P3! How Far Will Tesla Bot Next-Gen Really Go In 2025? Launch Getting Closer!

P3! How Far Will Tesla Bot Next-Gen Really Go In 2025? Launch Getting Closer!
πŸŒπŸ€– Unlocking the Future: Tesla’s Optimus – A Revolution in Robotics and Beyond! πŸš€πŸ”§
Welcome to the Tesla Car World! In this video, we dive deep into the groundbreaking advancements of Tesla’s Optimus, a humanoid robot designed to reshape industries and even pave the way for human exploration on Mars. Don’t forget to subscribe and ring the bell for the latest updates from the Tesla Car World family! πŸš—πŸ””
πŸ€– 1. Tesla Bot Overview: Unleashing Optimus
Discover the purpose behind Tesla’s humanoid robot, Optimus, designed to replace mundane tasks in production and post-production settings. Explore its potential impact on revolutionizing work processes.
🏭 2. Factory Operations: Navigating the Tesla Factory
Dive into the intricacies of Optimus’s ability to navigate complex factory environments, using sensors, cameras, and Full Self-Driving (FSD) software. Understand how it can contribute to Tesla’s manufacturing efficiency.
πŸš— 3. Involvement in Electric Vehicle (EV) Production: Gen 2 and Beyond
Speculate on the potential role of Optimus in electric vehicle production, with upgraded features and increased mobility. Could Optimus be a game-changer on the production line?
πŸŒ™ 4. Night Shift Operations: 24/7 Productivity
Explore how Optimus addresses the challenges of night shifts with its continuous 24/7 operation and 2.3kWh battery system. Could it redefine the work landscape for night shift workers?
πŸ’² 5. Impact on Electric Vehicle Prices: The Cost-Saving Revolution
Delve into the potential cost savings in Tesla’s manufacturing process and how it might lead to reduced electric vehicle prices. Could Optimus make Tesla cars more affordable?
🀝 6. Impact on Employment: Balancing Automation and Jobs
Navigate through concerns about job displacement with increased automation. Does Tesla plan to create new job opportunities, ensuring a balance between technology and the human touch?
πŸ—οΈ 7. Construction and Exploration on Mars: The Red Planet’s Helper
Imagine how Optimus could contribute to constructing buildings on Mars using 3D printing technology and analyzing local materials. Explore its potential role in space exploration.
🌌 8. Collaboration with SpaceX: Bridging Tesla and Space Exploration
Speculate on the collaboration between Tesla and SpaceX, envisioning Tesla Bots in upcoming SpaceX missions. Could Optimus pave the way for human exploration on Mars?

01:21 What tasks will the Tesla Bot perform at the Tesla factory?
11:57 Why is Optimus the most reasonable assistant for Elon Musk to colonize Mars?

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subcribe: https://bit.ly/3i7gILj


36 thoughts on “P3! How Far Will Tesla Bot Next-Gen Really Go In 2025? Launch Getting Closer!”

  1. I applaude you for trying, but at this point we are all just talking B.S. If generative AI lives up to it's promise, Optimus will know how to improve itself better than any human ever could and it will never stop trying to improve because perfection is unatainable but it will be it's goal.

  2. Tesla should promote any employee replaced by a Bot until they can find another position available in another part of one of Tesla's factories. I'm sure they won't hav a hard time with happy employees either when they are sure of their position and their satisfaction as well as their value to the company!!!

  3. And a Tesla was going to drive itself from LA to NYC BEFORE the end of 2017, Starship was going to land on Mars in 2020, and FSD was going to be Level 5 autonomous ………

    WHY do you "fans" keep acting like Charline Brown trying to kick that football ! As soon as he makes some over-hyped promise that turns into nothing, he just trots out another "idea" and makes all kinds of optimistic predictions, and you guys CAN'T WAIT, to "belive it" !

  4. The trouble is, This is the biggest threat to our world ever! All this oh the Bots will only be doing the unsafe and repetitive work to begin with!

    Yes to begin with, As we all know Elon don't do slowly changing of tech, He does major changes in a fast upwards curve.

    The more the Bots is changed and advanced the quicker it will get up to the more useful levels and the more the companies will wish to have this amazing person replacement?

    Soon the Bot will be so good, it will start replacing more jobs as it's Tech improves and if it is any thing like his cars AI self driving which it is based on, Sooner than later
    the Bots will be taking more and more jobs away from the Humans and more people will be loosing any chance of having a job unless they are the 10% of the human race whom are as clever as Elon and are high I.Q. Experts in Engineering, Robotics or Software.

    Only those high I.Q. special and lucky few will have jobs. the rest of us 90% will be unemployable and have no hope, no job, no money, no future.

    There be the worse time ever in Human history as billions are laid off work and that means mass unemployment, mass suicides, mass depressen, mass drink & drugs, mass family break ups, mass crime to try to get money to live. the top 10% of clever experts needed will be fine the rest of us may as well be dead.

    Everything as we know it will crash and burn. As a Species we only got where we are by hard often painful bit by bit work and inventions.

    You take all that need to learn new things, work, build and invent away from us. And we will fall into a downward spin of not caring about anything anymore.
    No new things or challenges to strive for because the robots are doing it all, will mean we will give up and with all the jobs soon taken away no money no future will be the end for billions of us?

    Remember, we need to do things we need to learn we need to be Human. take all the work away and our money too and we say there's no point to even live!

    We will not have to worry about the robots rising up and killing us, Because them taking everything away from us will kill us non-clever super brain humans as sure as if the Bots did shoot us all?

  5. The reason that Robots wont be as popular as people like Musk think they will be is because just like the internet, they will be used to listen and to watch everything we do and to report on us.

    A lot of people are scared of big brother now and it is getting worse on an exponential level

    Who would want that walking around their homes and businesses?

    Not very many people.


  6. Congress needs to pass a law protecting worker’s jobs. The law would state that employers could not replace current workers with a robot. When a position comes open due to attrition, current workers who own a robot would be allowed to bid on the open position, and the employer would be required to pay the current worker the wages earned by the robot. This would double the income of the current worker, while saving the employer the costs of fica taxes, health insurance, and retirement benefits. This approach would not cause inflation, and benefit all parties. Imagine doubling workers wages without causing inflation!

  7. Once AI takes over its own evolution it should quickly outpace human ability, including the ability to design and develop humanoid robots. This may happen so quickly that human engineers will be unable to keep track of its evolution. The consequence will likely be that every expectation we have about what occupations robots can enter will be blown out of the water. Not only should factory, retail, and service workers but brain surgeons, stock analysts, and physicists should expect to be replaced. This spells danger for humanity because, should the robots ever cease to function en masse, there will be nobody who understands how things work.

  8. I already commented about it but want to try to spread it more times to start a conversation. I think the government should make new laws for the companies to not be able to buy and fill their companies with robots 100%
    Maybe be able to buy only 10% and the other robots hire from people.
    Every person be able to have only 2 robots on their names
    1 robot people send to factories to work and the other one use at home to do all the homework
    If the person feel they don’t need a robot at home 24/7 send it to do part time job for like 4 days and earn some more money
    People will have finally time free to enjoy what they really wanted to do and still have a way to survive in this new era
    Cause if the government doesn’t do anything we’re doomed, things can be made only now before companies start buying
    Companies have money and can easily buy all the robots necessary and run the factory and say goodbye for the workers
    Companies don’t need to pay all the stuff they need to pay hiring us human like healthcare related or retirement stuff and instead they can help everyone get their first bot, energy or robot replacement every few years
    And the other robot we save money and buy ourselves
    Cause if it’s not the companies buying all the robots it will be the work agencies who will buy hundreds or thousands robots to put inside companies, even normal people will be working like crazy to be buying more robots to make more money, and in the end there will be millions of families who don’t have a way to make money and the caos will start, people get crazy when it’s for theirs families


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