Overwatch 2 Sombra Rework | Alpha Gameplay

Sombra’s Overwatch 2 rework comparison & gameplay.

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#Overwatch #Overwatch2 #Sombra


38 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 Sombra Rework | Alpha Gameplay”

  1. I like this new rework, it makes her more of a stalker waiting to punish unaware enemies. The previous Sombra was much more of a support, offering up opportunities for her team to make moves, but now she can execute them herself.

  2. I still don`t get why is it called Overwatch2 if its just a rework of ov1. It uses same engine, same assets, same characters, most of abilities are the same.

  3. As someone who has not played Overwatch in a while, if I didn’t know Overwatch 2 existed I literally would not know this is a different game. The only noticeable difference between the two is the ping system, but that is obviously something plenty of games can implement without needing a sequel.

  4. same characters
    same overall gameplay
    same graphics
    same maps
    same game
    slight numbers and mechanics tweeks


  5. I used to play Sombra exclusively, but haven't consistently played her probably since 2020. But having played her in the beta, I know that I'll go back to being a Sombra main when OW 2 comes out

  6. I really liked Sombra in OW1 but her playstyle there was way too passive and for someone like me that is a tad too impatient to wait for 1 minute to do a surprise and very effective hack and kill I really like her rework ESPECIALLY the ability to hack during invisibility…I think that is the greatest addition as I got killed way too many times going visible and trying to hack at crucial moment.
    Can't wait to play!

  7. You mean I can't watch pharah fall to her demise when she is flying too far from ground when i hack her

    Why would they do this to me

    Everything else fucks tho
    This is rad

  8. Well really cool and everything but after testing the beta damn sombra does damage thats cool but her hack is basically useless, 1 sec where u cant use abilites??!! seriously? even at pro level, unless u time evertyhing perfectluy like a dva bomb with EMP its freacking useless, so now sombra is basically tracer but with a different kit and her hack does litterally nothing, only boosts damage, the boost of damage is strong but nothing compared to the ability cancel in OW1, Ik it was frustrating but thats like the core of the character

  9. the trophy for most annoying hero in the game was already on Sombra for a while, but jesus this takes the cake. literal free kills with the lack of CC to keep her from just skidaddeling away

  10. Why why why would they give her all these nerfs. Worst hero in game (sorry fitzy we are not all you ) and some minor buffs with Massive nerfs

  11. So basically less control over health kits. So she doesn’t control as much of maps and battles. But is now built as a recon feeding info with ping so players team can counter enemy team and basically a assassin. Probably best to wait and watch who is using what health packs and hack that one health pack, hack them, take them out, move on and repeat. Finally will get more potg! I won’t say hacking pharah is a total loss hacking her will panick the player and you will have to kill her while their panicking.

  12. Im a Sombra / Mei main , i think this rework is for the better . It focuses more on sombra's one-on-one kill potential while not reducing her teamfight capabilities .

  13. Ok I hate it… She was unique, she was an asshole, she was the one to make enemies rage not because she kills them, but because she doesn't let them play. I really don't give a damn about the increase in damage, we have other fuck ton of damage heroes.


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