Overwatch 2, Where Are The Heroes?

0:00 Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack Problems
8:00 Overwatch Loot Boxes are Dead
8:54 Overwatch 2 Founders Pack
10:39 Overwatch 2 Battle Pass
12:47 Overwatch 2 Beta Access
13:52 Where Are All The Heroes?
16:45 Only 3 Heroes at Launch…
19:23 Community Reaction
26:46 Where is Overwatch 2 PvE?


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24 thoughts on “Overwatch 2, Where Are The Heroes?”

  1. We, sort of, effectively have 5 heroes at launch due to the Orisa and Bastion reworks that almost function like an entirely new hero. It's a stretch though, and I've got my fresh supply of copium by my side

  2. i’m really dissapointed that we’re only getting 3 hero’s and that the overwatch watchpoint pack costs 40$. i can fortunately afford it’s still a lot of money. there’s tons of other people that want access to the beta but can’t afford a pack that costs 40$. i was so excited to get to play the new beta with my friend but she’s not able to afford the watch point pack and guarantee her entry. i love overwatch so much and i’ve been playing since 2016 but blizzard just keeps on disappointing me.

  3. I was very disappointed to see the lack of heroes; even more sad to see that we’re not getting the PvP and PvE together in one huge sequel drop as was originally intended from 2019. I confess I’m someone for whom the hype has never died down as I am very patient, especially where promised story progression is concerned.


    With all this new information, comments from Uncle Aaron and the clear plan set forward in the event from the 16th, I do have hope. It’s become clear that there was a much bigger mess brewing behind the scenes than what we players could see on the surface. Covid and the lawsuit were obvious, but Jeff’s sudden departure was baffling and was only the tip of a nightmare development hell iceberg we never saw. To hear Aaron talk about having to redirect the entire “ship” makes a lot more sense.

    They DID imply during the event that some of the heroes planned will be released as part of the campaign when the PvE is finally ready, which makes sense. It’s the same logic behind them saying during Blizzconline 2021 that they haven’t been releasing certain heroes because they are integral to the story they plan to tell. The most obvious example of this to me is the large Null Sector omnic seen at the end of Storm Rising. I fully expect him to be added into the game alongside a relevant PvE drop, and it would follow that a lot of other heroes planned fall into the same boat.

    I do think you put it well, Sty, in saying it’s like ripping the bandaid off. Is it what we, the players, have planned for for years? No. But at least we now know there IS finally a definite course the game is taking, that new content IS coming. And that’s enough to make me happy.

  4. everyone seems to forget that they haven’t just been working on PvP. they’ve been putting a lot of time and resources into the PvE which set the game’s release back so far. It’s no surprise that they haven’t made many new heroes when you take that into account.

  5. I have not even watched the video yet and I want to say right away that you're a brave soul for addressing the "big elephant in the room." It is easy for people to say, "this is the game you wanted, it is better than nothing, deal with it 4Head" but I can't be the only one who was expecting at least like 5 to 10 new heroes with how long we waited. They revealed sojourn back in 2019 almost like they were TEASING they already had more. My disappointment is basically immeasurable knowing PvP isn't going to be what I imagined or expected for that matter.

  6. It's not a surprise that Blizz is doing this, when they've charged WoW players for special mounts real money starting at like $30 up to $80 and have for literal years now.

  7. It’s going to be a very weird transition from playing the game and getting the skins to buying skins with real money, even though it’s going free to play.

  8. I don't understand the comments about expecting something for playing the first overwatch. Overwatch 2 is a new game? You bought overwatch 1 and played it for however long you did, so you got your money's worth from playing it, you didn't buy it to play overwatch 2. I don't have a game where I've been granted free stuff for buying two games in a series and don't know why this would be expected from two separate games

  9. He said "100% there's no way" and 100% they're transferring everybody's credits and everything! Hahahaha 🤣
    Do you not get tired of leaving a trail of wrong behind you?
    I can 100% guarantee this video won't age well hehe

  10. This is not a sequel. This is the actual overwatch game promised to us way back in 2016. We've been beta testing overwatch for blizzard and now that they've collected their data, they're gonna sell us the "complete" version of overwatch. Screw this company. They've sucked on ice since they went mobile.

  11. I kinda expected them to remove 3 heros. But to only add 3 heros. That's ridiculous. They could go on reddit and find 100s of fan made heros. Or just go to a elementary school with paper and crayons and have them draw random heros. I'm sure you could at least get 5-10 .

  12. I honestly like the 3 hero (with a 4th in season 2) setup. I think Overwatch had way bigger problems to fix than a dearth of hero updates (balance, smurfing, improving players’ skill levels), and it seems like they’ve made a real commitment to addressing virtually every community concern leading up to this long overdue release. This, on top of reworking existing heroes that had a real negative impact on the game and its competitive balance really is enough for me. I am excited to play new heroes, but I am more exciting about playing Ashe in a 5v5 game with a reduction in shield uptime. 3 heroes is more than plenty for old players to learn in early access without inundating the game with excuses to play heroes that none of us have ever played. I think 3 heroes is exciting and challenging without lending an aspect of sloppiness to the game that is exactly why so many of us were frustrated with it as things wore on. All I need to see to get on board 1000% with this release is 5v5 PvP and a rededication to keeping the game fresh and balanced. I’m seeing that, so regarding heroes, who cares about time lost or whatever. The game gave us many more years than most for our money already, and I’m looking forward to many more.

  13. @all how long does it take for you to master(!) a new hero and learn how to counter them with current ones? I cannot believe that this only takes e few days even for 24/7 players. So I really cannot understand why the disappointment is so large about "only" 3 new heroes and "only" one new hero every season. (so every 9 weeks). For me this is totally fine. By the way, yes the heroes are the cores of OW, but game modes and maps are very important too.

  14. This isn’t worth the money. I’m not that excited for PVP so I don’t mind waiting.
    Plus the three heroes we are getting are a let down. Two of them we’ve known for years they aren’t truly new.

  15. PVE cannot be 60-70 dollars
    Honestly Overwatch going free to play with a battle past is already driving me away from the game. If they really try to make me pay for the game all over again I’ll really stop playing.

  16. So, basically $10 for the Battlepass and $20 worth of currency, so $10 for 2 legendary skins, beta access, and a cpl other things no one cares about. Not a terrible, deal since you can effectively get the first 3 Battlepasses included (a $30 value), especially if you don't already have the Legendary Ed. skins. Also, yeah it blows that it's only 3 new heroes, but with the reworks, most of the characters feel new-ish, so that helps.

  17. Money is needed in anyform of buisness but due to the area blizzards in and how much more effective it is, having fair ways to get players to pay is better system than being manipulated into it.
    battle passes? they insetives playing for as much as possible at the cost of your time an health for some reward, also make this system even worse when paying for the chance to get everything in it.
    lootboxes if the only way to get them is through ingame currency no paying for that ingame currency only for cosmetics. then it's fine. because your investement is as much as lawing the maw, it's small and for you.

    New heroes, reworks add to this, personnaly the should Rework Widowmakers character design, but after that they should rework her abilities. Her ult is the most mediocre thing avaliable vision can't stop you from being funked ok? her ult should give her traps to hold enemies down, and it's threat is that shes aming at you while your still. it adds turn around and threat when she uses it.
    Also for Junkrat Lower the Damage of his ult, is too easy to use for the reward, how about it being a chase tool? it dealing more missing health damage but less base, encourging smart use and timing not" Click button, get penta".


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