Pakistan’s forgotten civilization | DW Documentary

Pakistan’s Sindh region is one of the cradles of human civilization. It’s seen as the homeland of the Indus Valley Civilization, an advanced Bronze Age civilization. But the events of 1947 brought drastic change to the cultural landscape of the Sindh.

The 1947 partition of the Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan was devastating for those living in the Sindh region. Most were Hindus and fled to India, as the area was completely assigned to Pakistan. Many Muslims from India then resettled in Sindh and changed the face of this region, whose cultural heritage had been formed over centuries. Suddenly, the Hindus who remained found themselves in the minority.

Many members of the Sindhi community are now scattered across the globe. They’re making every effort to preserve the old stories and traditions and are proud of their legacy as descendants of one of the oldest human civilizations.

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41 thoughts on “Pakistan’s forgotten civilization | DW Documentary”

  1. Salute to these hindu sindhi families, living under these forces and still holding on to their identity.
    My best wishes to all the people of sindh , may they live in peace and harmony

  2. They won't do good for good of humankind instead they always try hard for islamization…total inhuman,,,, they won't live as a human when alive but dream for 72 hoors after death….which is illusive and fake

  3. There are so many videos on youtube and so few are so moving, beautiful. I enjoyed, learned, discovered about a wonderful place and its people I shall probably never have the permission to visit. Such a thought provoking video. It may be about the Sindhis but in many ways it talks universal human. I chuckled when I recognised pre-partition Calcutta, Bengalis and the Goddess Durga from the other side of the Indian subcontinent, an even more, if that's possible, unfortunate people. Thank you a ton!

  4. Most of the comments from India are "Islam bashing", islam did this, islam did that etc etc. They should remember, things do not work in isolation. Before anyone blame others, look closely at your ownself and your society, the riots in Gujrat, India and so many more…….

  5. The day hindus were converted to Muslims by invaders, that day onwards there cant be message of peace until they return to their original dharma. Untill then, the message of peace is just a liberal agenda that make up these things while sitting in AC rooms. Sufism was just a proxy of conversion, when swords failed, new proxy was pushed.

  6. "Pakistan" word is 75 years old so there no such thing called "Pakistani Civilization". The history of Sindhu is the history of Bharatvarsha also known as India. The whole Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of the Indic Dharmic Civilization. The biggest tragedy for an Indian is that India is today divided all because of the geopolitics played by the British (Anglo-Saxons). They ruled India by using divide and rule strategy, they orchestrated hatred between communities. We will never forgive and forget this tragedy. Bharatvasha will rise again as a great nation and reunite our divided nation but We will not use force Our people from both sides will make that choice. It will take some time but I am confident It will happen.

  7. Im filipino and there are 2 major groups of indians living here in the phillipines sindhs and punjabis the sinds are mostly wealthy buisnessmen like a friend of mine he said his hometown was india when his family left and now it is pakistan

  8. What an absolute masterpiece. We as Sindhis have always gave priority to being Sindhis religion has never been our first priority. I saw the Sindh in my dreams too where no one forced someone to do something and I'm confident we'll achieve that Sindh. ❤

  9. The people in this comment page who are taking pleasure in the Sindh Floods Disaster 2022 are morally and ethically wrong.
    No rivalry is big enough to dwarf humanity!

  10. Dravidians the people who belonged to the Indus valley civilization much before the arrival of the Vedic culture that came along with the Aryans .

  11. It's not about Hindus or sindhis , it's documentary is whole lot about sufi Islam .
    Well done DW you too joined western propaganda missions to demolish Hindu culture completely 😢😢

  12. Can't help but shake my head at this religion that can't live with anyone because their prophet institutionalized the tyranny of 'us and them the kafir'. Sufism is their only saving grace.

  13. Zia ul Has , Americans Poster General seems to be the Epitome of Evil, in all its facade,
    But who exterminate him like a
    Jai Hind.❤❤❤


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