Overwatch 2 Brigitte is ridiculously aggressive | Overwatch 2 Alpha

Brigitte seems to be an extremely aggressive hero in Overwatch 2

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40 thoughts on “Overwatch 2 Brigitte is ridiculously aggressive | Overwatch 2 Alpha”

  1. Nooo! The one sec disable is applied on BoB too? That's not good.
    With less shields and lesser tank, High Noon, D.Va bombs, and BoB are barely contestable.
    Well early to judge will see 😅
    Great gameplay btw!! Brig is so hard for me 🙂

  2. I really liked the shield bash stun because you were able to protect your second support when your dds wouldn't peel for you. I'm kinda sad it will be gone. But I guess we will see how it's going to play out

  3. i hope this means theyll make symmetras gun more aggresive now. considering how bad healer sym was in terms of healing and survability, i pray they dont force her to a healer. especially considering that a lot of ppl seem to want her to be a healer for rather dishonest reasons (many liked healer sym because she was much easier to kill/counter)

  4. I think it is a bit too early to talk about whether supports are going to suffer in OW2.

    This is the alpha. There is still the beta phase, more reworks, and more balancing that will happen.

  5. The stun was such a key part of Brigitte’s arsenal. It not only interrupted ults and charge moves, but also acted as a psychological warfare. Suddenly stunning people, even when they’re not in danger, causes them to freak out and either retreat or act stupid. Don’t know if I’ll continue Overwatch because she is my favorite character.

  6. I think with the removal of shield bash's stun, and Rally being massively nerfed due to the introduction of Overhealth, Brig is gonna need some tweaks to the kit to make her more viable (as do all the Supports, really). I think adding Overheal to Repair Packs would be a good idea, and maybe make it so Rally either temporarily buffs Inspire or adds more charges/reduces CD to Repair Pack

  7. Personally, I'd rather they rework her healing and kept the bash.

    I don't even play Brig or Support but I see there being issues here where Brig can't quite peel for her team as well a she should, and her problematic method of healing goes entirely unchanged.

  8. I understand removing some of the CC but brig without a stun makes her shield bash practically useless. I mean. Other than mobility… which even then isn’t much even with the change. I mean how is she a protector now? She can’t stop ults. Her shield is still paper thin. Her whole entire concept is just gone.


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