Overwatch 2: No Rank RESET?! (MMR Reset)

Overwatch 2 is not getting a rank reset.
0:00 Intro
0:48 SR is being removed
4:29 Overwatch 2 will NOT have an MMR reset
5:29 Overwatch 2 is a NEW game?
7:08 What about Reworked Heroes?
9:22 MMR Reset BUG!
9:55 Blizzard LOVE Data
11:50 Rank Reset Problems
12:28 Why do players want a rank reset?
14:26 Free to play BLOODBATH!

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19 thoughts on “Overwatch 2: No Rank RESET?! (MMR Reset)”

  1. I’ve been stuck in low silver since Season 2 ( which is when this rank system was first implemented if you didn’t know), while my friends are in gold to low platinum.

    My problem is I’m stuck and can’t play with them most of the times or I’m stuck playing a specific role every time and not able to improve other roles. With a soft reset, I hope I can get a better rank overall yes, but also be able to play with my friends with any role I want to play. The MR restrictions have been a pain for me.

  2. Yeah… so they abandon OW1 and we have terrible Smurf/Alt Account games and huge SR bands where bronze, silver, gold, plat and diamond are all playing in the same games for 2 years because of the mass player exodus and now they’re bringing that trash data over to a game that is fundamentally different than the game players will be transitioning from…

  3. 5v5 is very different from 6v6, but I think the best option for people who want an MMR reset is to buy a new account and wait until OW2 to level it up to 25. That way, your MMR and rank is based solely on how you play the game within the 5v5 framework.

  4. all the pros for no mmr-reset go outside the window, since its going to go free2play and a massiv amount of player and new hero influx is upon us… no one cares about the first 1-2weeks being chaos… THATS HOW A NEW GAME IS !!! (at least its a new game accoring to blizz lol)

    blizz thinks shortterm, but if they really want to have a good and fair ranked in the long run, the mmr-reset just needs to happen
    if not.. all the veterans just make a new free account lol

  5. So smurfs get a free MMR reset but the rest of us don't? If they're so worried about what little remains of the competitive integrity of the game, they can always make the reset opt-in, so those of us who want it are satisfied and don't have to give up our cosmetics just to get what we're begging for. They won't do it cuz they'll make less money somehow, not that it'd have that much of an impact to the game. That's the bottom line.

  6. I was personally looking forward to a clean slate, definitely feels lazy of blizzard to not do anything for a new game too. I guess since it’s free to play people can just make new accounts anyways?

  7. Gold is going to be a shit show.

    Utter noob placed gold 3.

    Former diamond who's dropped to gold 3 as 99% of player base gone.

    One player is not like the other…

    Might help if placements not utter dog shit.

  8. Well this is a major turn off for me, I dont think i'll play ranked in OW2 . being a solo queue player I could never go better than plat and would fall to gold silver . elo hell is a real thing. your team is a lottery

  9. I think a soft reset is better than a hard reset. Why not have the GM, master, and diamond rank players all start out at 3,000 SR in OW2. Diamond rank and above make about 15% of the player base. Keep them in a bubble and have them fight to climb lol. For plat and below have them start at a slightly lower rank

  10. People just want to stomp. You said it yourself.. it's not really a new game so a lot of veterans already have the game sense and a skill level beyond fresh players. The rank reset would only benefit old players.

  11. Overwatch 1 had lost alot of its player base over the yrs and many people simply have 0 interest in it. Even ow 2 beta lost all the views after a day. Blizzard won't bring players back with this half-a$$ sequel approach. If they make it feel like just a big update I bet players will come back for a month or 2 then die off faster than OW1. They NEED at the very least an mms/Sr reset to make it feel fresh & new. Not just return to the same thing, not even having that climb to look forward too. Their excuse of unbalanced weeks is lame. Literally all other games start fresh between games. Or even seasons, halo, apex ECT ECT.

  12. Personally I get this, however the way the game has been lately I have slipped into bronze hell where no one teams up and there are quitters in most games. As a healer main it has been really disheartening, when I started I was low gold/high silver and could happily keep within that rank. However I solo queue now as my friends have lost love for the game entirely, therefore I have to take what I get in teams. I really hope that in OW2 people start playing comp in a more positive and “Team” centred way so I can start actually climbing again and get some enjoyable games!

  13. i‘ve had times where i would be ranked in bronze at the end of a season, which was an elo that was way too easy for me.
    i hoped it would change after the placement matches, i‘ve literally had 10 straight wins where i crushed the enemy team with my mates and still was ranked at the EXACT same mmr.
    it wasn‘t until now that i‘ve finally started grinding out competitive with a few friends, so we‘re climbing the ladder pretty fast, i pushed gold already in the matter of a week and i will continue to do so.
    i really hoped for a rank reset back then because i thought it could be a solution to those problems, but i have to admit that it absolutely isn‘t.
    only compromise i can imagine is like, if you‘re winning your games really fast for example, like multiple matches in a row with certain achievements during the matches, you‘d get a sort of win-streak boost.
    but a complete reset would result in chaos and a quick decline in the new players.
    as seen in games like rocket league, when it went f2p, for example.

    really good video, i‘ll be sticking around 🙂


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