Our Marital Status: Love? Commitment? Infidelity? Divorce? (Real Talk Husband vs. Wife)

In this episode of GSL UNCUT things get emotional as Melissa and Jeremy discuss the status of their marriage past, present and future.

Discussed are the topics of physical affections, wants and needs from a spousal perspective, commitment vs. divorce, what makes for a successful or struggling/failing marriage, etc.


49 thoughts on “Our Marital Status: Love? Commitment? Infidelity? Divorce? (Real Talk Husband vs. Wife)”

  1. Happy Anniversary you two!! So happy that I found your channel years ago! I've never been disappointed in videos or your new podcast!💜💜🤗🤗 🙏🙏. Y'all are still so amazing to me!! ❤❤. Take care and God bless always.

  2. Aww Jeremy is such a sweetheart, I was boohooing too. I just love the both of you honesty. I smile, cry and laugh with you both. I just love how hubby expressed his feelings towards Melissa…..He is a keeper Melissa. Hope you both live to see another 20 years together. Much rich blessings….happy anniversary❤️🌹💞.

  3. I love your podcasts! So true that the love you have for your children is not comprable to anything else. I distinctly remember that when pregnant with my second child, I was extremely concerned that I couldn't possibly love a second child as much as the overwhelming love I felt for the first. Boy, was I mistaken! The love doesn't divide. It doubles!

  4. With the exception of welling up with tears at a certain point, I was grinning the whole time as you talked. I want you to be my parents and my kids at the same time. I couldn't agree more with everything you said. ~ And thank you for mentioning Dr. Jordan Peterson's test. He's one of my favorite people in this world!

  5. No need to apologise for being emotional Jeremy. Thank you both for sharing ♥️ Melissa & Jeremy , I’m glad you realise it’ll be tough when your kids move on. We’re at that stage and I’m struggling 💔♥️. Thank you again for sharing such personal things with me/us. Really appreciate your commitment to each other, your family and me 😘

  6. This is brilliant, i love you guys so much. Everything that you are saying is very wise and should be passed on to marriage councillors.. About 60 years ago our family were on an annual road trip, in Australia, to visit family, at that time going between states there was very strict quarantine restrictions for fruit fly, the inspector asked if my parents had any fruit in the vehicle, my father who was a Paster replied "only the fruit of my loins"

  7. I found this episode so relative. Ive been a single parent for the past 2yrs now and am currently considering divorce. The father walked out 2yrs ago and has shown little to no interest in either of us since. I appreciate Jeremy's goal in providing a stable home for his family despite his upbringing but sadly some men dont share that same sentiment.

  8. Wow sounds like you have a great live. That was my dream until 8 years ago when my wife pass away she was my best friend. Live fells like it is nightmare to my because I have to do everthing, my family, her family and the church we go to dose not help me a lot . I also briing up my 11 year old sonwas $ when wife pass away. Sorry about this just have to tell someone.

  9. It looks like I just join your pod casts. My (husband) Daryl and I have been watching both of you from the beginning of your new land in Idaho. We married at 21 & 23 and have been married 43 years. I love love both your attitudes. Being honest is very important in a good marriage. Appreciation is a wonderful thing for men and women. ❤ GOD makes the world go around! Love makes it GRAND❤

  10. This was really interesting..I love seeing you guys more relaxed and will be checking out all the other episodes after this one. I really admire and respect the beautiful home you both built and seeing the journey progress has been wonderful. Are you both supporters of the LGBTQ+ community?

  11. I appreciate your guys candor in a lot of discussions and I do think you have a lot of wisdom sharing your own experience. Listening to a few of these podcasts I do feel as though you reduce views other than your own to very extreme negatives and employ straw man arguments for the other side. As you have lived very experienced lives you know as well as many of us do that life is not black and white and right or wrong on most all issues but varying shades of grey. Getting married is not always right just like never getting married isn't always right. Making arguments or viewpoints you don't agree with seem stupid or indefensible doesn't make your viewpoint and perspective seem strong it is reductionist and leads to putting the world into different boxes. It does make holding opinions easier but the world doesn't fit nicely into boxes. The world is a complex puzzle, not a bunch of square blocks.

  12. Happy Anniversary!! You are such a Good example of what God intended for a married couple & parents be! Live, love & laugh! I pray that power of God protect you both & your children & their husband's & wives & children. God Bless you & your family!!!

  13. Happy Anniversary!! You are such a Good example of what God intended for a married couple & parents be! Live, love & laugh! I pray that power of God protect you both & your children & their husband's & wives & children. God Bless you & your family!!!

  14. Happy Anniversary!! You are such a Good example of what God intended for a married couple & parents be! Live, love & laugh! I pray that power of God protect you both & your children & their husband's & wives & children. God Bless you & your family!!!

  15. I was 38 and my husband was 41 when we married on September 4, 1996. We agreed on our wedding day to have "the meeting" on our anniversary to reflect on the past year and decide whether to continue the marriage. The conversations were much like this podcast episode. We've kept that spirit of openness and communication through our 27 years of marriage. In April 2021 we began our journey to move from metropolitan Lancaster County, PA to a 1,000 sq ft, primitive cabin on a mountainside in rural Huntingdon County, PA. Settlement on our home of 26 and 36 years respectively occurred on December 28, 2022 during zero temperatures. The rain barrel water supply system and outside showers were challenging but through it all we thrived in the adventure and continue to do so always wondering what tomorrow's challenge will be. (I've been following your journey since 2019, bless you both)

  16. THANKYOU for helping me us understand what we have,lm talking about Jonty and myself togeather for 21years.Both been married twice but are very happyhow we are.l like to talk things out and Jonty is learning that talking is a good thing.Thankyou for this podcast ….now l can see us having a great future together,you both have tought me something and l thank you both for that.

  17. You are absolutely correct in saying you never get over losing a child. We lost our 15 yr old 22 years ago and the pain still exists. We have two other children and 8 grandchildren which we adore but the pain of losing him never ends.

  18. I married young, and we matured together… it lasted 23 years. Life trauma changed that.. we are no longer married. We are friends….this day and time people are so different and it was scary to think not finding the person to love and respect. Remarried now, and yes, it is hard. You have to remember to consider your mates' feelings and routine .

  19. Happy Anniversary. My husband and I will be celebrating our 38th anniversary in November. The success of our marriage I will attribute to the fact that we do respect each others individuality. We have never ever considered keeping one another from doing something that we wanted to do, or take a trip we wanted to take with friends. We also have always set aside one night every week as a date night. We are the proud parents of a 31 year old young man who recently (June) got married himself. Unfortunately that marriage has taken him to live in another state and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t ache to hug him. And you are absolutely correct in that there is nothing that will keep me from loving him. We now have to learn to live as an empty nester couple. We are talking about purchasing a second home in the state in which our son now resides just so when they do have children we will be there (at least part time) to be a part of our grand childrens lives. You guys are still young and still have so much to experience as parents. There will be many highs and lows, but you have what you need to get through any lows you might experience. I wish you many more years of happy wedded bliss.

  20. I enjoy being able to sit in on your sharing your thoughts on life. It's amazing, YES, the hindsight thing… it's valuable to look back, and to also count blessings and lessons learned and think of the growth that occurred along the way. So good! I also enjoy thinking and pondering and reflecting on the wisdom gained and how hard-won that is quite often… Important to see the good and the difficult — and yet we each have to learn, can't inherit the lessons learned, but CAN learn from them to a certain extent, but our lives have to be lived individually….. And to have the best core values as possible (for me it is Jesus), because those values will see you through the hardest of times, which do come…. (cancer survivor at the moment)…. So thanks for letting us share with you!

  21. As much as I love my kids son daughter and a daughter by another mother. We have seven grands and one great grand. My sister told me when they handed my granddaughter to me she saw me fall in love with her that second. I hate to say it but before I had my kid's and great grand kid's I wasn't crazy about being around other people's kid's. When my grand daughter came alone It changed my heart completely. They would come with Madison and my arms went to her first and I would sit down with her and talk to her and then realize I hadn't said anything to her parents. I look and tell them i was sorry and I love them too. Melissa it is a different type of love you will have for those grand kids. My grands range from 23 down to 7 and the grand is 2. You and Jeremy will be great grandparents.

  22. Brittany Sain. I love this couple. They make life and family actually fun. And after 19 years they are as much in love as when they first met. Watch this podcast you will enjoy it, I hope anyway. 😊😊😊

  23. I met my husband when I was 13 and he was 15. Was together that whole time and we married when I was 1 month away from 20 yrs old. Today we meet married for 44 1/2 years now. We totally grow up together and I’m 64 now and he’s 66. We have 2 children age 40 and 42 a son and a daughter. I wouldn’t change a thing. I love him more than ever. Love 💕 your channel and all you guys.

  24. I think you’ve created a relationship that is a safe haven. Knowing your partner isn’t going to walk away due to major hardships, you create an environment we’re you can be authentic with each other.

  25. I had gotten married young like you two did. However we had changed once we had children. My ex husband had said that I had changed and I wasn’t the same person as I was when we were in high school. I figured I had kids and I am a mother now and their provider and protecter. He also had changed and not for the better. Infidelity was in the marriage on my side however it was after the marriage started to fail big time. We were together for almost eleven years. I am now in a more stable relationship and i have a third child. All my children are safe now. And I no longer fear for my sanity.


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