I’ve been getting LOTS of questions about Mercy’s new super jump iteration in the Overwatch 2 Beta so I thought we’d go over it …



  1. I don't understand why do many people dislike Mercy's new changes. It takes like a minute to get used to but I feel like I have complete and full control of her movement and it feels fantastic

  2. I was having fun just because it felt challenging but I also felt SO limited on what I could do now. She feels very inconsistent and I'm so used to crouch and jump that I'll accidentally cancel my sj alot

  3. i really like this change! no more having to perfectly time crouch ga and jump at the end which was SUPER clunky for any new mercy player. this feels much more intuitive than the current superjump tech in ow1. as a mercy, you should almost never be completing a guardian angel anyways unless you intended to superjump or slingshot, so i dont really see the big deal lol. i didnt like the first betas iteration of it tbh. honestly, i find it a bit funny that everyone is calling this iteration "clunky" when im sure you could ask any new overwatch player to try superjump in the ow2 beta then have them try to superjump in ow1 and see which one theyd deem clunky. i can already guess which one they would consider "clunky" :p

  4. I'll just paste what I commented on Niandra's video; she shares the same sentiments as us, of course:
    This change is awful. Most of the time you GA, you DON'T want to SJ… and apparently this change has broken many reses that were not supposed to be SJ-res (which apparently is harder now anyway?? idk). And yeah nerfing prop-bouncing is terrible obviously.
    As another commenter said, we shouldn't have to focus so much on cancelling something most of the time we use an ability. Not to mention as you noted, any sort of mis-targeted GA will bring additional issues.
    Exactly HOW is this supposed to help Mercy players? There is nothing good about this imo except now some people can do the "cool special jump" or whatever, like… good for them, but then what? They'll be in the exact same miserably-designed boat as the rest of us lol.
    Tbh… and I hate to say this… I'd rather have SJ removed than have THIS iteration. But maybe that's the response they're going for. ughhh Mercy's mobility is why I enjoy her so much.

  5. I’d really just wish they’d stop focusing on this super jump. It’s not what us mercy players asked for at all! I feel like instead of doing this they should give her a new ability! With the amount of anti nades in this game it’d be cool to give mercy a cleanse ability! Something that will cleanse the teammates from the nades and maybe it’s default key can be F or something idk! I just want them to stop focusing on super jump 😭

  6. I’m really confused by this change and how any one play tested and thought it was a good change. It seems like they took the last change and then made it worse?

  7. i just want old superjump back. making superjump more automatic and easier to perform isn't beneficial for beginners and experienced mercy players alike. superjump at least sprinkled some more skill into her kit.

  8. if they do decide to keep her tech as it is now, i as a mercy main for 4 years, might actually just start maining Ana from now on. I played about 20 matches with her, and absolutely hated it. it felt like the devs tried too hard to make her "easier" to play, which makes her actual usefulness be overshadowed by poor game design. it takes away the skill from her character, and i can imagine she becomes even more hard to play, as i sometimes struggled to cancel ga in time for her not to do a superjump, which ultimately led me into dangerous positions and scenarios. At least give us an option to choose which ones we perfer.

  9. I think the change removes control from the player and also interferes with past tech. The clunky substitute of an already perfectly good tech just feels unnecessary and like a big downgrade.

    Im also just upset at the philosophy of lowering mercy's skill CIELING. What makes a hero accessible is their skill FLOOR, and mercy's is already very accesible. Why take away part what makes a character skillful? Its a competitive game 😮‍💨

  10. I've seen so many Mercy's trying to res their teammates, only to cancel it themselves by accidentally NOT canceling the automatic super jump, and that includes me. It's a silly change, did anyone ask for this?

  11. I love how they made the absolute worst design choice as per typical blizzard fashion. The best way they could fix this is allow jump height to be determined by how long you hold space (and reverting to space to jump)

  12. Mercy needs something different. What makes Mercy so great is the ability to pocket a good DPS and her mobility/fast target switching, but she sacrifices all damage output, boosted or from herself, to be able to heal, and it doesn't align with the design philosophy of OW2.

    I honestly wish they would just make her valk rez instant or make valk beam heal through any anti heal, maybe at reduced rate

  13. After about a day or so of playing with it, I hardly notice a difference. It took me a bit to get used to cancelling ga. I broke some rezzes. I launched myself into the air infront of windows. It was annoying. But after getting used to it, I don't mind it at all, really.

    I also didnt realize that bouncing off objects just didnt work. I assumed I was messing up timing when going for it in game, after going back to mostly lucio and brig in ow1. That sucks. Hope they bring it back.

    Lastly, I agree that making it automatic for everyone by default is strange. I get wanting to make the a greater share of mercy's movement options more accessible to people who hadn't learned the tech yet. Maybe aiming a little more at that lower to mid level skill/ experience level. But this new auto super jump seems like itll make things more complicated for people at that level. It's one thing for someone familiar with mercy's movement options to relearn things now and get used to slightly simpler input. Now they're making the input for the most basic use of the skill (flying to person A, so you can be near person A) more complicated. That's strange.

  14. I dont mind the idea of triggering a super jump more reliably. But the automatic implementation is not good, in my opinion. Several times already I have used GA to get to a target to Rez them, only to still have Super Jump go off, despite me hitting space. This causes me to bounce so far away from my rez target that it cancels the Rez. Again, not against the idea, just want control over it, not auto jumping.

  15. the only good thing about this change is that angelic descent slows upward movement only because it makes SJ rez much easier. but all they needed to do was add that and leave SJ alone and it would be the same.

  16. You can prop jump. I posted a video showing it. You can control every aspect of mercy's movement when you have GA toggle OFF. I have no issues with accidental jumps, ever. I am able to perform all the old tech, even ground bounce.


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