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48 thoughts on “OUTBREAK SPREADS TO OH, MA”

  1. There is a local school that had had cases of tuberculosis braking out with more cases popping up. I am wondering how many illegals children are attending the school? I believe it’s in Olathe which has a mixed bag of children. It’s odd it’s out there. They say more cases being reported. Between the lung issues and now TB guess we will see.

  2. I been dealing with these symptoms for about a month now when my grandson had it a month and a half ago he was in the hospital the nurse said they were backed up with these cases they had to use day surgery rooms for staging the young ones it’s already been here they are just now making it public I am in Texas

  3. You know what’s more scarier than this pneumonia ..

    is that our borders are still open and who knows what’s coming across our border ..
    Especially as disease is concerned and I will not list them…why everybody will panic about this because they put it in the news and upfront..Just another reason to take more freedoms away from America ..why our borders are wide open I stress the point and our hospitals will be overwhelmed..No I’m not concerned when they close the borders then I will really be concerned…

  4. I know that most prepping channels have to cover this but actually I’m getting weary of all of this…I will soon take a break when I woke up this morning I couldn’t believe all of the notifications I got basically saying the same thing let’s bring some cheerful news our God reigns when is my time to go I guess I will have to goπŸ˜‚

  5. Dogs are also coming down with β€˜kennel cough’. The OLDER (chloramphenicol) antibiotics are working for them. I would suggest that along with the c recommended meds – quercetin etc. Sending prayers and healing β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

  6. Can I get prayers for my daughter? She's had a cough since October that she can't seem to shake even on antibiotics. She's her normal self but that cough just won't give up. I truly appreciate it.

  7. Good morning PD. Good morning community. I pray everyone has a blessed weekend. I hope y'all smack Bama. My Mom hurting after her ducks lost last night, but congratulations to the UW fans. Have a great day y'all. Say hello to the troublemakers Teddy and Ol Ella.βœοΈπŸ™πŸ’―πŸ‘

  8. Go SEMINOLES. I think if we win, they'll keep us out of the playoffs. But, it doesn't matter, maybe if our quarterback hadnt got hurt, it would be a different story. Here's the point with that PD. If Georgia lost there QB, would they still get in the playoff? Of course they would. But FSU wont get that benefit of the doubt

  9. Please pray for Daphney. Daphney is the daughter of an old highschool friend of mine. I found out 2 weeks ago that Daphney married a woman 3 years ago. In highschool, she dated boys. I do not know what went wrong? I am wondering if she got brainwashed in college into thinking that lifestyle is okay? Anyway, please pray for Daphney to come to her senses and do the right thing. Thanks.

  10. I had pneumonia when I was a kid. I had to have a home bound school teacher most of that year. I am a firm believer that we need to be exposed to things to build up our immune system. This version of pneumonia could be a result of the lock downs of the last few years because kids were not getting exposed to things like I did when I was a kid. I am inclined to believe that this pathogen is man made like the last.

  11. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Good morning prepper Dawg. Happy Sunday 06:17am from the ole prison colony . The land of milk and honey 🍯. . Not much milk , not much honey ,just a lot of hard work πŸ˜“β€¦

  12. Have you heard about the respiratory virus affecting dogs, too? I'm in Washington and received an email from my Vet about it. Rather odd since the corrupt elites want to do away with us and animals.

  13. Wonder on this new bug how many children received the "pat pat" ? Things in the food, poor balanced diet do no immunity? Then the wild one, chem trails? Know that I have my tin foil hat on. Thanks so much for the passage. It is not by works or deeds, by grace. Hope people remember that this month. Prayers for you and your family.

  14. Go Dawgs! (University of Washington – Seattle) Awesome season and championship! Yes, I attended the UW =) Thanks for getting the news and updates out to folks, Mr. Dawg! Prayers for those that are in need. May the Lord protect and cover you, and provide you a peace that passes understanding! We continue to prep for whatever comes, and keep God at the forefront!

  15. Roll Tide but great close game Dawg! Guess we will see where all the playoff slots land. This is concerning about the sickness outbreaks. I feel like here we go again. Is it time to cue Fauci!! Does China have him on speed dial? I am thinking that to be safe will for sure need mail in ballots. Yep mail in and Dominion software should be good.

  16. Interesting it's called white lung, thats associated with people thats been exposed to asbestos. I honestly believe that its from the derailments,vaxx,contaminated swabs. Remember how bad the air quality was where people couldn't even see awhile back? Remember that drill that was done in NY subways last year, they wore those hazmat suits but claim what they was spraying was harmless. Also makea me think about the simulation they did similar to Event 201. It was called Cathostropic Contagion. I had mycoplasma pneumonia in early 2019,a week prior to diagnosis i noticed I only coughed when I went outside, the cough was so bad I started to bleed feom my navel causing an umbilical hernia. What helped save my life was collidal silver and natural coigh syrup made from tree bark, the meds hospital gave me initially just made me worse. Everyone be safe stay away from all dairy cause that is where the bacteria thrives something a doctor would never tell us, a mucus environment helps create the chaos in the body. After i sufffered eith plurisey for almost 2 years.

  17. My church finances are a little low right now. We not only have church services and Sunday school classes and other functions, but we also have a Christian privet school from pre-K through 5th or 6th grade. We need a lot of prayers for the coming year. Our business meeting will be on December 13, 2023. I am praying this is just a small problem we are going through. Thank you in advance for your prayers. God bless you and fill you with His grace and peace.

  18. I had mycoplasma pneumonia back in 1991. It's awful. Started with a sudden very high fever that nothing seemed to stop. A week on IV antibiotics and it was another month before I felt human again. It's not something you want to try to treat yourself at home.


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