Overwatch 2: Damage Role Passive Rework – MMR Reset Debate

Overwatch 2 Beta Phase 2 will bring a host of new changes including the major rework to the Damage Role passive which will have huge ramifications on the power level of supports who typically are their key prey target as we know from Beta 1. If you enjoyed this video please be sure to leave it a like


00:00 Intro
00:23 OW2 Beta Phase 2 Goals
01:25 Damage Role Passive Rework
03:28 Support BUFFS & Reworks
06:29 Push Game Mode Changes
08:22 Partial Competitive Ruleset for Unrated
09:34 Soft Reset vs Full MMR Reset

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36 thoughts on “Overwatch 2: Damage Role Passive Rework – MMR Reset Debate”

  1. I think the biggest problem of this game is the rank placement for the new accounts. No matter your performance, you always start with the Gold, or the Silver with SR closed to the Gold. That means these new players would highly affect the people in the Gold or the Platinum levels. I still remember I got Platinum in DPSs and Gold in Supports when I began to play this game. And I had never played any FPS game before, so my aiming skill was horrible, and I had no idea what I should do during every match. My teammate kept blaming me in the chat, and I just felt they were rude and toxic. Now I can completely understand their feeling at that time. Losing one single match does not mean anything, but when you tried your best with your teammates or friends, spent 20 min winning the previous game, and matched up with those faked Gold or Platinum players and lost this match even quicker than a Quickplay match, I think everyone would be upset. I knew their MMR and SR would finally converge to the Silver or Bronze, but the effects were real, and that is why some of my friends just gave up.

    The second worst problem is the punishment for those leavers. I lost 400 SR in one day after 20 matches due to leavers, at least in 10 of those. Blizzard still can not find a way to determine whether those leavers were left by accidents or left manually. I knew there would be some tricks like unplugging the socket or the internet cable, but please give them a harsh punishment for the people who were 100% left manually.

  2. PLEASE RESET IT so i dont have to throw games to play with my friends coming to OV2. I dont want to throw and it is so annoying that is the only way to lose MMR. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE

  3. Freedo, the take here on MMR reset is just ice cold tbh. You pretty much cherry picked the one hero (Ashe) who has no changes.

    How are you transferring tank player rating? What about doomfist, cass, Sombra, bastion, any support. All of these players have massive changes coming to the character.

    When you present all this info “the games will be so imbalanced gms against bronze” I just don’t see how that is the case… Are we completely planning to remove the minimum account level requirement? We can’t do a hard mmr reset and collect new data then?

    I would love a soft reset system at the end of each season. That would be great I’m just not sure how that answers this specific question. How is the MMR comparable? I just don’t see it

  4. I think the power of the 10% movement speed buff is being overvalued. Remember that the characters in overwatch one that had higher movement speeds in tracer and genji, were not effected by the 10% movement passive in ow2 (everyone was brought to the same level as them) . So by removing this there is no effect on tracer and genji, unless blizz decides to remove their movement too. Additionally, as you stated, there are many characters that have reduced effectiveness from movement speed like widow echo and pharah. ( I could actually be wrong but I believe its just ground move speed). Im not necessarily supporting the new passive, I think that it can get some value but it does still seem like the worst passive of the 3. I guess we'll have to see how things go in beta

  5. Freedo – i was always and will be a huge fan, but your part about the mmr reset is just offending to 90% of the ow community. Im not thinking that you meant it in that way but its sounds like 90% don´t deserve the same fair chance to get a fresh start – just because they are worse.

    As a german – im not a big fan of a wording that has the message some ppl have more or less value then other, wich is the next step of your arguments… our own history has show that it never ends good. Again im sure that was not your goal – but please don´t use your words in a way thats sounds as would you talk down to 90% of the community.

    You don´t must have my opinion on that topic but try to bring you points in a way thats ounds not like "You are not good enough to get a fair treatment"

  6. I would agree with the arguments for competitive if OW2 wasn't supposed to be "a new game" and if the format still played similar. The issue is, neither are true.

    The devs aren't making OW v1.2. They are committing to and releasing what was meant to be OW2, along with some major changes. You cannot choose to overlook the fact that there is now only one tank in the match, and that one tank is not capable of as much "damage mitigation" as two would have been. Instead of "shield shooting simulator," OW2 forces both DPS and Support to make sure that every ability and bullet they fire has a target and an objective. During my experience in the first beta, I noticed that every DPS and Support felt stronger SOLELY because Blizzard no longer has to balance heroes on their ability to eventually breach the tank line. I'm a support main and I noticed that (for example) hitting sleeps is a much more important ability to master, both for escaping flanking DPS and for securing fight wins.

    As a result, it isn't entirely fair to assume ALL players will be able to adapt 1:1 to match their current rank.

    I also want to point out that the game is going F2P. What is stopping players from creating a new account, using their 1 phone number for the new account, then using this as a fresh unranked comp account? Now there isn't even a barrier of entry.

  7. We need a better comp SR system. It shouldn't just come down to wins and losses.

    I can't tell you how many times my friends and I acquired all the golds/silvers in a match only to have people that refused to work with the team and flat out threw ruin it for everyone and we dropped a rank. It's incredibly frustrating knowing you put in the effort to play the game how it should be played, but have nothing to show for it because of a thrower.

    If your ranked was based on individual performance, AND NOT W/L, this would greatly reduce the frustration of comp.

    Anyone share my sentiment?

  8. I don’t think they understand the widow buff that taking away that 10% speed boost for dps is. You telling me the enemy dps will move slower? Bet. Head clicks for everybody.

  9. I think that reworking the DPS passive might more be a result of adding Junker Queen in the game :
    The passive + her shout + lucio's SpeedBoost would result in such a snowball if the enemy team doesn't take the lead.
    And considering this would have probably become meta and resulted in being the only ultra agressive meta, which leads to redundancy in gameplay.
    Which makes me worried : I feel like, even if Junker Queen's background is awesome and well injected in her set, it may feel to some people that again, nothing seems to be balanced yet

  10. The logic that I can get back to Gold from being stuck in Bronze (due to a couple months of bad internet and admittedly poor gameplay) by just "playing better" is inherently flawed, since MMR is based purely on a win-loss mechanic, and not individual skill. It doesn't matter how good one player is if the team loses, and therefore it doesn't matter if MMR is reset or not, because the mechanic that determines it will continue to punish good players on bad teams.

  11. Rank is BS. Its win rating not skill rating. So many high ranked players that are boosted and/or smurfed. Day 1 player here. Cant climb out of rank because the MMR never gets reset

  12. Why so many bad takes all the time?the game is going ftp. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people will be coming back world wide. A hard mmr reset is exactly what we need. Even footing. You're being silly

  13. About your comment at 16:30 about tournament mode, I wished it was true. I used to have teams in every game I played and played competitively with each. It was very easy to join teams and start improving from there. When ranked mode appeared (the first time I saw it, it was in SC2) suddenly being a diamond wasnt enough and now you would only get a team if you were top tier. First season of SC2 there was only diamond but they quickly changed that and added master and GM. I was just master and that meant there were no teams with openings for me. Sure I was clearly not that great of a player but thats when I almost never ever had a new real competition experience in any other game. Played for some other games and teams and whatnot but its been maybe 10 years that I was part of a team now. Its crazy.
    So when you say tournament mode will bring the real teamplay and strategy experience, it will only be for high skilled players who are in the top tiers of ranked, as no teams will exist in lower tiers.

    So I agree with your comment, ranked mode sucks in every game and does not do what it is supposed to do. And this broken feature will directly impact how tournament mode plays out.

  14. Ok so hes saying a hard reset would be bad bc then golds/plats would stomp on bronzes for a couple days but having a soft reset with each season is good because then the GMs have to stomp on diamonds/masters for a couple days every moth to get to their rank again?


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