking about what they are saying.

  8. You shouldn’t be having dinner Ramadan dinners with Muslim. It’s a lot of terrible stuff going on and there’s no time to be celebrating. We should be praying for this nation and praying for the nation of Israel for God’s sovereignty

  9. These people were not assassinated. Everybody wants to say what they want to say, but they are not looking at the big picture. The president of Israel has come out and said what he did, and has apologize, but these people were killed by friendly fire. It happens in war.❤

  10. As a doctor, you would think that you would be more open minded to the whole situation, and not so narrow version of thinking that is real. What systematically destroy a group of people as they have been targeted and have been systematically being destroyed I don’t think this is the case.❤

  11. So what you’re saying everybody can say the same thing you were saying, but just to keep on arguing saying that Palestinians and the food workers in the volunteers were targeted is just not true. You are too intelligent to know that.

  12. This Carnage that the United States is supporting in Israel or IS-NOT-REAL is Absolutely WRONG! It is madness that Biden and the government are taking American TAX PAYER'S BILLIONS of dollars and send it to these deplorable, horrible, MURDEROUS people?

    This is PURE MADNESS!!!😲🫤😱😰


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