OSU Insider: Will Howard To The Rescue?? Analyzing The Disaster At The Cotton Bowl



41 thoughts on “OSU Insider: Will Howard To The Rescue?? Analyzing The Disaster At The Cotton Bowl”

  1. That was a hard game for any college football fan to watch. I know you guys lost your "starting qb2" last night but honestly he did not look good cause your OLINE was absolute trash. If you guys keep Frye you might as well just fire Day now. Take the lumps over the next couple of seasons and get a real HC to coach that team. What good is it to have all that talent and still not win the games you need to win? Heard OSU fans bash James Franklin all the time…..Franklin looks like a poor man's Day. I would part ways with Day ASAP if I was OSU.

    1. He does not learn from mistakes
    2. He is a control freak with way to much on his plate for him to handle
    3. He has never proven he is a head coach
    4. The further you guys get from the Urban years the worse you look
    5. The conference is about to get much harder (So much so you and Michigan are gonna be looking up at another team on top of the BIG)

    I know Nevada and Kurt want to make you believe this is gonna get worked out, but it isn't. The longer Day stays, the worse the ultimate fall is going to be.

    Wish you guys all the best (no I am not gas lighting you, my father was a die hard OSU fan).

  2. You said Trevon Henderson looked explosive ! WHAT ! When ? Soon as he got the ball he was hit ! Even on passing the D line was going through all game untouched ! How can that happen ! I’ve never seen anything like it !!! How can a defensive end line up and no one on O line line up in front of him ! All game D line went in untouched ! Worse I’ve ever seen a O line look in any game I’ve ever watched !!!

  3. Kirt, from where I stand, we don't have an offensive line, we don't have a quarterback, we have an offensive coordinator trying to be a headcoach, we have a headcoach trying to be an offensive coordinator and your telling me everything is going to be OK?

  4. I could fill an entire dumpster with cups, coats ( regular + rain) buckeye necklaces etc. ! My daughter across town in Clinton mo. Text Missouri last night! THE TIGERS BELONG IN THE SEC !

  5. the only way Ohio state will improve is to get rid of Ryan Day. He had the tools given to him but lost to a second rate coach who out coached hi,. If he had let his quarterbacks alone they would have won, their pedagrees show they know how to win, Ryan Day does not. He blamed his quarterback for his loss to Michigan, when it was his calling the wrong plays and not getting of his so called stars for stopping his routes which led to interceptions.

  6. How do you not have your back up QB prepared to play?

    You had a month!

    Our last game was November 25th! And don't blame it on lost time because of McCord entering portal. He announced his portal entry on December 4th so you know Ryan knew before that. So Ryan has at minimum 4 weeks prepare his backup QB. Urban had his backups prepared enough to win playoffs and a Championship. Sure Urban had the occasional inexplicable loss but he won the big games. You know… the ones Ryan can't win.

    If you are okay with the Buckeyes being top 10 team, Coach Ryan Day is your man . But if we want to be #1 again we have to admit that he hasn’t figured it out. We have Quality QB we recruits not living up to their potential and not being properly prepared. We have problems every year with bad Offensive line, Offensive coaching AND bad play calling.

    Even our defensive coordinator is making bone head calls. How do you not have a spy on the QB especially for 3rd and long. How many times do you get burned before you adjust? Admit it our program and this cotton bowl are embarrassing.

    Just good enough to not get fired isn't cutting it.

  7. Day and osu pulled more 5 star kids than any school. A 3rd string qb just had to play. It's a big deal. Fsu went undefeated lost their qb and didn't make the playoffs because of it. Now everyone says losing a 2nd string osu should of won. Think about that dumb shit

  8. Your credibility is shot. You both said Brown was good and better than Honda McCord. No he was not even before his injury. He looked bad and OSU will lose 3 games at least next year if he starts.

  9. I’m surprised nobody mentioned what was the worst Visual all year from Ryan Day. It didn’t occur in this game.

    It tells Everything about who Ryan Day is and how the Players interact with him.

    It 💯 % explains our lack of a Championship Culture under him.

    I’m talking about during Early Signing Recruiting a couple of weeks ago when Ryan Day appeared to be begging and groveling for Jeremiah Smith to Sign.

    No way Saban, Urban, Harbaugh, and oh my God Woody, would EVER Project themselves like that to their Players.

  10. Ryan Day needs to higher a top level qb coach. He can not get it done with these clowns in the qb room. How in the hell can you take 6 qbs from top notch programs and the best is Kyle Mccord. Get me these guys and I will find a qb who can play. This is the same guy who coached Joe Burrow.

  11. It is good to be happy when u win and mad when u lose. But calling for R. Day job is insane. Last year they almost beat Georgia. No other team did what osu did last year. Not beating UM. So UM bought what 15 tickets to osu games. Had hours of footage of osu signals on a computer. They cheated 2 of 3 games. They should have those wins taken. Teams have off years. It happens. Look how osu is recruiting. A few minor fixes and we are good. We need a great qb. I'm sorry Will Howard isn't it neither is 33. I feel bad for him. But he's injury prone it sucks but it's true.

  12. Why is RD shaking up the Oline before the bowl game?..I saw Simmons line up with a DE outside his left shoulder and at the snap of the ball, he's looking towards the inside and the DE blows right by him. The sky's not falling? Come on Kirk, you say that every time we lose to TCUN. I'm a lifelong buckeye fan(76 yrs old),but even I have to admit that the program is SLOOOOOWLY going down hill, like a cancer. The team is not tuff, not focused( Marv was wearing a LV watch and cleats in the Georgia game. Do you really think Urban or Tress would hold still for that?) DB and LK were getting killed out there and Day makes NO ADJUSTMENTS. What happened to the quick throw game? The quick slants, short crossing routes, screens? And, not to mention that Trey had 2 guys on him as soon as he got the handoff. Sorry for the rant, but Tress/Urban spoiled me. Maybe hairball was right?

  13. FSU won the ACC championship with a 3rd string quarterback. Kansas State freshman 3rd string QB led his team to a bowl victory. But the OSU 3rd string QB we need to understand he was in an impossible situation. I am not buying it. I want to. I love OSU. I am an alum. But I am skeptical 😮

  14. Are you guys over-hyping Will Howard like Devin Brown?
    I saw his stats last year, he was bad against Texas and had a few other poor losing performances including against the same Mizzou team that we just too.

    Nevada Buck says think Big Arm, Inaccurate = young Josh Allen.

    But it’s 99 times more likely that Big Arm, Inaccurate = another Joe Milton, whom Harbaugh shelved 2 years ago.

  15. I was born bleeding Scarlet and Gray and I will die an unwavering Buckeye backer! I grew up in the shadow of the Hall of Fame in Canton and I come from the Tressel ancestry. Enough Cotton Bowl blame to go around. Ryan Day needs to give up offensive play calling to Brian Hartline. Ryan needs to throw caution to the wind and GO FOR BROKE no matter who the QB is. The Keystone Cops look like a SWAT team compared to our pathetic offensive line. Fire Justin Frey and Parker Fleming. Special teams are dazed and confused constantly. The defense was superb (Missouri was held well below season averages in scoring and yards). Collectively we need rapid dogs, assassins, and gridiron thugs on both sides of the ball!

  16. I actuality liked the way Klineholtch played with NO experience. Screens to trey would have helped. O line stunk, defense heroics were in full display in first half and even 3rd quarter. They just ran out of gas from the onslaught. Perhaps we should forget the stars have and let some walk ons like the jewel the other team found that was killing us. I'm happy for him.

  17. The Offensive Line/Coach is 🗑️‼️, & all you so called ball guys who said Air Noland didn’t have a shot at the QB1 job look like 🤡s. What i saw from #33 & #12 wasn’t it i would rather struggle with a freshman(braxston miller) than lose with these qb’s who’ve been in the program. Ryan Day the so called QB genius needs to go back to being an OC he is so focused on calling the plays that he is neglecting the rest of the team. Head Coaches are supposed to be CEO’s he’s supposed to focus on Offense,Defense, & Special Teams equally. Its been 5 years all Urbans players are gone, all these players are Ryan Day recruits we have neglected all positions if it isn’t QB,WR,& RB. We settle for In state OLine we put all our resources into skill players knowing the game is won in the trenches.
    We look really soft and finesse.

  18. Totally disagree. Watched Maryland play two young inexperienced QBs last night . I know one was a freshman. They both literally lite it up. Why? Their o line protected them and they were ready for the moment because they have been developed. After the shit show we put on I’m wondering what Day and the crew have been doing.

  19. #1. A toilet bowl no one really had a deep desire to go to from day 1. Watch the pressers.
    #2. A whole team, beat 1/3 of a team. Period.
    #3. When you MAKE a less than whole team go, to play a whole team, this is what you get.
    #4. Opt outs in this era, gives us what we just got. I personally couldn't care less anymore about these 3rd rate bowls. Let the players and coaches vote on whether to go or not.
    #5. 3rd string qb's CANNOT be made ready, by ANY coach.

  20. kirk i'm a realist to i been following oohio st swince mid 60's offfence embrassing they deffence as good as they played all year.doont do vcrap if devin brown diddnt get hurt ohio st wouldve vwon darre n u to prove it but it is what it is .move forward


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