OTTER MONSTER LODGE and WINNER WELL STOVE make ready for the season.


14 thoughts on “OTTER MONSTER LODGE and WINNER WELL STOVE make ready for the season.”

  1. Hello Jesse finally got to watch this all the way through lol. Awsome setup iv seen your other Otter videos man that's gotta be the caddilac of all tents/fishing shack whatever, I'd love to get one some day. Camping like a King brotha I love it and the food oh that's another story mouth watering delish. I love hearing the howling coyotes when I'm camping. Happy Trails Brotha see ya on the next one Peace.
    🇺🇸 ✌️ 🍻 🔥 🍻 🇺🇸

  2. Great vid, I've had a similar setup for the last 2 seasons and it is fantastic for longer sessions (had a session over 8 days last season, which is my longest session yet).
    From my experience I have done 3 investments that I would say where money well spent.

    1. A floor made of XPS foam sheets
    I have the Eskimo Fatfish 9416I and when using 120x60x5 cm XPS sheets I can cover the entire floor corner to corner of the tent by using 14 sheets.
    It's a lot of ekstra volume yes, but for longer trips it makes a hell of a difference with the overall comfort. And you are also using far less firewood. The other benefit is the enormous reduction in ice melting, before i had that floor it would be like walking in a shallow (and extremely slippery) pool after just 24 hours of running the wood stove (winnerwell woodlander large). Now it hardly melts because the floor is keeping the heat and radiation from the stove isolated away from the ice.
    Make sure you by some that are suited for water / high humidity, some sheet-types crumble up, but the once I've had are still going strong after 2 long seasons.
    And of course make a couple of holes that has a bit higher diameter than your auger so that you can drill some holes in your tent.
    PS: A friend has tested the clam floor for his shelter and it severely underperforms compared to XPS sheets, but it does take far less space when you are dragging out on the ice.

    2. A Honda EU 10i generator. For longer trips this will give you something to charge up batteries for all the electronics you bring out, everything from auger to cellphone. And I also use it to run a more powerfull fan behind the wood stove in order to get better heat circulation when it is biting cold outside. But I have my stove in one of the ends of the shelter, so getting the warmer air to the other end requires more power than a stove fan is capable of.

    3. A carbon monoxide alarm. This is a must have if I am going to sleep in the tent with the stove burning. And it has potentially saved my life once when it startet going of at the middle of the night. The stove had almost gone out but there was stil embers, the top of the pipe had almost clogged up completely due to changes in the weather. Not sure if I would have woken up ever again if it was not for the alarm going of.

  3. another vid to enjoy if you like barefoot mascato try the( risata mascato d assti) i think you will really enjoy it keep up the vids very relaxing even if im not able to get out myself👍

  4. Hi handsome, I have to comment,great channel, great product review and awesome gear. Q- would you add an option of adding a wood burning stove in side if it was offered by the company? Thanks v


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