OSP Update Radar Changes | NEBULOUS: Fleet Command

Core mechanics of radar are not changing but as revealed on the discord, a preview of 2 changes to radar due to come with the OSP update.

Radar visual effects will change from red to yellow and be less aggressive to your eyes, and a new feature that may be universal, by default on some with a module to others or purely module based, to be determined prior to release.

Want to read the full thread that kicked this off, go here: https://discord.com/channels/409638848302153728/409639435731468298/1042593725181853806
Nebulous Fleet Command Discord: https://discord.com/invite/nebulousfc


9 thoughts on “OSP Update Radar Changes | NEBULOUS: Fleet Command”

  1. Isn't the point of jamming to confuse the the sensors as what is there and what isn't?
    If anything they should have been orange because players were using the priority markings to defeat the mechanic.
    or here is a COUNTER-PROPOSAL
    Make this part of a mechanic that counteracts jamming such as burn-through, frequency hopping, or advanced radar or intelligence center.
    Do that and I will retract my complaint on this patch.

  2. I never really bothered with jamming, I only play BB & CH anyway, but this feels like it makes jamming less effective and less interesting. The visual clutter was part of the point. Just like any game, the loudest whiniest people get heard & catered to.

  3. Glad this change was made. EWAR should be about denying your enemy information while gathering it yourself, not about who spots the correct red diamond in the spazzfield of jamming radar contacts. Also the line of bearing indicator looks really nice and is a solid buff to home-on-jam weapons. I hope it isn't default, though. Should come with the adaptive tuner or something.


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