Overwatch 2: Competitive 2.0, NEW Support Heroes & Battlepass Explained!

HUGE News Roundup without any filler. This past week Blizzard has done a media blitz and we’ve collected information across multiple interviews & the Reddit AMA to gather the highest value info for you together. Subject spanning from the Competitive 2.0 overhaul, 2 new support heroes and the battlepass monetization explained! Use the timestamps to navigate to the relevant sections, if you enjoyed the video be sure to LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL ICON to actually get notified when our videos come out!

00:00 Intro
00:33 Competitive 2.0
02:18 No MMR Reset
05:08 Smurf Accounts
06:11 Tournaments & Guilds ARE COMING!
07:27 After Action Stat Report
08:34 2 NEW Support Heroes!
12:01 Hero Lore, New Looks & Symmetra Buff
13:50 Devs Explain Junker Queen
16:48 Battlepass & Monetization Explained
17:55 OW1 Currency Carries Over to OW2
18:57 Player Portraits are being Removed
19:23 Battlepass Won’t have Hero Challenges
20:18 Mythic Skin Customization
20:36 Hero Bans
23:25 Hero Bios, Lore, Voicelines
23:47 MEKA Squad Could be New Heroes
24:03 Experimental Card Changes into OW2
24:20 No Aim Assist Coming to Crossplay

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34 thoughts on “Overwatch 2: Competitive 2.0, NEW Support Heroes & Battlepass Explained!”

  1. One thing I hate about overwatch 1 and 2 is role queue. I think overwatch 2 should have open queue but a team can only have a maximum of two of every role, that way you must have at least one of everything (so no 5 dps comps) while still leaving flexibility for changing team comps and metas. A team can then choose to play 2 tanks 2 dps 1 healer, or any combination of the three

  2. This is probably a stupid question, but I used to play on Xbox and then switched to PC. I’ll be playing OW2 on PC. Will I get my cosmetics from both Xbox and PC when we switch to OW2, or just the cosmetics from PC?

  3. Overwatch 2 is about the be the biggest failure blizzard has ever made. Not resetting MMR even though you want to consider it a new game and not an overhaul of overwatch 1? You change how the games played slightly like what old players are going to want to come back and what incentive do new players have when from launch in October there will already be players who have mastered the game and are already at the highest Elo. Like we get it blizzard you don’t like new players in your game

  4. I totally disagree with you saying the ranks are accurate , I used to be in masters / gm but the past year I’ve more so wanted to play with my friends , I’ve carried these mfs 100s of SR on my Smurf , they are All probably a good 500 SR away from their actual rank because they have been getting boosted just cuz I want to play with them. It really does show too. When they solo queue they get shit on

  5. 4:21 – Here's a Low Metal Story – I think it was season 24 when I peaked mid-gold – Rein got nerfed, I was scrambling and lost 2 Ranks. Keep in mind I RARELY play solo queue. Over time, this account has had to be abandoned because it's SO LOW, I can't play with my team. however, on my other account, same Role (Tank) – same player, I maintain a mid-silver (probably accurate) playing with my Low plat buddies in Gold Lobbies. So, am I really a boosted bronze, a silver player, or low gold? In the end though, I don't give 2 figs about the rank, I just want to play with my friends. Maybe the guild system will fix this, but to say the low metal ranks are not meta bound isn't quite accurate. If balance changes nerf your main into the ground, you have to be SO MUCH better – even in gold to maintain that rank. Maybe the soft resets will help, maybe getting the guild system will help but I'd like to see a reset and 25 game grind personally.

  6. The new rank system is the same but less transparent. The numbers are the same behind the scenes but you just don’t get to see them. It seems like they’re developing stuff just to say they did, even though what they’re making is either bad or makes no difference.

  7. IMO, making "Healing Supports" mandatory in every team comp is Overwatch's band-aid for not having a universal "out of combat regen" mechanic. As things currently stand, "No Healer = HP Recovery is Disabled." If heroes could regenerate HP simply by taking cover for long enough, teams could afford to run utility supports over healers without crippling everyone's survivability in the process.

  8. I really have tried to be excited for Overwatch 2. I’ve been playing since release and it used to be my favorite fps/team game but with every update I see it’s always such mixed feelings now. I’m still gonna play and give it a try, but idk how long I’ll stay. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, I don’t wanna go into it expecting to hate it or nitpicking for reasons to be mad. But as of right now, I’m not super excited

  9. Finally, cell phone verification! Throw accounts, derankers, smurfs, and just overall apathetic players in competitive play was the reason why I stopped playing overwatch 1.

  10. Every person who is against an mmr reset is apart of the 15% high ranks. And even then, only a smaller group of that is against it. Notice how their argument is "well we'll have to go through horribly balanced games for a while", but That's how EVERY single lower rank game is, and will be especially worse at the beginning of OW2. All the new players will be placing into gold/plat, so it will be complete chaos. And unless you're able to carry games with new players on your team, you will also be dropping into even Lower ranks, where the problem will be Even Worse.

    If we reset mmr, Everybody will have to go through that "carry or lose sr" phase, which makes it fair for everyone, not just 15% of the players. BTW Every other FPS game has reset mmr, and those games work perfectly fine. The whole point of changing to OW2 was to copy other popular games, right? So why not copy everything?

  11. Having no comp crossplay is so shit. I've got console friends that I play with all the time but I don't want to sit playing quick play. Why can't they just add a new comp split, one normal comp as we know it and one cross play comp. Both with different ranks

  12. 5:23 soo I already spent money on a second OW1 account just for training before a competitive match and for playing with friends with a lower rank, now on the release of OW2 just because I don’t have a second phone number I won’t be able to use an alt account at all? and there is no refund of course…😕

  13. Blizzard really needs to consider aim assist for controller users on console. I spent much of my gaming on console (still do along with PC) and without aim assist, it takes too long to master the stick. It's possible like in my case, but you can't be consistent without AA as much as MnK on PC. I would personally prefer controller players to have AA so that my console friends would be more willing to crossplay. It's not even ranked either, so there's no loss in allowing it.

    Every console game should allow for MnK, so that people would be less inclined to use a converter to get MnK AND aim assist. They can just use a normal MnK instead.

    Feel free to disagree, but if you have console friends and you're on pc, your console friends wouldn't want to play with you.

  14. Im so bored cause the BETA is ONLY on NA servers?

    With 180ms of ping its almost unplayable… DO NOT FEED BLIZZ GREED by buying it to play the BETA with LAG


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