Our Most Chilling Challenge Yet // FROSTPUNK // HARD // Part 4

Frostpunk on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/323190/Frostpunk/
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Hi! My name is Christopher Odd, and I’ve been playing video games on the internet for a few years. I really enjoy a variety of games but generally lean towards games with a unique and engaging story (Bioshock, The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us, etc), strategy/roguelike games (XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, Darkest Dungeon, etc), and RPGs (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Dragon Age, etc). Of course, I am always looking for great indie games, too!

I stream live on YouTube! The upcoming streams can always be found at https://www.youtube.com/christopherodd/live



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#frostpunk #survival #strategy


44 thoughts on “Our Most Chilling Challenge Yet // FROSTPUNK // HARD // Part 4”

  1. So I don't know if this is late or not but should we be worried that Odd's first instinct during a frostpocalypse was to make a theocratic city-state that has mandated child labor

  2. Researching automatons is a good idea, actually. They need cores, but I think it's worth it. The temperature is gonna be soooo much lower further in the game.
    UPD: This game is so hard imo, I think you could've easily played on normal difficulty. Also, a very long video is good! An hour is good!

  3. Thank you for putting my name in the game!! Unfortunately, JohhnyDee is one word (a genuine nickname from my high school years) and my actual name has literally nothing to do with Dee–although I guess I'm a Dee now! 😎 ;-). Frostpunk is now installed and playable on my Steam Deck, so I plan to follow shortly. I'm watching the video primarily to get a feel for the game, but you are SO GOOD!!! Thank you again!

  4. Don‘t forget, that there are two „adjusting screws“ to the coal problem:
    1. increasing the production
    2. decreasing the consumption/ improving the efficiency (I think your biggest potential is in organizing your buildings/ city structure)

    You said you want to go for the steam hubs instead of the generator range upgrades, because you were told that they are more efficient. Why is that? Because of two reasons:
    Firstly you can group buildings with the same heating demands (24h, working hours, no heating needed) in a subcenter-layout around steam hubs and active them accordingly and therefore don’t waste coal on heating buildings when they are not in use.
    Secondly you can place more buildings in the same amount of heated area, because buildings which are only 50% in a heated are regarded as fully heated. So if you place your steam hubs in a fashion that creates pockets of not heated areas which are filled with buildings still regarded as in the heating zone… you definitely never want heating areas to overlap!

  5. Oh no 😢 you didn't try to enter Tesla city @57:00. You can't enter it now. That had the potential to give you unlimited Steam Cores.⚡ It is RNG if the scouts live. ( I think faster sleds 🛷 research helps)

  6. You probably recorded next episode but, you can place another coal mine.
    I was surprised by your choices in the first episode. They were brilliant and I tried them making my play so much easier. I'm sorry you're struggling now.
    I hope you can recover!

  7. 16:05 – I advise you NOT to replace them, for reasons I cannot mention without spoilers. Plus, they cost a steam core, so not worth it. In fact, build more hunters, and put them on the outside – no need to heat them, as they are not in the city (much like scouts).

    Another good tip to utilize kids – place them in the cookhouse and the gathering camps near the coal thumper and staff those with kids. Camps get extra heat upgrades and your kids will stay toasty, while contributing to the colony 🙂

    EDIT: just build the CEMETERY to solve anger issues. Corpses litter your streets, making people angry, and your solution for that is: "Hmm, maybe if i whip them…" 🤣

  8. The best thing about this game is there is no one correct path to take. Automatons make resources easier, but in the end game, the places of work seem to be warmer than even the most upgraded houses, so having 20 automatons and masses of unemployed usually means tons of sick people. But on the other hand, if people are unemployed, does it really matter that they are sick?

  9. I'm all the way at the bottom of the list, but I'm there! Hurray! I shall endeavour to do my best for the glory of the city sir!

    That is, if I don't immediately die in this episode, haven't fully watched yet at the time of writing :p

  10. I've never played the game but to me the passive insulation improvements seem very useful. Resources are always at a premium, so why tech that just works without additional investment seems like a really good thing

  11. Went pretty fast past the j's. But i don't think I saw Josh P. Id LOVE to be in there, man. I promise I'll live and work hard. I Love the cold ljke a husky.

    Love your stuff!

  12. please move your automaton to a wall drill or a coal mine, gathering coal piles via the coal pile is slower than any other option you have (coal mines, gathering post). besides, on the coal thumper, you need to heat that area anyways for the thumper and the gathering posts


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