Pakistan vs United Kingdom | Gamers8 featuring TEKKEN 7 Nations Cup | Day 3

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48 thoughts on “Pakistan vs United Kingdom | Gamers8 featuring TEKKEN 7 Nations Cup | Day 3”

  1. Gosains Law is actually TOO SAFE… like he takes no risks, and nobody fears him because of it… no parry, no occasionly flipkick… painful to watch as a law main cause he's the only law we ever get to see

  2. Very bad format and specially this game… Avoid it if you have weak heart ♥…

    Btw the format is just killing, and I avoid such matches… Only khans marduk is enjoyable… 😂 …

  3. Arsalan should change his character because players are getting fully prepared against his kunimitsu. He should do something out of the box so that this can never happen again. He has to win nomatter what. Kazumi or Zafina for the win

  4. K-wiss' playstyle is a matchup nightmare for Arslan Ash. Mixup, pressure heavy coupled with extremely good adjustability and matchup knowledge.

  5. Arslan game style has been changed he now plays too much aggressively with almost no counters and jabs. It seems like he's not reading the opponent move like he did when he played with kazumi and zafina. I hope he adjust this

  6. Arslan and khan bro i watched ur games repeatedly, khan and you both started well but could not finish well, your opponents won coz khan and you both did not use down forward low blow in the end, otherwise you could have won 2-0 against kwiss hworange .


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