Overwatch 2 has a 50-50 problem

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31 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 has a 50-50 problem”

  1. honest to god as soon as i hit GM 50/50 is how its been. Its either 5 people in VC actually comming together, or its 3 one-tricks that refuse to join VC to comm and flame after the match ends because i failed to perfectly mesh with their gameplay standards that I had no idea existed since they couldn't comm in the first place.

    also i get there's always more i can do to win games, but I'm obviously far from perfect and I like to think that team synergy at least matters a slight bit at GM. Sucks when the match is close and bar me playing better, when its obvious more communication could've turned that to a win, it just sucks lmao.

  2. Wouldn't mind Overwatch's ranked system to work more Apex' system. Way more linear, more frequent updates and your lobby is actually filled with those of or near your current name. Not the wild West invisible MMR rubbish

  3. the commentors saying there is no problem with forcing players to have a 50-50 winrate requardless of skill and rank isn't a problem as shown here where the winrates are so low despite literally just being better just shows how few people actually care about ranked. win loss on repeat when you KNOW you are better is NOT FUN OR REWARDING. it doesn't encourage people to try or improve let alone actually work with their teams cause they know they will end up at 50-50 at the end of the day.

    how do you all not see the blatent issue with trying to force a 50-50 winrate on players who are better than 99% of the people who have ever played the game? do you not see how this doesn't reward effort or any good practices of the game cause the game tries to force a 50-50 winrate regardless of what you do and how good you play? i think at the average rank it should be 50-50 but when you are literally just better at every turn and you keep going win loss over and over its just not a fun experience cause the game treats you like a baby who cant even walk on their own yet when you could otherwise run.

    this system REALLY doesn't help people do better and most of the time end up holding people back, there is no breakpoint to this its just yeah you get 50% winrate regardless of skill and effort put in, good job! i went from 65% winrate to 45% back to 65%+ back to about 45% and on average yeah I end up at 50% but the game keeps holding me back cause after 7wins the game says oh ok you're doing too good lets give you worse teams so you can help them do good until its too late and you are worse than where you started a week ago. its not a good system and NEEDS to change. but these polar swings from winning to losing need to stop, it needs to be smooth. if you are better you win till games get hard, if you are bad every game is a struggle, average goes somewhere in between.

    everyone is defending a fundamentally broken system that boosts bad performance and holds back actually good players. its actually insane that only like 6 people actually see the issue for that it is here. SO few of you actually realize that attempting for force a 50% winrate just isn't good for competitive games like overwatch. I've been saying this SAME stuff for months and everyone just says its a skill issue and not a fundamental flaw of the system like many things are in the game right now. sorry its not a skill issue its a game issue that needs work just like the balance of the game needs a lot of work.

    unironically sad that so many think the current state of ranked is good when these issues wherent here last season. good players did good, bad players did bad as it should be. but now the game sees highly successful players and gives them worse teams to try to help out the bad players when all it does it hurt the better players. loser q gets people on a loss streak, while winning q gets people in a win streak…right? apparently not here cause it feels like winners get placed into matches with people on loss streaks completely mixing up and breaking the system making your effort mean much less.

    you shouldn't have to be the top0.5% to rank up. you shouldn't have to be to worst 0.5% to derank either. average should be 50% winrate, better players get higher and below average players get less than 50% winrate. that's how it should work until you hit your skill ceiling and reach the proper rank you belong in where you get 50% winrate. I've even gone to an alt account and did my placements there and played a bit more and you know what happened? i not only placed lower than I did on main but the winrate was 50% and not 70% like my main accounts placements. maybe its time to see 50-50 isn't perfectly balanced just because the size is the same doesn't mean it weights the same. maybe balance isn't perfect 50% for everyone cause it completely stifles any and all progress making it entirely meaningless.

  4. They need to add more rewards to ranked. Like theres really no point in playing it at all right now especially for people who already have all the gold guns they want.

    It feels like the only people who play ranked anymore are streamers bc it's their job. But for a casual theres really no point at all. Trying to rank up with this system is just not fun or rewarding at all. And you cant even see le funny big number and shiny metal badge anymore! Like bruh quick play has genuinely been so much more fun and worthwhile lately

  5. Uh my stats pretty much say the forced 50/50 win rate is a BIG FAT freaking lie!!! I just did the math for my ow2 stats and I have an 18% win rate. That means I’m losing 82% of games I play. That’s NOT EVEN CLOSE to 50%!!
    Yesterday my qp stats have 10 games played….8 losses and 2 wins. Does that sound like 50% to you? Devs are LYING TO US.

  6. this is just 2 pocketed tanks going against each other endlessly wtf
    , and the payload could move either way honestly…
    How is this better than shields?
    A month ago the gameplay looked so dynamic now its just weird.

  7. You have the most enjoying match ever and right away on the next one you see your tank diving inside the enemy team and being melted into a pulp and starts blaming someone else who also starts trolling because they're typing back now and tilting. And you just sit there and accept you cant do shit

  8. I started typing "matchmaking diff" after every steamrolled game and it's crazy how many people agree but i guess it's just a clarity issue and we will see changes in season 5.

  9. Between this title, and the video on the main channel "the one shot problem in overwatch", it's kinda cringe. don't be one of those clickbait channels. Just because you talked about something for .5 seconds, doesnt mean you should make that the title of the video.


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